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Grand jury declines to indict police officer in fatal shooting of 12yr old Tamir Rice

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The things that I want to say have to place in this type of forum. So I will refrain.

These kinds of people think that the persecuted ones are to forget often I suppose. This makes it even more perplexing to then note that these kinds of people seem to think they will be safe forever.
The whole system needs to be changed. After all these non-indictments, we all know the score.

It's how we go about fixing it that's the issue. Frankly, the time to be reactionary is over.
Not trying to start another thread war but your amendments are fucking dumb. How can something written 200+ yrs ago be cited to this day

Is there anyway the family can appeal?
I wouldn't. Part of the reason this shit keeps happening is that cops know black people won't shoot back.

Pretty much. If black people were as scary as many of these folks think (in other words, if they reacted like them), their ancestors would have ended up like Anderson Cooper's*, nevermind the cops themselves.

*His ancestor got killed by a slave.


Ya know...when I was a cop, I got called to something eerily similar...the kid's gun even looked the same.

Know what I did? Parked a bit away, approached casually and not threatening while being cautious, asked to see the gun, saw that it was a toy, and then proceeded to play with the kid for about 10 mins or so...you know why??


Holy shit, this is just beyond belief...guy shouldn't even be carrying a firearm let alone responding to calls like this.

So so so so so sad...poor kid....man....

Why did you stop being an officer?
Sad part is on Facebook I see so many mistakes talking about "It was a good clean shot" or my favorite "one less thug on the streets".

Sometimes my veil of sanity slips and I wish death upon those people.


Ya know...when I was a cop, I got called to something eerily similar...the kid's gun even looked the same.

Know what I did? Parked a bit away, approached casually and not threatening while being cautious, asked to see the gun, saw that it was a toy, and then proceeded to play with the kid for about 10 mins or so...you know why??


Holy shit, this is just beyond belief...guy shouldn't even be carrying a firearm let alone responding to calls like this.

So so so so so sad...poor kid....man....

I really appreciate this post, coming from former LEO. A realistic tone, emotion, not just being a cold robot. I know there are a bunch of people like you on the force(s), but it seems very hard for officers to be honest about these situations.

While its common sense, what you did, I still see the justification of the miami-vice tactic of rolling up in front of an allegedly armed person, just to get yourself in a position to 'defend' yourself with lethal force.

Really appreciate it.


I look forward to the cop's interview in a year where he says some crazy shit like Darren Wilson.

Everyone always forgets that in the wake of the supposed "evidence" proving Darren Wilson's testimony it turned out he was actually a racist ass motherfucker. Hmm.

Shameful shit what Tim McGinty did in the Grand Jury proceedings in this case.


Why did you stop being an officer?

I saw the writing on the wall...where it was heading.

It stopped being about protecting and serving...more about politics, ass kicking, and who has the biggest dick...not to mention working among people who were clearly mentally unfit for the job and bloodthirsty didn't help either.

Also, I still have nightmares about shit I saw and dealt with...it was stressing me beyond belief.
The whole system needs to be changed. After all these non-indictments, we all know the score.

It's how we go about fixing it that's the issue. Frankly, the time to be reactionary is over.

The time to be reactionary has been far over. Something needed to have been along time ago but, its been a long hard damn fight for all minorities to just get the same basic rights white people especially white men in the US enjoy. The truth is minorities and especially black people in general have always and still to this day are considered second class citizens by most of america or bs like this would not continue to happen. If you are a black male avoid the police at all cost for the safety of your life or your family, friends, neighbors etc. This is how over policed black males are in america their are around 200,000 women combined in prison in the US. Their are around 800,000 black males in prison. that number is even more outrageous when you factor in their are 161 million women in the Us and just 18 million black males. When their are 4 times as many black men in prison as their are women combined their is a damn problem.

Not trying to start another thread war but your amendments are fucking dumb. How can something written 200+ yrs ago be cited to this day

Is there anyway the family can appeal?

You can not appeal something that never even went to trial. The prosecutor wants no part of prosecuting this or any other officer. The only legal action the family has left is to sue and leave the tax payers footing the bill in the lawsuit.


I really appreciate this post, coming from former LEO. A realistic tone, emotion, not just being a cold robot. I know there are a bunch of people like you on the force(s), but it seems very hard for officers to be honest about these situations.

While its common sense, what you did, I still see the justification of the miami-vice tactic of rolling up in front of an allegedly armed person, just to get yourself in a position to 'defend' yourself with lethal force.

Really appreciate it.

I appreciate it, thank you.


Everyone always forgets that in the wake of the supposed "evidence" proving Darren Wilson's testimony it turned out he was actually a racist ass motherfucker. Hmm.

Shameful shit what Tim McGinty did in the Grand Jury proceedings in this case.

And had a history of sketchy shit.
The things that I want to say have to place in this type of forum. So I will refrain.

These kinds of people think that the persecuted ones are to forget often I suppose. This makes it even more perplexing to then note that these kinds of people seem to think they will be safe forever.

Why do you think police have been militarizing so aggressively? They're clearly preparing for open revolt.


Ya know...when I was a cop, I got called to something eerily similar...the kid's gun even looked the same.

Know what I did? Parked a bit away, approached casually and not threatening while being cautious, asked to see the gun, saw that it was a toy, and then proceeded to play with the kid for about 10 mins or so...you know why??


Holy shit, this is just beyond belief...guy shouldn't even be carrying a firearm let alone responding to calls like this.

So so so so so sad...poor kid....man....

Why aren't all cops expected/trained to do this? Why isn't this the standard?
I hate to say it, but could anyone really blame people if they started seeking vigilante justice?

It's apparently the only option for justice that still exists.

The fact that people haven't risen up and just burned the whole fucking system down astounds me. What will it take?
You can not appeal something that never even went to trial. The prosecutor wants no part of prosecuting this or any other officer. The only legal action the family has left is to sue and leave the tax payers footing the bill in the lawsuit.

That's crazy in the UK (and Europe) you can challenge any decision of a Govt dept to the Courts

For e.g if the same happened here it would go to the High Court > Court of Appeal, then if it was an important case/point of law to the Supreme Court. You could also, if it infringed on a persons human rights appeal it to the European Courts (which Tamir would as a right to life)


Quoting myself from several months ago:

...Well, I'm at a complete loss for words.

We had video evidence and everything.

And yet police murdering an unarmed 12-year-old boy in a drive-by in broad daylight results in nobody being held accountable.

... So, what are our options? Rioting? It seems nothing short of a civilian uprising can stop an insane police-state from butchering a child without repercussions.

Geez... Just... ugh.

... What could possibly be done for his family? For his mother and sister? For the family whose unarmed child was gunned down in broad daylight on camera and whose murderers roam free without any consequences? All while their dead son is slandered publicly and his death "justified" because of things such as his skin color, his size, and his neighborhood?

It was murder. Many of us saw it.

... Things MUST change. But it certainly won't change with the authorities we have now.


Why aren't all cops expected/trained to do this? Why isn't this the standard?

Because a lot of guys get into it for all the wrong reasons and can't wait to get in a situation where they fight someone or can pull their guns...point blank.
Why aren't all cops expected/trained to do this? Why isn't this the standard?

Untrained and unskilled, under-educated assholes. Just a guess.. some of these must also have a complete detachment of empathy or compassion. If it was a white kid perhaps they could relate to it. Think twice to realize that it is a kid with a toy gun, and try to diffuse the situation without lethal force.


This is why #BlackLivesMatter exists...because apparently they don't matter.

You can kill unjustifiably kill a black person (in this case a damn child) and not face any consequences.

Of all the cases we've seen thus far, you would think this one was open and shut.

The criminal justice system in this country is disgusting.


This is why #BlackLivesMatter exists...because apparently they don't matter.

You can kill unjustifiably kill a black person and not face any consequences.

Thats the only real outcome here. that is all I am left with. The rest of the nation is OK with this. This is very infuriating, and, well.. a bit terrifying.

Video didn't matter. Fear of blacks, and justification of putting us down is all that matters.
I wouldn't, but politicians and the media will. Conservatives will blame protestors and liberals. Liberals will beg for calm, but will propose no solutions.
Yup, this is exactly what will happen. People need to stand up and fight back. Everyone's gonna ask for peaceful protests, but it's pretty clear those don't work.


Because a lot of guys get into it for all the wrong reasons and can't wait to get in a situation where they fight someone or can pull their guns...point blank.

I hope this doesn't sound sexist but I'm going to say it anyway.

Is the answer to some of this potentially more women in the police force?

It just seems that women tend to have different motivations for joining law enforcement. I'm sure there are SOME women out there that would prove me wrong, but my suspicion is that there is less ego involved for them. On average, they aren't nearly as trigger happy as men.

Am I being completely ignorant?
Why do you think police have been militarizing so aggressively? They're clearly preparing for open revolt.

A number of factors have contributed, most of them unintentionally imo. Federal funding for example is a thing where if you don't use up all your federal funds allocated by years end, then your funding for the next year is cut. So cops go through insane military-level gear just to up the budgets, and everyone gets apocalypse level weapons and vehicles that belong in Mad Max.

Second is not to be dismissed, the bad guys are also heavily armed. Local gangs, Eastern European gangs, Asian, and South American backed gangs are all armed to the teeth, taking handguns in against paramilitary level gear is suicide. Much of the gangs are armed such to fight each other for territory and control, but they are less and less afraid every year to use it against cops.

Its not an impossible situation for us to back out of, and local leaders are making headway. We have to first de-escalate the war on drugs, that is the root cause of so many of our problems like gang warfare, high rates of incarceration in poor communities, lack of adult leaders for young males, and so on. Second is reforming the prison system so people aren't sent to jail for life for minor offenses, Obama has been working on that quietly and we see some of the 3 strikes type laws rolled back.

Third is re-working the entire police hiring and training system so its more the European model where their first response isn't overwhelming force but contain and question. This is going to be the hardest to change, since you need to get rid of thousands of senior people who will be unwilling to change and their bad influence continues to rot new hires. Since police departments are very decentralized, we'll see it slowly change in one city to another and its going to realistically take decades.

This isn't a problem that was created in the past few years, our zero tolerance policy we setup in the 80s has created a behemoth police state and its going to take much longer to undo all the things we thought were a good idea at the time.
You'd think in this day and age, where your actions are likely to be filmed by something or someone, that most of these assholes would be serving time... Not the case, it seems.
A 12-year old kid, and they get away with it. I'm not even surprised anymore.


Only a fascist police states allow citizens to be murdered in cold blood by officers of the law like this. Even 12yo kids aren't safe from these predators.



“We have never seen a prosecutor try so hard to lose a case,” said Jonathan S. Abady, a lawyer for Tamir's mother, Samaria Rice. He has accused Mr. McGinty of hiring “pro-police experts” to evaluate evidence and has faulted him for allowing Officer Loehmann and his partner to read personal statements to the grand jury without being cross-examined.

dude didn't even question the officers on the stand. just let them get up, read a statement, and step down.

literally a farce.


In a series of blistering letters, Ms. Rice's lawyers have accused Mr. McGinty of prosecutorial misconduct and demanded that he step aside. Mr. McGinty has refused. And he has even appeared to publicly accuse Ms. Rice and her lawyers, who are pursuing civil claims against the city, of seeking to profit from her child's death.

“They're very interesting people” who “have their own economic motives,” Mr. McGinty said last month.

lol this guy is a caricature
Well thank you for one and secondly, funny you mention that...I had actually got wind I was on the brink of being fired because I wasn't being "proactive" and "aggressive" enough.

That was the final straw, said fuck this, and resigned my position the next day

This is what integrity looks like.


I can't even be mad anymore, just...fucking hell man. Tamir was only a few years younger than I am, being black is a dangerous thing around the world
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