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Grand Theft Auto IV thread of hype and stray bullets

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Dark FaZe said:
I think the thread can survive :). Next month or so we'll be getting new details. I think multiplayer details.
Yeah I can't wait to hear about the multiplayer! I wonder how many people will be able to play at once. 8? 16? I guess we'll see.
Choke on the Magic said:
I'm honestly mostly interested in the talk radio. That is some of the funniest most random shit I ever heard! They usually do a nice job on the music choices so no worries there.
HAhahaha I forgot about the radio talk shows those are really entertaining :)
InterMoniker said:
Yeah I can't wait to hear about the multiplayer! I wonder how many people will be able to play at once. 8? 16? I guess we'll see.
HAhahaha I forgot about the radio talk shows those are really entertaining :)

Pretty sure it was 16.
InterMoniker said:
Yeah I can't wait to hear about the multiplayer! I wonder how many people will be able to play at once. 8? 16? I guess we'll see.
HAhahaha I forgot about the radio talk shows those are really entertaining :)

Yeah, my favorite is still the interview with Thor from Vice City.:lol


Himuro said:
GTA is one series I can't imagine playing a custom soundtrack to.

Hopefully GTAIV's talk radio is a step up from SA's because SA's sucked.

Agreed. Only games i've used custom soundtrack with are racing games (if the default music wasnt catchy), Crackdown, Lost Planet and Chromehounds Multiplayer ( anime mech themes and whatnot ftw).
Himuro said:
I can't think of any multiplayer game mode that would suit GTA except co-op.

Maybe a cops and robbers mode where someone plays as the cops, and some other group plays as the criminals.

Holy shit that would be awesome! Listen to this Rockstar!
Himuro said:
I can't think of any multiplayer game mode that would suit GTA except co-op.

Maybe a cops and robbers mode where someone plays as the cops, and some other group plays as the criminals.

That kind of reminds me of the game Realtime Worlds in working on called All Points Bulletin... ever heard of it? Its suppose to be a cops vs bad guys MMO.


Himuro said:
GTA is one series I can't imagine playing a custom soundtrack to.

Hopefully GTAIV's talk radio is a step up from SA's because SA's sucked.

Yeah, VCPR>all. So funny. Anyway, one reason I think that SA didn't live up to people's expectations is that the cities just weren't that fun. SF was badly designed, LS was a decent slum city, but wasn't all that great, and LV is just wasted potential.
HolyStar said:
Yeah, VCPR>all. So funny. Anyway, one reason I think that SA didn't live up to people's expectations is that the cities just weren't that fun. SF was badly designed, LS was a decent slum city, but wasn't all that great, and LV is just wasted potential.

I'll agree about LV. I still think that SA was great though.


non-sanctioned troll
BakedPigeon said:
Devs dont have to program anything in for custom soundtracks, that all handled by the dashboard for the 360 itself. I dont see why you would want to disable that feature since its just user preference.

I was talking about 2 different systems there. It was said for a dev to take advantage of the Custom Soundtrack feature on the PS3, they would have to surrender some of the RAM the game would use. In other words, the RAM the OS reserves doesn't include that option. So, the question was, is that the case or is it just that devs don't want to take the time to try to implement that feature since it's not built in.

The other part was about if a dev COULD disable the custom soundtrack feature on 360.

So beautiful...
Wollan said:
One thing people keep forgetting (or don't know about) is that Philip Glass will be contributing music to this game (also heard in the debut trailer). It will be legendary.

contributing outside of that song from the trailer? Source?


there is joy in sucking dick
Welp, from the sounds of it the targeting system should be crossed off of "da haterz" hater list of talking points of "SHIT THAT GTA AIN'T DOIN RIGHT".

BlueTsunami said:
Welp, from the sounds of it the targeting system should be crossed off of "da haterz" hater list of talking points of "SHIT THAT GTA AIN'T DOIN RIGHT".


Saints Row was owned the very moment GTA4 was announced :lol


I was loosing hope reading about the lock on system (that's precisely the system the PS2 era James Bond title used) but then they mentioned there being a option for free look. Thumbs up.


aztrex said:
lol I had no idea Lazlow was a legitimate radio personality until I heard him on Opie and Anthony a while back. He's a good friend of the show.

I'd love . . . LOVE . . . to have Opie and Anthony be a part of this game somehow. Apparantly they voiced some police officers in GTA: VCS.

Well Opie voices an Irish gang member and Anthony seems to be doing some v.o for the radio commercials. And Lazlow rules, by far one of my favorite parts of the game.


Just placed a pre-order today at my local gameshop. Man oh man. 3 more months until we can embark upon a whole new, next-gen Grand Theft Auto adventure!!!!
CowboyAstronaut said:
Saints Row was owned the very moment GTA4 was announced :lol

GTA4 doesn't stand a chance against Saints Row 2. As long as Rockstar keeps putting their cinematic ambitions above gameplay, they'll lose to real developers.
In all seriousness, is Saint's Row one of the better clones? I never tried it but I always heard good things.

It might be a fun distraction to make the wait go by faster and to appreciate GTAIV more.


Grimm Fandango said:
In all seriousness, is Saint's Row one of the better clones? I never tried it but I always heard good things.

It might be a fun distraction to make the wait go by faster and to appreciate GTAIV more.

Yup! Very fun :)


Grimm Fandango said:
In all seriousness, is Saint's Row one of the better clones? I never tried it but I always heard good things.

It might be a fun distraction to make the wait go by faster and to appreciate GTAIV more.
If you like sandbox games then you're doing yourself a disservice for not at least trying Saint's Row. It's cheap now (platinum series) and does a ton of things better than the GTA series.
- better aiming
- better/more realistic physics
- character customization
- multiplayer + coop
- ability to save and store vehicles plus upgrade them
- advanced AI, teammates
- integrated map/GPS system
- side missions/activities that are actually fun.

It's pretty buggy but if you can look past the buggy-ness (it was their first foray into sandbox games) it really is well done.
If Volition can take out some of the bugs from SR and add a more compelling less cliche story for SR2 then I have a feeling GTA4 will have some serious competition.


Grimm Fandango said:
In all seriousness, is Saint's Row one of the better clones? I never tried it but I always heard good things.

It might be a fun distraction to make the wait go by faster and to appreciate GTAIV more.
Uhhh, I thought it sucked. It is along the lines of Driver 3 in that it does some things better then GTA (aiming system and physics being the big ones) and falls short almost everywhere else. It's story is worse then that of Driver 3, it suffers from techinical issues that would make even Rockstar seem techincally proficient, and it is as hokey as hokey can be.
BobJustBob said:
GTA4 doesn't stand a chance against Saints Row 2. As long as Rockstar keeps putting their cinematic ambitions above gameplay, they'll lose to real developers.

those words don't make any sense.


Madman said:
Uhhh, I thought it sucked. It is along the lines of Driver 3 in that it does some things better then GTA (aiming system and physics being the big ones) and falls short almost everywhere else. It's story is worse then that of Driver 3, it suffers from techinical issues that would make even Rockstar seem techincally proficient, and it is as hokey as hokey can be.

Please, Saints Row is a solid game, to compare it to the gaming abortion that was Driver 3 is quite frankly an outrage.

At the end of the day the more sandbox games for me to play the better I'll be buying both games.


Himuro said:
Saints Row has some good side missions but they're that much greater than GTA's.
I totally disagree, I don't recall ever finishing a set of side missions in GTA whereas in SR I finished them all, in fact I think the side missings in SR were better than the game as a whole (storyline).
Funny voice acting (soccer mom delivering drugs) and the true randomness added with physics never got old.
Did you even try "insurance fraud", that shit was more fun that a lot of full retail games.
The side missions are one of the things that I really hope R* gets right with GTA4 because if they're as boring as they were in GTA:SA I'll be really disappointed.


I hope this game doesn't suffer from a short length like a lot of games do nowadays. I want a 30-40 hour experience, like SA was.

GTAIV and MGS4 will make this the best year ever. :D


Dabanton said:
Please, Saints Row is a solid game, to compare it to the gaming abortion that was Driver 3 is quite frankly an outrage.

At the end of the day the more sandbox games for me to play the better I'll be buying both games.
It's more solid then Driver 3, but that's only becuase that game had some of the worst design descisions ever made, such as it's grenade launcher. Whoever came up with that weapon was either rushed or had no idea how to make a proper grenade launcher. But that's not to say that it isn't similar to Saint's Row. Both had free aim, both had very limited swimming, both didn't have flight vehicles, both had more realistic physics, and both are just weak GTA ripoffs.

And Driver wasn't all bad. It's story was much better then that of Saint's Row.


pr0cs said:
I totally disagree, I don't recall ever finishing a set of side missions in GTA whereas in SR I finished them all, in fact I think the side missings in SR were better than the game as a whole (storyline).
Funny voice acting (soccer mom delivering drugs) and the true randomness added with physics never got old.
Did you even try "insurance fraud", that shit was more fun that a lot of full retail games.
The side missions are one of the things that I really hope R* gets right with GTA4 because if they're as boring as they were in GTA:SA I'll be really disappointed.

Ehh I dunno. The most fun "side mission" I had in Saints Row was the multiplayer. Still dont see why people find insurance fraud missions so much fun.


Teknoman said:
Ehh I dunno. The most fun "side mission" I had in Saints Row was the multiplayer. Still dont see why people find insurance fraud missions so much fun.
You didn't play the game long enough to get anywhere in the game, you didn't have any of the upgraded weapons, etc etc.
Most people who enjoyed SR though insurance fraud was a great addition to the stale side-missions of the GTA series.


I am Wayne Brady.
BobJustBob said:
GTA4 doesn't stand a chance against Saints Row 2. As long as Rockstar keeps putting their cinematic ambitions above gameplay, they'll lose to real developers.


As good as saints row is, GTA has always been feature packed and fun. If they complete the new standards created by saints row at the very least they could compete without breaking into sweat.


Madman said:
Uhhh, I thought it sucked. It is along the lines of Driver 3 in that it does some things better then GTA (aiming system and physics being the big ones) and falls short almost everywhere else. It's story is worse then that of Driver 3, it suffers from techinical issues that would make even Rockstar seem techincally proficient, and it is as hokey as hokey can be.

Yeah, Crackdown is still my favorite implementation of the genre. I did buy Saint's Row, but sold it before finishing the game. It just wasn't different enough from GTA, I got bored with it.


BobJustBob said:
GTA4 doesn't stand a chance against Saints Row 2. As long as Rockstar keeps putting their cinematic ambitions above gameplay, they'll lose to real developers.

You joker you.


"it is in giving that we receive"
NeoUltima said:
I hope this game doesn't suffer from a short length like a lot of games do nowadays. I want a 30-40 hour experience, like SA was.

GTAIV and MGS4 will make this the best year ever. :D

In terms of length I don't think GTA IV is the game you should be worried about there...


I was reading last night's preview and I thought about how insane the possibilities are with this new aiming mechanic. For example, I shoot some random triad, not in a mission situation. I make sure he's across the street. As he inevitably comes running at me, I will do the half lock, aim for his lower leg and cause him to stumble and or fall.

With Euphoria we know that this is no longer an animation, and that once the leg has been hit the physics take over and anything can happen. If he stumbles and takes time to get up, you can only hope there will be a speeding vehicle, preferably something like a bus or 18 wheeler, but we'll take what we can get.

As for being on top of tall buildings, R* has said that you can cause deaths from up above. It would be fun to chase or be chased to a tall building and use the aiming mechanic to cause an awesome fall. If the guy is in the vicinity of the ledge, you can shoot either shoulder to swing his momentum enough to drop him. This will be a fun little minigame.

One thing I do hope makes it into GTA4 is something that I loved about Saint's Row. Being able to toss a grenade into a vehicle, actually shattering the glass and making it's way into the car. This made for alot of wow moments because once the grenade was in, the driver would panic and drive erratically ending in not only the driver's death, but a chain of events harming people around the explosion. I believe the way old GTA's did it was that the grenade just landed on the ground around the car, but I'm not positive.


newsguy said:
One thing I do hope makes it into GTA4 is something that I loved about Saint's Row. Being able to toss a grenade into a vehicle, actually shattering the glass and making it's way into the car. This made for alot of wow moments because once the grenade was in, the driver would panic and drive erratically ending in not only the driver's death, but a chain of events harming people around the explosion. I believe the way old GTA's did it was that the grenade just landed on the ground around the car, but I'm not positive.

Yea that was a cool feature. Worked with lots of objects too. One time I saw a guy get hit by a car, his money went flying, and landed IN THE CAR.

Dead Man

How did I miss these updates??

Right, I've got until April 29 to get my new TV and a PS3. Yes a PS3. XBOX360 will complete my consoles this gen only after I have that sweet sweet triple love :D


there is joy in sucking dick
I didn't know Euphoria was being used as extensively in GTA4. Goes without saying, I'm freaking ecstatic about the differences it will make to the feel of the game.


Has problems recognising girls
I've been missing (perhaps deliberately subconsciously?) updates to anything to do with GTA IV and I don't think I will start now.. but if there's anything that will push me over the edge to grab a PS3 it'll be this game.


looks like Rockstar is finally putting up those leaked wanted posters around New York


Kotaku said:
Rockstar Games has begun the "viral" portion of its Grand Theft Auto IV marketing campaign, posting convincing wanted posters on Brooklyn-area telephone poles featuring Niko Bellic, the game's protagonist. The poster warns that Bellic is "wanted for questioning in connection with a shooting at a nightclub in the Hove Beach area of Broker" explaining that the perpetrator is of eastern European descent "which narrows it down to about 95% of the Hove Beach community." The poster jokes "Even we can't arrest that many foreigners" and suggests that Bellic be shot on sight.

The GTA IV poster also features an e-mail address and web site for the Liberty City Police Department.


love it


kylej said:
looks like Rockstar is finally putting up those leaked wanted posters around New York

That's pretty awesome. I'll have to keep an eye out so I can steal.. er, confiscate one.


That is so awesome. Sadly someone who can't read english will see this poster and call the cops on their European neighbor.


I am Homie
BobJustBob said:
GTA4 doesn't stand a chance against Saints Row 2. As long as Rockstar keeps putting their cinematic ambitions above gameplay, they'll lose to real developers.
We are comparing a ps2 game with an xbox 360 imitation of said game. We haven't seen what rockstar has for this gen.
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