That's my end build for fire, sorry if you find it offensive. About half of my friend Shivas are MLB, and I'll be there myself in a few GW. I'm hoping it won't be more than one more Xeno ifrit event to get to 5 flamescythes.
I feel like it shouldn't have had to be said but I think it needs to be said now. To put context to my comment about magna fire...
1) I was talking about the average player's magna fire options, which would be your own colo aura + a shiva assist
2) I said "you don't even need a grid full of ecke" but I never said you don't need
3) The fact that such potential higher output builds using shiva or agni exists does not in any way mean that magna fire is not very strong these days.
I mean, if you wanna farm your brains out for xeno in the short timeframe(s) they're available, and you lucksack your way into a shiva of your own, more power to you, but that's far from necessary to make a good fire grid.
Are you disputing that the game is at least a little p2w, which was my point, or are you simply nit-picking here?
Neither? I brought up agni in comparison to magna for fire, and varuna has nothing to do with either in that context. As far as P2W goes, let's not equate having a primal summon with P2W, because anyone can draw a primal with a free or crystal roll, and you can build a good primal grid for fire and water without spending money. Of course ticketing (edit: or sparking/whaling) a grid full of grand character and/or moon weapons is gonna produce some incredible output, but so what? No one is arguing otherwise. agree with me and DtL that if you are forced to play magna fire, more AES are better than Colo canes?
I guess? I never disputed anything about eckes. You can get
at least one AES every 5 weeks, too, so it's not like they're that hard to get for an experienced player.