To be honest, I'm kind of happy. To many raids getting instant filled up and destroyed.
Or not finished. Some of my proto raids didn't finish because it's not worth the pot when the run costs only 2 EP.
To be honest, I'm kind of happy. To many raids getting instant filled up and destroyed.
Check your mailbox. I didn't think I got mine either but it was just sitting in there.
There are 2 more chapters left, but that fight is considered real final boss for ARC 1 story.I need some help with story Chapter 62-4. Spoilers!
Is there a gimmick to the Akasha fight or do I simply need a really strong team to take it down? It has a lot of HP!
Which exclusive chars, if any, are available for you?
Usual warning but being light is suffering. I can testify, I stuck to light from day one. If you have Ferry, you can't go wrong with Amira, but getting her to level 90 will take a while. I don't have Jeanne so I can't tell if she is better. Certainly easier to use than Amira/Ferry duo. Ultimately, the 3 of them make the mvp light team for mid game. Otherwise, do check for limited char with your ticket.
By the way, FYI the current gacha banner promo ends on May 30th JST which is the same day as when GW ends. Can probably expect LegFest after that.
Is there a way to check in-game? I'm cross-referencing my list with the wiki, but it's taking a bit of time.
I thought it ends tonight. That's when Ayer goes away, so makes sense for the gatcha to update to get rid of him.
Does seem a bit soon for legfes, so maybe some filler?
Damn TrickRoom, sorry should have put more effort in it.
Next GW for sure. This water boss is really hard with Fire team.
Looking at the order, the next boss should be Fire right?
Hmm isnt last 1 Earth? That dinosaurs.Last one was fire was it not?
what's that, you wanted a surprise ticket?
and a star legend
in general, if the current gatcha pool doesn't have a character, its limited
YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!what's that, you wanted a surprise ticket?
and a star legend
what's that, you wanted a surprise ticket?
and a star legend
Dark Jeanne too. O_OShit they area actually letting you pick limited characters like Ferry and Korwa for surprise ticket!
Sorry, would help if I knew.Can someone help me with this issue? Trying to use my Play credits to buy GC but it's not letting me. Asked before but no definite answer.
also i broke the game for 12 hours korwa is surprise ticket-able
so is i was op for 4 hours harazena
and i guess i wasn't cool enough to give everyone refunds dark jeanne
Is Athena a good summon? I got her in my Famitsu draw right now.
Seems to be a new version of the webapp?
how is webapp version compared to chrome app?
And it's still not using the high-res assets which the Chrome app uses, lame.Seems to be a new version of the webapp?
The Chrome app version is the best, at least on my experience.
I'm tempted. I'm currently using:Dark Jeanne's ticketable? Huh, that's tempting, though I've a feeling she replaces Lady Grey, which I ticketed the last time. Didnt think they'd let you surprise ticket limited characters. Dark jeanne/Vampi/Six is the new "optimal" dark meta isnt it?
I'm tempted. I'm currently using:
but I'm thinking of switching out Vaseraga for Dark Jeanne. I was originally going to grab Lady Grey, but I guess I should go for Dark Jeanne in this case? I obviously don't have Six yet, as that will take many months of grinding. >_<
Thanks for the input. I'll give it some time and then decide. I love the design for both Lady Grey and Dark Jeanne, so I can't really lose either way, haha.As far as I can gather DJ is sort of the upgrade/sidegrade for LG, then with Six and SSR Vera you get the best damage return from Bahamut weapons (due to race). So those three would give you max dps, handy for shooting for MVP and such. On the other hand I'd say the old Lady Grey/Vampy/Naru team has better survivability/utility so you'd want them for progression/HL play (another twenty levels till thats an issue for me so cant really say). At the moment I'm using Vampy / Lady Grey / Cerberus, Dark Jeanne is tempting but I might get Naru to replace Cerberus.
3k yen for a ten-pull, with at least one guaranteed SSR (can be a dupe). Surprise Ticket is the better value, since you get a ten-pull in addition to an SSR (from the current pool) that you can choose. You're guaranteed to get something you can use, with a chance for more from your ten-pull (save it for a LegendFes!).What's Star Legend?
Seems to be a new version of the webapp?
Glad to see they've decided to stop the limited edition treatment for normal SSR's -
Amira's moveset seems pretty awesome... and I don't mind the grind. If I do max her out, is it worth it for High Level play?
Well now you did it. Time to decide!I was typing this:
Since I cant buy MobaCoins anymore (this happened after last SL) with my credit card, Iam not going to buy ST either. Time to be F2P.
Then I did this with mobile app:
Draw -> 90 mc daily -> Buy 3k mobacoins (2860 Yens) -> Use Credit Card (as usual) Insert information -> Payment succees.
Wtf \o_ I have 3010 Mobacoins (had 10 left). _o/
Now I really dont know who I will pick from Surprise Ticket...
Glad to see they've decided to stop the limited edition treatment for normal SSR's -
The rebalancing is not limited to the previously mentioned characters; some other game content will be rebalanced too.
Can someone help me with this issue? Trying to use my Play credits to buy GC but it's not letting me. Says purchase currency isn't supported, and the currency is in USD. Asked before but no definite answer.
Well now you did it. Time to decide!
Question is, shall we get LegFest after ST expires.I love the concept of surprise tickets, but man trying to figure out who to get is always torture