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Grand jury declines to indict police officer in fatal shooting of 12yr old Tamir Rice

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I realise we arent politicians but has anyone got any alternatives to rioting that will actually change things? Eg being investigated by a different jurisdiction, how would you make that happen?
I realise we arent politicians but has anyone got any alternatives to rioting that will actually change things? Eg being investigated by a different jurisdiction, how would you make that happen?

This kind of stuff happens when rioting occurs, forcing them to do something to quell the anger. It's hard to ignore it, and easy to ignore peaceful protesting because it's not hurting anything.

Ok then, why aren't you rioting right now? If it's so effective and fool proof and guaranteed to solve this problem isn't it morally wrong not to?

Because rioting isn't an active choice by people, it's something that happens when oppression bubbles up to the surface and explodes, when people hit a breaking point. It's constantly a last resort.

I've also never expressed a desire to see people riot, because if I did, it would mean that I would want people to potentially get killed for their cause while I sit safely behind the glow of my monitor. The only thing I've ever said, and will ever say, is that I won't judge the rioters for being forced into that last resort after all other avenues have failed.


I realise we arent politicians but has anyone got any alternatives to rioting that will actually change things? Eg being investigated by a different jurisdiction, how would you make that happen?

That's what happened here. Two separate reports from outside parties that investigated and reached the same result. A retired FBI agent and a Colorado prosecutor both had independent investigations on the Ohio incident and came up with similar conclusions.
The only way to get the rich white people to start caring about the poor black people that the cops like to shoot is totally for the poor black people to attack the rich white people. That totally won't reinforce any of the negative stereotypes they love to think about and use to justify all this horrid shit they do.
The stereotype is perpetuated to control behavior. You consider order more important than justice.
So fucking disgusting. Cops had no basis to shoot the kid. He hadn't hurt anyone and the cops rushed in there like they were taking down a terrorist who was mowing people down. Like others have mentioned, if this was a white kid they would not have been so quick to rush in guns blazing. I'm not calling the cops racist but they sure as shit are biased.
Rich white men riot over taxes and they are heroes and we celebrate their riots every year in July.

Black people riot after hundreds of years of oppression and they're just animals...


I don't have an obsession with fixes that are absolute and perfect, I just think fixes should actually be fixes and not symbolic gestures that don't actually accomplish anything. You keep pointing to effects of rioting that have no inherent value. The effects exist, yes, but nothing is better.
You know, if it wasn't for a little riot in Boston, you might have a police force more resembling the English police force, so maybe you're right.

You're being willfully ignorant if you think riots can't have a positive effect.


This shit actually made me shed a tear. At this point I'm terrified of ever having to deal with the police. Fuck them.



Well, I'm at a complete loss for words.

We had video evidence and everything.

And yet police murdering an unarmed 12-year-old boy in a drive-by in broad daylight results in nobody being held accountable.

... So, what are our options? Rioting? It seems nothing short of a civilian uprising can stop an insane police-state from butchering a child without repercussions.

Geez... Just... ugh.
@AriMelber 1m1 minute ago
Now: Prosecutor Tim McGinty says he does not believe law requires police to wait and see if a gun is actually real.

the law is the problem. it unduly protects police from responsibility. until it changes we're going to keep getting these results. The law it set up to justify this killings. Its a mistake to think we can keep trying to get reform from the same system.


Breaking news on CNN, presss conference: Officers won't be charged.



@AriMelber 1m1 minute ago
Now: Prosecutor Tim McGinty says he does not believe law requires police to wait and see if a gun is actually real.

the law is the problem. it unduly protects police from responsibility. until it changes we're going to keep getting these results. The law it set up to justify this killings. Its a mistake to think we can keep trying to get reform from the same system.

If they thought for a moment it was real they would never have driven straight up to the kid and got out.

They'd have parked a short distance and ordered the kid to lay down his firearm.

This is bullshit.
@resnikoff 6m6 minutes ago
Prosecutor says it was his recommendation that grand jury not indict Tamir Rice shooter
@resnikoff 5m5 minutes ago
In explaining decision not to indict, prosecutor says Tamir Rice's "size made him look much older"
another reminder black children don't get to be kids.

If we don't get reminded of our place we might forget we ain't shit :/

beyond the world and me gets this point across to the point of nausea. its so sad. black lives matter less in this country. anyone who has not fully realized this in the past 3 years is blind.


I'm listening to Tim McCunty's fucking press conference and my fucking blood pressure is going the way fuck up.

Burn this shit the fuck down.
How in the hell is this even remotely justified????

Absolutely disgusting....I don't know how any sane human being can watch that video and feel it was justified.
Is anybody actually surprised?

I live in Akron and all the news here has been how much McGinty has been doing to NOT indict them.
It makes Daniel Holtzclaw's conviction that much more amazing.

He left the witnesses alive. If they're dead its only your side of the story.

I have no doubt some police officers kill people so the person can't testify against them, in fact we just saw it with the LA murder

Is anybody actually surprised?

I live in Akron and all the news here has been how much McGinty has been doing to NOT indict them.

He admitted his recommendation was not to indict
another reminder black children don't get to be kids.

I was a big kid growing up and my parents unfortunately drilled it in my head that I couldn't do what my White friends did (like own toy guns) cause I'm big and black and shit like this could happen. Sad.

beyond the world and me gets this point across to the point of nausea. its so sad. black lives matter less in this country. anyone who has not fully realized this in the past 3 years is blind.

Not just blind. Blindness suggests they can't see. They see it just fine. It's just that they don't care. For them it's always 'the blacks' fault and something about rap music and bad fathers.


Junior Member
What in the fuck. Stop calling that guy a prosecutor, rename his position to "I justify MURDER for a living"


One hand I am grown numb to this bullshit, don't get me wrong it still hurts.

But on the other hand I am to the point that maybe a city or 2 needs to burn.

The Kree

I know cop guns are real and many of them are much bigger than me. So when I roll up and just start shooting them, they can't put me in jail? Good to know.
One hand I am grown numb to this bullshit, don't get me wrong it still hurts.

But on the other hand I am to the point that maybe a city or 2 needs to burn.
It is a horrible thing to say but the only way change will happen is if innocent white kids start dying and that is fucking sad people shouldn't have to die for shit like this to change.

White people by in large don't give a shit because it doesn't affect them, pretend racism isn't the reason or because we brown people are scary. But if it were numerous middle-upper class white kids, not low income whites because they get blown away by cops too, something would change.

The catch? Cops think twice before they shoot white people.

dave is ok

aztek is ok
I know cop guns are real and many of them are much bigger than me. So when I roll up and just start shooting them, they can't put me in jail? Good to know.
You probably shouldn't joke like this.

Anyone know if the cop who shot still has his job? Crazy to think you can drive up to someone without giving them time to react, kill them, not go to jail and keep your job


Can't say that I'm shocked after they dragged their feet this long and after nothing was done when John Crawford was murdered. I await the eventual acquittal of Sam Dubose's killer.
Ohio's on some bullshit.

The Kree

You probably shouldn't joke like this.

Anyone know if the cop who shot still has his job? Crazy to think you can drive up to someone without giving them time to react, kill them, not go to jail and keep your job

I wasn't joking. I was highlighting the absurdity of the situation.


Ya know...when I was a cop, I got called to something eerily similar...the kid's gun even looked the same.

Know what I did? Parked a bit away, approached casually and not threatening while being cautious, asked to see the gun, saw that it was a toy, and then proceeded to play with the kid for about 10 mins or so...you know why??


Holy shit, this is just beyond belief...guy shouldn't even be carrying a firearm let alone responding to calls like this.

So so so so so sad...poor kid....man....
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