I have found that trying to play with friends is ridiculously hard.
With no real party system it becomes a chore to try to find matches to play online with each other (deathmatch, etc.).
A real party system where you party up then search through matchmaking, without having to host a match and wait 10 minutes for people to fill up the spots, would have been ideal.
I have found that trying to play with friends is ridiculously hard.
With no real party system it becomes a chore to try to find matches to play online with each other (deathmatch, etc.).
A real party system where you party up then search through matchmaking, without having to host a match and wait 10 minutes for people to fill up the spots, would have been ideal.
Anyone have a suggestion for a fastest/ best available car to steal for the free car in tutorial? And where can I find them?
I've played with a few Gaf members and I must say it's been fun servers seem stable got in on my first try today I did redownload the patch. It's funny that I've heard casuals talking about robbing banks little do they know it comes in a few weeks. Feel sorry for ppl who don't know online is a incomplete package atm
Anyone have a suggestion for a fastest/ best available car to steal for the free car in tutorial? And where can I find them?
how do you do that :/
Are things somewhat stable yet? I got time before work.
Anyone have a suggestion for a fastest/ best available car to steal for the free car in tutorial? And where can I find them?
once you get past level 6-7 and the PVE missions open up the cash you earn (5k) makes the bills insignificant, my last few have been between 800-1000, ive died from car exploding from falls and cops shooting me. i remember the first day it was like 2k, but dont forget, since everything is server side, Rockstar can adjust these amounts on their end without patches, just like EPIC did with Gears of War, so they may have toned that down after complaints.
Are things somewhat stable yet? I got time before work.
Seems fine, at least on the ps3. I got in a good long session last night. I didn't check it today but it was getting better by the hour last night.
I played a little more last night, up until I was free to do what I wanted. I know it's an Online game but I'm still kind of disappointed that seemingly most of the content outside of races requires a minimum of 2 people and that some of the "missions" are actually just deathmatch modes. I was expecting actual missions.
You get proper missions from contacts like Simeon and Gerald. But for some reason, in the screen after finishing them, you can't choose another one, only races or deathmatches.
Still making peanuts at level 11 except for the one time I got the steal the RV mission. It doesn't matter how much I'm making if a greifer or single return the car/item match can wipe it all out.
With the buying money with real money crap, I doubt they will do anything.
You get proper missions from contacts like Simeon and Gerald. But for some reason, in the screen after finishing them, you can't choose another one, only races or deathmatches.
It depends, sometimes other missions will show up.
Holy shit went to get this vehicle insured and apparently you can paint it, a lot of the paint names are missing however they still work:My latest addition to my garage, other players can hang off the side of this vehicle like the police do. Took forever to finally get one in my garage.
2 player Last team standing + shotgun + Large wager on myself = Profit
I've wondered if you could throw the match in that regard. Bank all your shit on your opponent and lose on purpose.
Not for me on PS3, still can't get past the tutorial race.
As long as there are more than 2 people, you can bet on someone else.Not sure. When it gives you the option for betting, I think it only bets it on yourself.
Anyone know a surefire way to get back to free aim? Started my game up today (went to SP first) and I'm still in aim assist.
Are you talking about just in the freeroam mode? Because every time I start a mission it's telling me it's going to change me aiming mode.