41 pulls and all I got was the new SR and SSR Sarunan.
Hope its Light Sarunan, cause Dark Sarunan sucks.
30 pulls, at least one SSR in each pull. Got the new SSR character twice in the same pull and ended up being my only new SSR character. -_-
Gilgamesh and Morrigna which seem like really bad SSR summons. Hodgepodge of Rs and SRs.
Basically got all three of the new characters they added.
I guess I'm allowed to be lucky sometimes, at least I got the event summon on the first pull lol
Fuck this game. Had 40 rolls. Get 1 characters I already had and a vaseraga. That means nearly every pull I've done in this game has been a dark character. Six different dark SSR plus dupes. I think I'm up to 4 dupes now. Yeah gold moons
70 pulls
1x SSR Kaguya summon
Feather SR is really good and my favorite unit so far. I've decided to go light because of him but it seems like a crazy grind.I only did one pull got a bronze moon. Probably use my 10 draw ticket later today. I hope I get the light guy or bandages pretty boy.
Zzzzz my mood just went from 100 to 0.
45 pulls 0 ssr, my team character pull are already bad enough and this shit happen.
Now i really dunno who should i ticket for this ST.
Are there any good team that i can build with Rosetta and Carmelina?
If i am going Light, is Jeanne good to start with?
I really should have, this 1 ST made me really really desperate for another SSR to accompany with.Should've said for Summer!
Rosetta is really good! I don't know much about wind teams though.
Jeanne is a core for light teams. Get either her or Amira if you wish to go light.
Going to just build a wind team, because apparently any baby can do that. Instead of doing this event, and just save the 1/2 potions of the tales event.
Ok, correct my thinking if this is wrong, but isn't the next GW boss going to be Fire type? My thinking based on the past few GWs:
2 months ago: Earth boss, need Wind team
1 month ago: Water boss, need Earth team
Next month: Fire boss, need Water team
Basically the boss you fight is the type your team should be next month.