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Gran Turismo 4 Mobile to be PS2 port


works for Gamestop (lol)
I distinctly remember Sony saying something about connectivity with the PSP too. It'd be funny if you need both versions to unlock special cars...
tenchir said:
You are really giving me a headache, you are the one who kept saying it's the editor "interpretations" when they are refering to the interview with Yamauchi. The first paragraph alone about the interview is enough to say it's a port. You are the one who keeps saying otherwise.

Maybe you should get glasses. Headaches can be a sign of eye problems and it would also explain your difficulty reading because I never said that GT4Mobile wasn't a port, I only questioned your evidence that it would be a direct port and therefore go against Sony's 'no direct ports' policy (and not the fabricated 'no ports whatsoever' policy).


Die Squirrel Die said:
Maybe you should get glasses. Headaches can be a sign of eye problems and it would also explain your difficulty reading because I never said that GT4Mobile wasn't a port, I only questioned your evidence that it would be a direct port and therefore go against Sony's 'no direct ports' policy (and not the fabricated 'no ports whatsoever' policy).

My evidence??? The evidence is from a company who had direct contact with Sony!!! Read the damn PSP.IGN.COM article. As for straight port or not, the article is about Yamuchi interview's about GT4!!!! EVERYTHING IS IN THE ARTICLE!! You are the one who needs the reading glasses. Who was the one who said

I only just noticed that, so thank you for highlighting that quote. He says it'll be a port of GT4's system, which doesn't necessarily mean a straight port. He could be just be talking about the game engine and physics system.

That's nice but that is the editor's interpretation. The actual Yamauchi quotes are ambigious as to what posting the 'system' means.

This sound's like someone WHO DIDN'T EVEN READ THE WHOLE ARTICLE before giving their opinion. Yamuchi basically said it's a port!

Gran Turismo 4 Mobile for the PSP will essentially be a port of the PlayStation 2 Gran Turismo 4, said series producer Kazunori Yamauchi in an interview featured on Sony's official Japanese PlayStation Web site.

This could mean a straight port or or a port with different content. But when Yamuchi also said:

In the interview, Yamauchi states that he plans to keep the same amount of content on the PSP version, but the developers at Polyphony Digital are determining what needs to be done to the PS2 version to make it playable on the handheld.

It's basically a straight port if they did want they wanted.

Screw this, I am going to play SocomII.
tenchir said:
My evidence??? The article is about Yamuchi interview's about GT4!!!! EVERYTHING IS IN THE ARTICLE!! You are the one who needs the reading glasses. Who was the one who said.

I've demonstrated why Yamauchi's quotes are not clear. But fine answer me this. What does he mean by 'game system'? Are you honestly trying to tell me that that is completely clear in what it means? Are you honestly saying that it couldn't possibly mean any level of things from the entire game content for content or just the graphics engine or just the physics engine or both or maybe parts of both to varying degrees. It could have absolutely nothing to with the game content (which is what would determine whether the port was direct or not) or could have everything to do with content. And why not just 'same content' rather than 'same amount of content'. The former being unambigious the latter being open to different interpretations.

The problem here is that YOU didn't properly read what Sony said about ports and fabricated in your head a blanket no ports policy with which to scrutinise and troll GT4M.

I have not once in this thread said that GT4M wouldn't be a port. What I have done is correctly point out that it being a port does not mean that Sony have gone against their own police. Don't blame me because you tried and failed to turn a No Ports Policy into the new Toy Story graphics.


Have a fun! Enjoy!
Scoobert said:
PSP and PS2 are marketed towards the same crowd.

I don't think this is true at all. I actually believe PSP is marketed towards a new segment of the non-players market. Sony wants PSP to be the PlayStation of the portable market, and this means bringing in those that weren't interested in *portable gaming* (not in gaming as a whole).

PSP in really an extension of the PS to my eyes.


Die Squirrel Die said:
I've demonstrated why Yamauchi's quotes are not clear. But fine answer me this. What does he mean by 'game system'? Are you honestly trying to tell me that that is completely clear in what it means? Are you honestly saying that it couldn't possibly mean any level of things from the entire game content for content or just the graphics engine or just the physics engine or both or maybe parts of both to varying degrees. It could have absolutely nothing to with the game content (which is what would determine whether the port was direct or not) or could have everything to do with content. And why not just 'same content' rather than 'same amount of content'. The former being unambigious the latter being open to different interpretations.

The problem here is that YOU didn't properly read what Sony said about ports and fabricated in your head a blanket no ports policy with which to scrutinise and troll GT4M.

I have not once in this thread said that GT4M wouldn't be a port. What I have done is correctly point out that it being a port does not mean that Sony have gone against their own police. Don't blame me because you tried and failed to turn a No Ports Policy into the new Toy Story graphics.

It's a straight port from the mouth of Yamuchi. How does that not go against Sony own policy of no ports? No where in the article is it stated that it will have something that will differentiate it from PS2 ports.

Edit: Crap, I can't play Socom II and post at the same time. See ya.
tenchir said:
It's a straight port from the mouth of Yamuchi. How does that not go against Sony own policy of no ports?

But Yamauchi doesn't say it's a straight port. If you are talking about this...

In the interview, Yamauchi states that he plans to keep the same amount of content on the PSP version, but the developers at Polyphony Digital are determining what needs to be done to the PS2 version to make it playable on the handheld.

...'same amount of content' isn't the same thing as having the same content.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
Holy shit people. One of the best and most complex driving games ever made is going to be ported flawlessly to a handheld, and some of you have a heart to bitch about it. Just what kinds of stuck up crazy ass thinking drives you to do that?


Die Squirrel Die said:
But Yamauchi doesn't say it's a straight port. If you are talking about this...

In the interview, Yamauchi states that he plans to keep the same amount of content on the PSP version, but the developers at Polyphony Digital are determining what needs to be done to the PS2 version to make it playable on the handheld.

...'same amount of content' isn't the same thing as having the same content.

You didn't read "but the developers at Polyphony Digital are determining what needs to be done to the PS2 version to make it playable on the handheld." Now what does that implied?

I am getting killed like crazy on Socom II(more than normal).
tenchir said:
You didn't read "but the developers at Polyphony Digital are determining what needs to be done to the PS2 version to make it playable on the handheld." Now what does that implied?

Any number of things. In fact I'd say that the 'playable' comment edges the implication more towards gameplay, ie. physics, AI etc. rather than content.


Die Squirrel Die said:
Any number of things. In fact I'd say that the 'playable' comment edges the implication more towards gameplay, ie. physics, AI etc. rather than content.

Lol, you are really stretching it there buddy. There's a couple of things wrong with that, from the statement:

Yamauchi states that he plans to keep the same amount of content on the PSP version, but the developers at Polyphony Digital are determining what needs to be done to the PS2 version to make it playable on the handheld.

First, same content and determining what's need to be done on PS2 are linked, they are not in seperate sentence. Second, why would you need to change gameplay, it has to pretty pretty drastic change to make it not a port.

Edit: Does AI/Physic even count as content?


Fafracer forever
I only just noticed that, so thank you for highlighting that quote. He says it'll be a port of GT4's system, which doesn't necessarily mean a straight port. He could be just be talking about the game engine and physics system.
Well that's part of it, but I would say that by far the biggest thing that gets ported over is the content - cars/stages etc.
You don't seriously think they will create 800 completely new cars just so they won't be accused of "porting"...
Though I would expect some original content to be added too, if nothing else to diferentiate the product.
tenchir said:
Lol, you are really stretching it there buddy. There's a couple of things wrong with that, from the statement:

Yamauchi states that he plans to keep the same amount of content on the PSP version, but the developers at Polyphony Digital are determining what needs to be done to the PS2 version to make it playable on the handheld.

First, same content and determining what's need to be done on PS2 are linked, they are not in seperate sentence. Second, why would you need to change gameplay, it has to pretty pretty drastic change to make it not a port.

You accuse me of stretching and yet your first point is that because they are in the same sentence they are undoubtedly about exactly the same thing. That has got to be the most primary school level of language analysis I seen on this forum yet. Do you know nothing of compound sentences, particularly where the conjunction is 'but'?

And they could need to change the gameplay in order to fit the PSP's specs. The PSP may not be capable of handling the same amount of physics data as the PS2, or it may handle it in a different way. And what is more related to keeping a game as 'playable', having the same cars or having those cars control in the same way?

And finally, once again, for your reading impaired self, I have never said that GT4M isn't a port, just that it may not be a direct port. Go back and read the article you posted about Sony's policy regarding 'direct ports', think about what that means then come back to it.


Die Squirrel Die said:
You accuse me of stretching and yet your first point is that because they are in the same sentence they are undoubtedly about exactly the same thing. That has got to be the most primary school level of language analysis I seen on this forum yet. Do you know nothing of compound sentences, particularly where the conjunction is 'but'?

And they could need to change the gameplay in order to fit the PSP's specs. The PSP may not be capable of handling the same amount of physics data as the PS2, or it may handle it in a different way. And what is more related to keeping a game as 'playable', having the same cars or having those cars control in the same way?

And finally, once again, for your reading impaired self, I have never said that GT4M isn't a port, just that it may not be a direct port. Go back and read the article you posted about Sony's policy regarding 'direct ports', think about what that means then come back to it.

You probably have the mostly narrow definition for direct port ever. It's not enough that both version will probably have the same numbers of cars and tracks(identical cars and tracks too), but they have to have the same Physic/AI in order to be considered a direct port?
Fafalada said:
Well that's part of it, but I would say that by far the biggest thing that gets ported over is the content - cars/stages etc.
You don't seriously think they will create 800 completely new cars just so they won't be accused of "porting"...
Though I would expect some original content to be added too, if nothing else to diferentiate the product.

No I don't seriously expect that they would create 800 new cars and I never said I did. What I said was that nothing in Yamauchi's quotes absolutely locks down that content for content GT4M will be identical.

Sony's policy is no direct ports and as yet GT4M is unconfirmed to go one way or the other. That is what I have said from the beginning, why people have problems understanding that I don't know.


Fafracer forever
You probably have the mostly narrow definition for direct port ever. It's not enough that both version will probably have the same numbers of cars and tracks(identical cars and tracks too)
Well you know - one Could take car graphics, stage graphics, switch the view to overhead and change physics to matchbox vehicles and voila - a new SuperCars game.

Could you honestly still call that a GT port? :p

Sony's policy is no direct ports and as yet GT4M is unconfirmed to go one way or the other. That is what I have said from the beginning, why people have problems understanding that I don't know.
Fair enough, but you know that 1st party games don't follow the same rules as others do... They don't have to go through SCEA concept approval like every other game for instance...


Fafalada said:
Well you know - one Could take car graphics, stage graphics, switch the view to overhead and change physics to matchbox vehicles and voila - a new SuperCars game.

Could you honestly still call that a GT port? :p

Not a direct port, if at all since you basically changed the graphics and gameplay drastically. I don't really care about game engine since you can't use the same engine(I meant the codes behind the engines) for each sytems.

Would you say that GT4M is not be a direct port of PS2 GT4 if it's Physic/AI is slightly different? What's your perfect example of a direct port? If we all have that narrow definition, then Tekken 4/5 for PS2 isn't a direct port of the arcade, or any of Sega's arcade port for GC/PS2/XBOX/DC that matter.


Fafracer forever
Would you say that GT4M is not be a direct port of PS2 GT4 if it's Physic/AI is slightly different?
No that's not what I said, I said you can make a completely different game by reusing(porting if you will) graphics content.
If you want my opinion on what is likely to happen - GT4M physics will probably be for all practical purposes identical to GT4. But I don't think it'll be a straight copy of GT4 in terms of game options etc etc.


Fafalada said:
No that's not what I said, I said you can make a completely different game by reusing(porting if you will) graphics content.
If you want my opinion on what is likely to happen - GT4M physics will probably be for all practical purposes identical to GT4. But I don't think it'll be a straight copy of GT4 in terms of game options etc etc.

What difference you expect for it not being a straight port and why can't it be in PSP? And what's your perfect examples of direct/straight ports?


Fafalada said:
Ok now you lost me... what do you mean by "can't it be in PSP"?

Let's say if there's no online option in GT4M and there is in GT4, is that enough to consider it's not a direct port and why can't PSP do it, just for example.

Like I said before, are any of these considered not direct ports?

Arcade Tekkens > PS2

Arcade Virtual Fighters > PS2/DC

Arcade Mortal Kombat > SNES/Genesis/etc.


Better yet, let's say if the game had some extra's like costume and tracks, is it enough to considered it not a direct port?(DC Dead or Alive 2 > PS2 Dead or Alive 2 assuming Dead or Alive 2LE doesn't exist?)
Marconelly said:
Holy shit people. One of the best and most complex driving games ever made is going to be ported flawlessly to a handheld, and some of you have a heart to bitch about it. Just what kinds of stuck up crazy ass thinking drives you to do that?

Well you've gotta find something to complain about. Originally it was that they could complain about Sony telling lies about how the PSP could push PS2 quality graphics. Now that it's proven to be true, they've gotta find something else.


SolidSnakex said:
Well you've gotta find something to complain about. Originally it was that they could complain about Sony telling lies about how the PSP could push PS2 quality graphics. Now that it's proven to be true, they've gotta find something else.

It think it could push PS2 graphics as long as it doesn't render at PS2 resolutions.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
SolidSnakex said:
Well you've gotta find something to complain about. Originally it was that they could complain about Sony telling lies about how the PSP could push PS2 quality graphics. Now that it's proven to be true, they've gotta find something else.

Of course, we wouldn't have game forums if there wasn't something to complain about. :p


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16

*shoots everyone in this thread*

tenchir said:
It think it could push PS2 graphics as long as it doesn't render at PS2 resolutions.

Well people said it wouldn't even get close to PS2 graphics and would be lucky to be at mid level DC graphics. There was even one guy who claimed that the PSP wouldn't be able to have graphics any better than Death Jr since he believed that Sony wouldn't let another company show there game unless it represented the real graphics quality of the system.


And even i am moderately surprised
"I don't get it. What's the problem with having two versions of the same game available on the market? No one forces you to buy both and it's not like *all* PSP game are gonna be ports."

I dunno - do you not see how this is potentially a perception problem for Sony? I'm personally looking forward to the PSP because i -can- affort to blow cash on playing the same games i can play at home on the go. For me that's a big thing. But what i'm getting at is, if they are going to go down the port route , then they are basically going to be appealing to the PS2 userbase. As you say, no one forces you to buy both, so if i already own a playstation then the only advantage in investing a sizable amount of cash in PSP is for portability of the same games i may already have (or plan to have) at home.
DCharlie said:
. For me that's a big thing. But what i'm getting at is, if they are going to go down the port route , then they are basically going to be appealing to the PS2 userbase. As you say, no one forces you to buy both, so if i already own a playstation then the only advantage in investing a sizable amount of cash in PSP is for portability of the same games i may already have (or plan to have) at home.

All systems are going to have ports though. I think most people actually realise this, it's the people who have it out for the PSP that are making it out like that's all the system will have. It's not at all a big deal that the system is going to have ports, and it won't hurt the system either.


And even i am moderately surprised
"All systems are going to have ports though."

of course - but ports where you are going to have two identical games running on different hardware? I get what you are saying, and as i say , it's a -perception- issue for sony, not a slight at their hardware (which i'm extremely excited about).

"I think most people actually realise this, it's the people who have it out for the PSP that are making it out like that's all the system will have. It's not at all a big deal that the system is going to have ports, and it won't hurt the system either."

For me , this isn't really an issue that consumers have to worry about as such. Those that want the PSP have already made up their mind. Issues such as battery life , the screen, and price are actual concerns, but hell... no use speculating now , we should know the details in approximately 5 weeks time (TGS and (rumoured) preorder details at Tsutaya)


Junior Member
Um...What the hell is the big fuss over if something is a direct port or not or if Sony is allowing direct ports? I say fuck it leave it up to the developer and publisher to decide if they want to make a direct port or not. Why does something always have to be so godamn special.
DCharlie said:
"All systems are going to have ports though."

of course - but ports where you are going to have two identical games running on different hardware? I get what you are saying, and as i say , it's a -perception- issue for sony, not a slight at their hardware (which i'm extremely excited about).

Well having certain games that are the same running on different hardware might not be a bad thing for some. Take a car fan, he can now take his save and GT4 to work with him or to whereever he's going, same with a fan of sports games. Then come home and put his save back in his console GT4 and start right up. It's not like every game is going to be a port on the system, there are going to be those built completely from the ground up on the PSP. I just don't see what the big deal is. There are lots of ports on the DS too, and even alot that people are going wild over (OMG! the possiblity of playing CT on the DS!! WOWOW!). But are those ok because insteadof pausing and going into a menu you'll now being able to just pick up your stylus and pick the option you want? There seems to be a double standard on ports with these 2 systems, one it seems to be ok with the other its going to hurt for some reason.


"GAF's biggest wanker"
The ports argument always comes across as lopsided. It's typically made in a vaccuum that ignores the original content that's in development right alongside the "ports". It's certainly justifiable to be concerned that a game library may get too overloaded with ports but if you put aside the original content to do that, you're not exactly presenting the issue accurately.

Meanwhile, we've got this debate raging over whether Sony is an adulterer to their "No Direct Ports" policy. But we don't know when GT4 PSP is likely to arrive in retail (doesn't sound like anytime soon - certainly not launch period), we don't know how long SCE intends to keep the NDP policy in effect and we don't know what Polyphony might try to layer on top of the GT4 PSP experience that goes above and beyond the PS2 experience. So far, we know that Yamauchi is aiming to port as many of the GT4 systems and content as he can but there's also a number of ways he can take advantage of PSP features to do things not so easily done on the PS2 - adhoc wireless multiplayer, wireless transactions, larger save files because the PSP isn't limited to 8 meg memory cards, custom soundtracks, etc. - and of course there's possibility to just add new cars and tracks, much like has been done with the special editions of the GT series that have shown up around the globe in recent years.

If you were Sony how would you port GT4 to the PSP while adhering to the NDP policy? Not do it all? Add features? Remove Features? If so, what?
I'm not sure but....isn't there a Mario DS game that looks allot like the N64 game? Why would people complain about GT4 being a port then?

Besides,these two handhelds aren't gonna be the greatest come launch,its going to take time for both of them to gain a foothold on the software side of things.

If youre gonna buy one(or both)at launch then ports are to be expected,hell expect them throughout the lifetime of both really.
Especailly since the PSP and DS are based off hardware thats been already released. Its easy to see why 3rd partys are in love with handhelds.
Sony should never have made the "no ports" claim in the first place. There's no justification for designing new content for deliberately inferior hardware. Satisfy the portable people and make some extra bucks by tossing them a few ports of old crap. It's not like people who play portable systems have particularly high standards, anyway.

Let's keep the focus on the future and the next-gen systems, where it belongs. Every ounce of effort directed towards the PSP could be used to produce something much better on the PS3, instead. If games like this GT4 Mobile interfere with GT5 or similar high-end projects, the entire game industry is brought down as a result.


...and that, kids, was the first time I sucked a dick for crack
I don't even remember when Sony made this "no ports" claim everyone is talking about. Can we get some primary sources up in this bitch, please?


works for Gamestop (lol)
AlphaSnake said:
I don't even remember when Sony made this "no ports" claim everyone is talking about. Can we get some primary sources up in this bitch, please?

Quick google search on "playstation portable direct ports"



Of course, some could point out that Sony has already gone against its own rule. One of the only games actually announced for the system so far is Gran Turismo 4 Mobile -- a port of the upcoming PlayStation 2 racer -- and aside from WiFi online play instead of broadband networked play, the company has stated that GT4 is planned to be indistinguishable from its brother on the two systems. Whether it turns out that, as most other games at the show, GT4 was just a temporary demonstration example of a game that will in actuality end up in a significantly different form (think the difference between the early GT2000 when PS2 was first announced and the final GT3 delivered a year later) or if the company plans to break its own rule this one time just because GT4 is so covert-worthy is still unknown (the PSP version will show up long after the PS2 edition, so additional content may be their deal here.) However, this is a good indication that Sony has no intention of allowing the PSP to be a dumping ground for cash-ins -- they want new gaming experiences for the handheld crowd. And with the main competitor in the handheld space being Nintendo's unique DS system, gamers may well hold them to it.


"GAF's biggest wanker"
Neutron Night:

The PSP isn't "deliberately inferior" hardware. A number of developers indicate that it at least achieves parity in many ways with the PSP and in some ways exceeds it. It's also got built-in wireless networking and a much higher capacity removable, rewritable storage solution, neither of which are incorporated in most PS2s.

And the claim isn't "no ports", its no _direct_ ports, as far as anyone knows. If a dev was going to take the time to port a game anyway, I doubt a few extra features to distinguish the port would entail a huge extra drain on their resources.


Have a fun! Enjoy!
DCharlie said:
. But what i'm getting at is, if they are going to go down the port route , then they are basically going to be appealing to the PS2 userbase. As you say, no one forces you to buy both, so if i already own a playstation then the only advantage in investing a sizable amount of cash in PSP is for portability of the same games i may already have (or plan to have) at home.

As I said in my previous post:

"I don't think this is true at all. I actually believe PSP is marketed towards a new segment of the non-players market. Sony wants PSP to be the PlayStation of the portable market, and this means bringing in those that weren't interested in *portable gaming* (not in gaming as a whole)."

Think of it this way: you have heard about GT4 and how cool it is but you don't have a PS2 'cos you don't have time to play at home and don't want to invest money in something that will just stay there collecting dust. Then, the PSP is released. You can play with it everywhere and, wow, you got a perfect replica of that cool GT4 game you have heard about.

I think this is where Sony is aiming making PSP as close as possible to PS2 in order to ease the porting process. As a software house, you want to reach as much audience as possible don't you? With little effort you got your console game handed towards those not interested in domestic consoles. Obviously that's not the only target as much as PlayStation1 target wasn't just those that never got into videogaming or that got into it when they where kids and then abandoned it.

For this people, it makes sense for Sony to release as close as possible PS2-to-PSP ports. But then again, these people are not the only target, and you cannot control creativity. So we will see a healthy stream of original content too.


kaching said:
Neutron Night:

The PSP isn't "deliberately inferior" hardware. A number of developers indicate that it at least achieves parity in many ways with the PSP and in some ways exceeds it. It's also got built-in wireless networking and a much higher capacity removable, rewritable storage solution, neither of which are incorporated in most PS2s.

It's definitely inferior hardware if you were to try to make it do the same work as the PS2. Since the PSP graphics only needs to be developed on a much smaller screen, it wouldn't require much "horse power" as much and since the textures are lower res, the texture size are exponentially smaller. So with these in mind, you could get graphics that would matched PS2 if it outputs on small screens.

And the claim isn't "no ports", its no _direct_ ports, as far as anyone knows. If a dev was going to take the time to port a game anyway, I doubt a few extra features to distinguish the port would entail a huge extra drain on their resources.

Again, what constitutes a direct port? And give examples of them. Seems some people have very narrow definition of direct port. And since when is the term direct port and port became so different?


TTP said:
Spider-Man 2: The Movie is a direct port I guess :p

I am going to assume you are not kidding. :p What is it a direct port of? Isn't there different extras for each platform? If you are going to use that defintiion, then basically direct ports are whole game with few difference(extras), wouldn't apply to nearly all "ports".
tenchir said:
Again, what constitutes a direct port? And give examples of them. Seems some people have very narrow definition of direct port. And since when is the term direct port and port became so different?

A direct port is a game that's the same on every system. There might be some slight sound and graphic differences, but the basic game is exactly the same. You aren't going to find any extras in a direct port. Now a port could have extra characters, weapons, cars, courses ect.


SolidSnakex said:
A direct port is a game that's the same on every system. There might be some slight sound and graphic differences, but the basic game is exactly the same. You aren't going to find any extras in a direct port. Now a port could have extra characters, weapons, cars, courses ect.

Then give some examples of direct ports. Or.... you could use google game+direct+port and get a lot of results that basically says ports=direct ports.


Have a fun! Enjoy!
Yeah. I consider the PS2 version of Viewtiful Joe a direct port of the GC one even if there is a gun shooting Dante extrta character in it.
tenchir said:
Then give some examples of direct ports. Or.... you could use google game+direct+port and get a lot of results that basically says ports=direct ports.

Sports games. They for the most part are all direct ports.


TTP said:
Yeah. I consider the PS2 version of Viewtiful Joe a direct port of the GC one even if there is a gun shooting Dante extrta character in it.

Bingo, that's my definition of direct ports or basically ANY ports. It's the same game even if it had extra's. This is my definition of direct ports since I have read it often in reviews of ports(GBA for example had a lot direct ports with extra's mentioned in reviews).

See what I mean here? This whole time I am arguing about Sony doing a 180 on their No Port policy, even "No Direct Ports" and we have people arguing that adding extra doesn't count as direct port and therefore doesn't violate their policy.


And even i am moderately surprised
Just to clarify - i'm personally HAPPY that we'll get all these ports to the PSP! For me that's what makes me want to get it - VF4 on the go, GT4 on the go, WE8 on the go - etc etc...

"Think of it this way: you have heard about GT4 and how cool it is but you don't have a PS2 'cos you don't have time to play at home and don't want to invest money in something that will just stay there collecting dust. Then, the PSP is released. You can play with it everywhere and, wow, you got a perfect replica of that cool GT4 game you have heard about"

Yes, i get that. But they can't just be aiming for that market alone, because i don't think people would pay that price and there aren't enough of them to sustain the launch.

"If you were Sony how would you port GT4 to the PSP while adhering to the NDP policy? Not do it all? Add features? Remove Features? If so, what?"

I'd actually be pushing the port aspect more personally. I documented this ages ago when i said they should push the play-at-home-continue-on-the-go aspect.

I personally think that Sony is actually targetting the adult gamer with cash to burn - ie: those with Ps2s who long for those sort of games on the go, at least initially.

As for original content, so far i haven't really seen much of anything to make a comment, but i'm interested in MG:Acid if the similar-to-Xcom rumours are true.

Sony on ports : they didn't say NO PORTS. I don't have a link , but i recall that they wanted to keep below a certain percentage of ports.
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