SolidSnakex said:If people want both versions then what's the big deal?
Would be cool if you could call in health via cellphone.- apart from picking up first-aid kits and buying food, there's apparently one other way to earn health
Odrion said:Would be cool if you could call in health via cellphone.
Antimatter said:This was an intro that didn't end up making it onto the site, allegedly.
Aw, shucks.Recoil said:They're overpass/bridge supports.
Quality is a bit shitty because it was stretched to 4:3.Recoil said:404 Not found. Looks like they took it down.
Did anyone save it?
Would it really be all that surprising if Sony had worked out a deal to get its own DLC packs or something of the sort with Rockstar?WrikaWrek said:So gamemasters says PS3 will have DLC and that's it? Their word is law?
As far as all rumors and official reports point to, exclusive content is only on the 360.
I guess there will be DLC content that is shared across both versions, like guns and shit like that.
I don't see the point in buying both versions, comparisons to Pokemon Red and Blue are stupid and unfounded.
Those are exclusive missions out of the box. The 50 millions are without any doubts for much greater expansions. Seeing as with all those moneys you could fund the development of two complete games, I'm expecting much more something like new cities connected to Liberty City, with standalone storylines and so on.Mrbob said:Oh and I don't think MS fronted 50 million dollars for two missions.
thanks for the linkAntimatter said:Quality is a bit shitty because it was stretched to 4:3.
WrikaWrek said:If people want to buy the same game twice, it's their decision, albeit a retarded one, and i would never recommend a friend of mine to pay twice the $ for the same game.
Why do you fill us with such hope? :[Spider_Jerusalem said:Those are exclusive missions out of the box. The 50 millions are without any doubts for much greater expansions. Seeing as with all those moneys you could fund the development of two complete games, I'm expecting much more something like new cities connected to Liberty City, with standalone storylines and so on.
BenjaminBirdie said:I'd love an internal calendar that follows the game seasons and have the city go nuts when the sports teams win a pennant or something.
But that's just crazy talk.
Capoeira said:Un-freaking-believable.
Mindlog said:- niko's feet land on every step when you go up stairs
That's been bugging me a lot in games lately. I had been wondering when someone would finally address that little detail
and Rockstar is so getting sued for abusing LRH technology
Himuro said:GTAIV pc version announcement on the horizon?
Poster SlimTrashman at gtagaming posted this:
Found this brief description before the source site (destructoid) yanked it!
"GTA IV will contain a deep multiplayer mode, including deathmatch, team play ("Cops 'n Crooks"), and some sort of ranked cooperative missions. Our source specifically talks about modes called "Deal Breaker," "Bomb da Base," and something called "Hangman's Noose," but gives no further details. The game will also feature ranked multiplayer races, likely across the game's open roads of Liberty City."
speculawyer said:anyone have any good multi-player info? I found this but I don't know how reliable it is:
After reading your scenario, it BETTER be true! :lolnewsguy said:That's actually more than I've seen. R* has kept tight lipped about multi until now. Man a cops and robbers mode would be the shit though. Popping guys tires while they try and escape and watching the car flip would be the ultimate wow moment online.
Well, the arcade is online capable. Although sometimes a HDD is needed for some games . . . Final Fantasy for example.Geezer said:I guess Arcade/Core users will be left out in the cold when it comes to the online modes? Like with Crackdown/Burnout Paradise.
Yeah that would be pretty cool. It would be pretty cool to enjoy an in-car camera viewpoint as you car flips out of control too.newsguy said:That's actually more than I've seen. R* has kept tight lipped about multi until now. Man a cops and robbers mode would be the shit though. Popping guys tires while they try and escape and watching the car flip would be the ultimate wow moment online.
keyrat said:Nice little writeup of a mission by Crecente over at Kotaku.
"In many ways it's a bigger leap going from San Andreas to GTA IV than it was going from 2D to 3D," Barrera says.
keyrat said:Nice little writeup of a mission by Crecente over at Kotaku.
There's really only one main character, so it wouldn't fit," Barrera said.
Yoboman said:Would it really be all that surprising if Sony had worked out a deal to get its own DLC packs or something of the sort with Rockstar?
traveler said:How far after the console versions of GTA are the PC versions traditionally released? I've never played a single GTA before, but I'm thinking about trying this one out and, given the comments here regarding the performance of the series, I'd like to get on 360. (If it turns out that it will be a while, though, I'd be fine with getting the 360 version, I suppose.)
Probably because it's not exclusive, but rather additional shared content with the 360. The separate 360 exclusive DLC will likely be much larger anyway.xbhaskarx said:Why is Sony not loudly bragging about their exclusive DLC packs?
xbhaskarx said:Why is Sony not loudly bragging about their exclusive DLC packs?
Well . . . keep it in context . . . that is a Rockstar person pushing that puffery.The Chef said:
"We decided we wanted to go back to the basics and reimagine the world," Jeronimo Barrera, Rockstar Games Vice President of Product Development, says. "The results have been incredible."
Grand Theft Auto IV is, its creators tell me, the biggest leap forward in experiential sandbox gaming to ever come to the franchise, larger even than the one that brought the once 2D top-down series into the third dimension.
"In many ways it's a bigger leap going from San Andreas to GTA IV than it was going from 2D to 3D," Barrera says.