Afraid to log in- is it alright on your end?!
How does vehicle insurance work?
I steal a car, get it insured, leave garage and then it's says I can ring the company to get car back.
I leave game and it's gone bad so is the money I spent.
Do I need to own a garage or just shitty server issues?
How does vehicle insurance work?
I steal a car, get it insured, leave garage and then it's says I can ring the company to get car back.
I leave game and it's gone bad so is the money I spent.
Do I need to own a garage or just shitty server issues?
Yeah all good here! Everything from last night saved
Servers probably just got hit hard for everone to get bumped off. Or maintence
How does vehicle insurance work?
I steal a car, get it insured, leave garage and then it's says I can ring the company to get car back.
I leave game and it's gone bad so is the money I spent.
Do I need to own a garage or just shitty server issues?
So just to be clear, there's no free aim lobby or playlist in GTAO, like in RDR or MP3? That's the one thing that I feel is going to hurt this game in the long run and make everything Rockstar's tried to do to make this game amazing go down the shitter, because no matter what it's still a LT + RT spamfest. Why they have to be so adamant about shoving lock on aiming as standard when they've spent years to improve the gameplay enough to where it can be played like a legit TPS is beyond me. The random deaths in freeroam whilst driving or getting gunned down from halfway across a map in deathmatch would be no where near frustrating if I could be comfortable knowing that the other guy was actually aiming. Hell, I'd give them props for being good shots. At the moment? I never feel like dying has been fair. Is it really that hard for them to develop real assisted aiming, like most other console shooters?
So just to be clear, there's no free aim lobby or playlist in GTAO, like in RDR or MP3? That's the one thing that I feel is going to hurt this game in the long run and make everything Rockstar's tried to do to make this game amazing go down the shitter, because no matter what it's still a LT + RT spamfest. Why they have to be so adamant about shoving lock on aiming as standard when they've spent years to improve the gameplay enough to where it can be played like a legit TPS is beyond me. The random deaths in freeroam whilst driving or getting gunned down from halfway across a map in deathmatch would be no where near frustrating if I could be comfortable knowing that the other guy was actually aiming. Hell, I'd give them props for being good shots. At the moment? I never feel like dying has been fair. Is it really that hard for them to develop real assisted aiming, like most other console shooters?
So just to be clear, there's no free aim lobby or playlist in GTAO, like in RDR or MP3? That's the one thing that I feel is going to hurt this game in the long run and make everything Rockstar's tried to do to make this game amazing go down the shitter, because no matter what it's still a LT + RT spamfest. Why they have to be so adamant about shoving lock on aiming as standard when they've spent years to improve the gameplay enough to where it can be played like a legit TPS is beyond me. The random deaths in freeroam whilst driving or getting gunned down from halfway across a map in deathmatch would be no where near frustrating if I could be comfortable knowing that the other guy was actually aiming. Hell, I'd give them props for being good shots. At the moment? I never feel like dying has been fair. Is it really that hard for them to develop real assisted aiming, like most other console shooters?
There is free aim lobbies
There is- you've got to set your Aiming settings in Single Player to Free Aim, and then go online. You're definitely right about lock-in changing the way the game in played in the long run, so enter a free aim lobby!
Also, if someone on your friend list is in a Lock-on lobby, it'll tell you if you want to confirm going into a new lobby where the setting is different should you choose to join their game.
Free aim always!
How do you access them?
If your car is gone, just call the insurance people to file a claim.
Assuming the game didn't glitch, you should see a car icon on your map from the GPS tracker. If not, then it's either glitched or your car got blown up somehow and you'll have to call the insurance company to get a replacement.
Go in the quick menu (select/back) and recall your car, you can also set who can enter in you car
I am so damn salty that boys are playing and I can't access shit.
Anyone else on ps3 just have their character deleted?
That's the thing I can't call up, the number is gone, no symbol and when I use the BACK menu it's says I don't own a car.
That's the thing I can't call up, the number is gone, no symbol and when I use the BACK menu it's says I don't own a car.
Marleyman, the legend- we'll be crewing up in no time! I swear after you get past that tutorial race, you're home free.
I sat there, and just launched into online- if I didn't get in the race, I quit the dash. Repeated that for 2 hours and more until it worked.
Once in, we've been having a relatively smooth time. Activities for hours, mission invites to sessions- it's been wild.
It worked flawlessly this morning. Switched between characters and even joined a full free roam lobby so Ithink its work being done.Hopefully it's maintenance + patch. There was a really stupid exploit Rockstar left in GTAO that allowed people to get cash fast at the expense of straining the servers.
That's the thing I can't call up, the number is gone, no symbol and when I use the BACK menu it's says I don't own a car.
My insurance is also gone - but I hopefully we can rebuy it with it being glitched forever.
Anyone ever rebought it after the losing the number past the tutorial?
Fucking worst launch I've seen.
Glitch or... Wrong insurace? There's two option but i don't know the difference between them. I use the first, is some sort of microchip that save your vehicle.
What's the deal with selling cars? What triggers "we don't need any cars right now"?
Glitch or... Wrong insurace? There's two option but i don't know the difference between them. I use the first, is some sort of microchip that save your vehicle.
Can you buy micro transaction stuff yet?
Probably a bad idea considering the current game save problems.
I'm really hoping the R* cloud servers are just down and that's the reason I can't use my character.
They probably are just don't save or create a new character over that slot.I'm really hoping the R* cloud servers are just down and that's the reason I can't use my character.
Looks like my character is gone for good, was able to join online without any server alerts but it just sends me straight to the empty character slots
"UK PS3"