Guild war weapons have a multi-step upgrade system in order to obtain GW characters. Theres a slight stats boost upon awakening the weapon. There is also a change of ougi. Item requirements differ only in the element of some items based on the element of the weapon you are upgrading. For example, a dark gw weapon will require dark mats, while a fire gw weapon will require fire mats. You can refer to the lb item section to find where to get most of the items. The ones not there I tried listing below where to obtain.
Step 1. Awaken the weapon.
Step 2. Change element
Step 3. Find all 14 rare weapons from rare encounters, 5 mithra anima, and pay 200k rupee in order to upgrade shop. Make sure you use the SR mushroom girl that increases rare encounter appearance rate. It makes a huge difference when hunting. She is farmable in chapter 25 special sr character only quest.
Step 4. Have to upgrade the weapon 6 different times.
Step 5. Get SSR character, yay!