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Grand Theft Auto IV thread of hype and stray bullets

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xbot xbot xbot xbot xbot
I just saw the latest pics and videos - I'm finally starting to feel the hype for this game now - I just love the atmosphere of this game...

Please improve the controls though Rockstar - it really is a gamebreaker for me...



Hot rumors are flying out of D.I.C.E. tonight after the Wired interview with corporate VP of Microsoft Game Studios, Shane Kim, went live on Thursday evening. Early in the interview Kim discussed the upcoming launch of Grand Theft Auto IV telling interviewer Chris Kohler, "making sure that we own the launch of Grand Theft Auto IV from a platform perspective is really important." At first glance that comment, and the subsequent explanation of the exclusive content on the Xbox 360, seemed like a typical bullet point listing that is better reserved for the back of a retail box.

However, according to the folks at Xbox Family Microsoft is taking steps to secure a successful Xbox 360 launch of the latest GTA title. Word around the campfire is Microsoft will offer free downloadable content to those who pre-order the Xbox 360 version of GTAIV and purchase their copies on launch day. The content in question isn't specified, but if this rumor turns out to be valid it would be interesting to see what would be given away. While the rumor isn't substantiated, the PR spin behind it makes sense. Offer an extended experience to gamers the day of release and it makes the PlayStation 3 version seem incomplete. But seriously, if this whole thing turns out to be about Gamer Pictures ... somebody's gonna get-a hurt real bad.

Safe Bet

I'm sorry but as hard as they try, I'm going PS3.


Hopefully I won't regret it too much.

The GTA games are always more than I can finish (I still play GTA:SA in occasional bursts) and I have yet to see any DLC worth its asking price.

Plus if the game turns out to have any kind of online functionality, my game won't be neutered just because I refuse to pay for Live.

I hope there is some confirmation that they let you change the controls, I will pick it up on PS3, but right now I think ill stick with the 360 version because it seems like the control layout is based around the 360 pad.


The pic Himuro posted with the cars in traffic at night looks pretty amazing. I can't wait to steal some of the cars in these pics. There's an Acura SUV in that pic and it looks the tits. No doubt it's the bikes I'll be spending most of my time on. I also agree about hitting pedestrians. I don't want the reason I fail a mission to be because of a couple of people jumping in front of my getaway car.

Ranger X

kassatsu said:
Hopefully Sony listens ;p


Sorry to quote this again but Jesus fucking Christ @ people prefering something as custom soundtracks over the access to messaging while in-game.
Thank God most people are NOT engineers and people that make such decisions as what features are a priority over others, etc.
Also thank God most people are not game designers. (but this is another story)


Yeah I hope the DLC isn't gamer pictures. Probably is something lame like that though. MS doesn't give away anything substantial for free. We got Undertow for our Live problems.
Mrbob said:
Yeah I hope the DLC isn't gamer pictures. Probably is something lame like that though. MS doesn't give away anything substantial for free. We got Undertow for our Live problems.

I'd expect exclusive clothing options or something like that, rather than gamer pics.


I really hope the exclusive DLC for pre-ordering is bullshit, because it only ever seems applicable to America so we would probably get shafted.


speculawyer said:
Oh man . . . I'm gonna be spending a full day just running over people and laughing at the way they bounce off the windshield. :lol

Not to troll at all because this looks alot of fun ( euphoria ftw ) but you can already do that in SR..


Will drop pants for Sony.
Loudninja said:
Thats what it says :)

Edit more

-The PS3's version seems to be exactly the same visually as it's 360 counterpart
- The frame rate on the ps3 version is extremely smooth
- Niko's clothes get bloodier after you take more and more damage
- You can ring 911 to get the police, ambulance or fire brigade
to create a diversion or simply steal their car and anything else you can foster up
- When you fail a mission, you receive a text message asking whether you want to replay the mission, even a 'skip trip' feature is included
- Multiplayer will be accessed from the phone
- The phone can also be used for messageing, photos, reminders and music.
- R1 will be the 'into cover' button for the ps3, many variations of getting into cover apply
- You can dangle from Helicopters, just like vans and trucks
- When your about to die it fades into black and white, just like in gears of war and uncharted.
- Ne-Yo and R Kelly were heard on the radio
- 18 radio stations available
- Niko is able to ask the cab driver to change the radio station
- Niko pays the cabbie double (which adds up to $39) to speed up
- Bums on the street ask for money, you have the ability to give them money
- Niko raises his arms when cops try to 'bust him' out of say a car, but he can move freely and can run or retaliate

Sweet!!!!! I used to be down on this game but I think i might just have to buy it, PS3 version of course.

Sprunk was funny.:lol :lol :lol the intro music is awesome.


Ranger X said:
Sorry to quote this again but Jesus fucking Christ @ people prefering something as custom soundtracks over the access to messaging while in-game.
Thank God most people are NOT engineers and people that make such decisions as what features are a priority over others, etc.
Also thank God most people are not game designers. (but this is another story)



Game as robust as this (or maybe it isn't as robust as we think?) would need a year of playtesting.

I predict it'll be ridden with bugs from top to bottom. Still getting it thou. I just keeping my head cool. Seems too good.
GrayFoxPL said:
Game as robust as this (or maybe it isn't as robust as we think?) would need a year of playtesting.

I predict it'll be ridden with bugs from top to bottom. Still getting it thou. I just keeping my head cool. Seems too good.

It's GTA so that's bound to be the case. But it won't be anything game breaking so it's not too big of a deal.

Special edition day 1.(still haven't decided what system)

This is so Democratic Primary 2008! Total nailbiter. April NPD is going to be more Epic than Unreal Engine 3. (Which is pretty epic, considering it was made by Epic Studios.)
As for the custom soundtrack thing, there is some precedent. On GTAIII for the PC, you could put your own MP3's in a folder, and they would play in their own radio station. So, they've done it before.


"Books made me do it"
Big Chief Crazy Cone said:
As for the custom soundtrack thing, there is some precedent. On GTAIII for the PC, you could put your own MP3's in a folder, and they would play in their own radio station. So, they've done it before.

I think you could also do it on the psp games by converting your music to a special format.
Can't see anything wrong with it, on a game like this it's always good to have the option to add your own music.


{Mike} said:
GTA has always been more fun on a Sony system

I own all my GTA's for the PS2, but... :lol

I'm happy to see GTAIV's controls being designed around the awesome X360 pad, GTA3/VC/SA just felt weird on an Xbox controller.
MercuryLS said:
I own all my GTA's for the PS2, but... :lol

I'm happy to see GTAIV's controls being designed around the awesome X360 pad, GTA3/VC/SA just felt weird on an Xbox controller.

Yes. Controller parity will be a blessing.
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