People who are playing online, did you ever get a cloud server error? If so what did you do?
People who are playing online, did you ever get a cloud server error? If so what did you do?
I sent feedback to Rockstar's email for GTA Online saying the exact same thing. The lack of a proper party system in the game makes it a lot harder for people to play together properly. I'm sure lots of other people are sending feedback on that too, but it'll probably be more helpful if everyone who feels this way actually does. The sooner they know its a big request, the more likely they'll work to patch it in.
Thats a good idea. i think im going to do the same. Maybe if we get enough people to send in this type of feedback it can get implemented later on down the line. I remember in RDR when you wanted to get your friends in a posse it was easy as sending an invite.
Stop playing. Good chance progress will not be saved.
Can't figure the best way to get cash online.
I thought Lester's missions affected the other stock market, not BAWSAQ. His single player missions should still be doable and you should still be able to make a killing without BAWSAQ.
Can we get a link to the exact way you are sending the messages so we can group send?
still broken or could I feasibly get in and get started when I get home?
Well..first get a webcam...
Lester said Real Estate could get you some money, is this true?
Just fill with the Suggestion/feedback drop down options and let them know what youd like in the game.
Any idea when this mission unlocks? Doesn't say in the video.
Any idea when this mission unlocks? Doesn't say in the video.
Dark Souls
It's just really weird that some people are popping in with NO problems who are able to save their progress and i can't even get in :lol.
Although i saw a stream try for an hour and a half yesterday try to get in.
via imgur![]()
Thats pretty much as far as I've gotten.
I don't know man, all of my chars are cuties in Dark Souls (after some tweaking of course).
Thanks for the tips in previous page!
I wish you weren't so noticeable on the mini map. Sort of makes stealth pointless, unless of course you disappear if you have top tier stealth.
Once you get past the first race, it is smooth sailing. The stupid tutorial race is a major bottleneck.
So every time I'm dropped from GTA Online I also loose my character.
I've done the tutorial now 5 times with different characters and each time I'm eventually dropped from the servers and can start completely anew.
Such a joke all of this.
this is tdm right? why can you bring your own weapons into PvP modes?The matchmaking is such a joke. I'm constantly being put on teams with lvl 3-4s and matched against 9's and 10's with silenced smgs.
Definitely not. I got rank 6 yesterday after beating the tutorial. Eventually (3-4 hours later) i got kicked back out to SP. when i tried to load my character it said the data wasn't available from R* and i need to make a temporary profile. So it's definitely not just the tutorial.
The matchmaking is such a joke. I'm constantly being put on teams with lvl 3-4s and matched against 9's and 10's with silenced smgs.
So yesterday, a guy had a full $9000 bounty on his head. The whole lobby of free-roamers were chasing after him as well as the cops. For some reason I was driving a big rig with trailer attached.
He says, "help me man, I'll give you some money". I say OK and honk my horn and switch the radio to Rebel Radio to set the mood. Players keep smashing into us, police helis keep us in their spotlights. The song "Convoy" starts to play.
I lost the players when I swerved and detached my trailer super tacticooly. The cops stopped tailing us when I drove into the empty subway tunnels. I take him to a secluded area, and he says "that was close, where we going now?" from the passenger seat.
I sent him some of the money to him and flew airplanes with him a bit later because I felt a little bad