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Grand Theft Auto: Online |OT| The Stimulation Has Began!

Indeed. When you have problems like these one of the first things you should do is just erase the tutorial completely or make each section where it can be skipped.

Pretty bad start to this GTA Online man. Never expected it to be this bad. Being a part of the Diablo 3 launch on PC, the SimCity launch, numerous big time MMO launches, etc. This has to be the absolute worst I have ever had the displeasure to be a part of. I have never once had a character deleted, let alone at the end of every single day.

It will be fun when it works, but at this point when will that be? A month from now? Tried to look online but the social club is yet again down. There goes another few thousand characters!

The real stupid thing is while everyone else is getting their stuff deleted, others are cruising through fine it seems. Saw a Rank 40 person on last night. He has had no issues, that is for sure.


I'm guessing that going into quick job is still busted on ps3 because I am stuck on loading for a mission. Do not want to leave and probably lose this character, but it looks like that's what is going to happen. Well here goes nothing.

Edit: And I lost that character too. I'm probably going to wait now until Monday or Tuesday.


Had issues Mon-Thursday, infinite launch screen. When I woke up for work Friday I got past the race so I hoped everything would be cool for Friday night and it was, had a decent 5 hour session. Hopped on Sat and had about a two hour session before the servers went wonky, so I logged out for about an hour, then hopped back in, and played for another 3-4 hours before dinner, then for another six before bed... had a blast :)

Was having issues with the crew I had set up some time back, could only get one of my friends into it, so I deleted it and remade it, was able to get four more in it, nice! I've been hosting a Friend's Only session, can't be assed with randies and their wacky ways, heh. One thing I've noticed is that I really suck at Rockstar's PVP, maybe PVP in general, although TBF I've really no experience with PVP as I only started trying it earlier this year... perhaps I'll get better. Not too much fun constantly getting mowed down, then after three deaths the screen goes all wonky, making it even harder to see, which helps a fuckton, I tell you what. Maybe as I learn the maps it'll smooth out? Losing money doesn't help either.

Wish my friends didn't use lock on, I prefer free aim, so maybe today I'll switch it back and force them into it, or see if soft lock is a bit better. I have a hell of a time hitting gas tanks and such when an enemy is near and I'm in cover (can't do the half trigger pull). Some of the jobs are easy but they seem to get more complicated as I level up, did my first multi task job for Gerald last night so hopefully there's more of those. Races are cool, nice to drive the Adder as the ONE I've found in single player got parked in a garage as I am scared to lose it heh. Top Fun was cool, I like that the missiles lock on but one of my buds managed to dodge three before I smashed into a pylon and he escaped for the victory. Might try to game the races a bit to stack some loot as some friends don't want to replay jobs for the grind, but maybe not... this game should have some legs so no real rush, I'm sure our bank accounts will grow over time.

Noticed this morning that Social Club hasn't updated my stats, hopefully they're still there in game. Wouldn't be too big of a deal to have lost the progress I made yesterday but if that doesn't get ironed out soon that could be a deal breaker. Can't have a game about money constantly losing it. Right now I'd give the game a ranking of sirloin, hoping soon for tenderloin :)


Yeah me and a friend were complaining about that last night. All the jobs are typical MMO shit, or GTA IV shit I guess is more accurate for this game. There's nothing unique or memorable so far. We had more fun playing tennis/golf and just doing free roam stuff than doing any of the long term stuff Rocktar worked so hard on.

I don't really think they worked that hard on the content available for GTAO so far. There's some thought put into the design of the dynamics of certain of the team based Versus Missions, but that's about it. The co-op missions are very basic stuff where you either steal something, kill a bunch of people, or both, in different orders. Deathmatch is deathmatch. Races are races. Survival is basically the same 10 waves applied in different location maps.

It feels like the stuff they've actually been working on for more long term play simply isn't ready yet. So much of the online mode feels incomplete and unpolished. It's hard to even call it a beta, because usually betas are feature complete at least. They couldn't even get the content creator out for launch, even with a 2 week delay from the release of GTA5.

Yeah, my character is deleted. Yesterday he disappeared from SC site and the GTA online character choice menu.

I've now lost near level 10 characters 4 times. I'm just gonna wait till it's stable.

Don't even know how it can happen 4 times.

Absolute joke.

Might not be what you want to hear but maybe theres a certain way you switch off the game that stops it saving properly? Maybe try loading back into single player at the end of a multiplayer session and then waiting a bit before switching off.

I tend to load up single player, make a single player quick save, I doubt the save in single player does anything but I figure at the very least that way the multiplayer has time to upload anything it needs to upload.


The MMO-esque setup isn't doing the game any favors.
They start you off doing lame ass missions that aren't any fun.
I've had a couple friends write the game off as not being any fun around level 5.

I'm currently level 22ish and have noticed that bigger and better missions unlock with time.
I can now do a lot more in free roam with gang attacks, armored cars, etc.
but I think a lot of the free roam stuff should have been available at day 1.

Too many people are having more fun terrorizing other players than doing missions and free roam activities.
It should be the other way around.

Pvp should only really happen when players' free roam activities/agendas collide, rather than "this is boring, let's fuck up some dudes."


I had a bunch of issues for the first few days (tutorials breaking, never ending loading screens, character deletion) but it's working a lot better for me now. Purchasing my first garage (the one next to the skate park under the highway) actually felt like an achievement - having a place on your map that you can technically call your own is a cool feeling.

The only problems I'm having at the moment are that the servers still occasionally go down. Oh, and people online are usually dicks.
Admittedly just before I stole and ran a guys car into a river, earning me a fine and a 'bad sport' notification - but this was technically in retaliation to him coming after me and trying to gun me down ;D
Ok I tried everything regarding the masks.

Tried removing them on the car, no stars lost, tried removing them on foot, no stars lost. Tried removing them when I was in "escape mode" no stars lost.

Has anyone actually been able to do it?


Ok I tried everything regarding the masks.

Tried removing them on the car, no stars lost, tried removing them on foot, no stars lost. Tried removing them when I was in "escape mode" no stars lost.

Has anyone actually been able to do it?

Have you tried putting some glasses or something that forces them to be removed?


Ok I tried everything regarding the masks.

Tried removing them on the car, no stars lost, tried removing them on foot, no stars lost. Tried removing them when I was in "escape mode" no stars lost.

Has anyone actually been able to do it?

I thought they were just cosmetic.


Ok I tried everything regarding the masks.

Tried removing them on the car, no stars lost, tried removing them on foot, no stars lost. Tried removing them when I was in "escape mode" no stars lost.

Has anyone actually been able to do it?
you have to take it off when not in sight of anyone/the red circle of cop awareness


Might not be what you want to hear but maybe theres a certain way you switch off the game that stops it saving properly? Maybe try loading back into single player at the end of a multiplayer session and then waiting a bit before switching off.

I tend to load up single player, make a single player quick save, I doubt the save in single player does anything but I figure at the very least that way the multiplayer has time to upload anything it needs to upload.

I played 2hrs with a friend on Friday. Also I did play 2 days from weds to thurs, including that 2hr session with a friend. That's 3 days my character loaded up fine.

Previously my character just got deleted after the servers went down but, after weds, it got better and my character loaded up 3 times.

Anyway, I'll just wait till it's stable. Have a heavy backlog anyway.


Yeah me and a friend were complaining about that last night. All the jobs are typical MMO shit, or GTA IV shit I guess is more accurate for this game. There's nothing unique or memorable so far. We had more fun playing tennis/golf and just doing free roam stuff than doing any of the long term stuff Rocktar worked so hard on.

No shock there. Not sure I can think of a game that does a complete single player as GTA V and also has compelling multiplayer. Unless you count CS Source as HL2's multiplayer.


Ok I tried everything regarding the masks.

Tried removing them on the car, no stars lost, tried removing them on foot, no stars lost. Tried removing them when I was in "escape mode" no stars lost.

Has anyone actually been able to do it?

I didn't realize/don't think the masks are for that. The masks are supposedly for robberies so that your character isn't recognized and you can go back to rob the same store quicker. I could be wrong... have been before... probably will be again. :p


I didn't realize/don't think the masks are for that. The masks are supposedly for robberies so that your character isn't recognized and you can go back to rob the same store quicker. I could be wrong... have been before... probably will be again. :p

I thought it was so you could rob multiple stores in a row without getting more than two stars each time. I could be wrong though.


I didn't realize/don't think the masks are for that. The masks are supposedly for robberies so that your character isn't recognized and you can go back to rob the same store quicker. I could be wrong... have been before... probably will be again. :p

This is the reason the game gives.


I don't really think they worked that hard on the content available for GTAO so far. There's some thought put into the design of the dynamics of certain of the team based Versus Missions, but that's about it. The co-op missions are very basic stuff where you either steal something, kill a bunch of people, or both, in different orders. Deathmatch is deathmatch. Races are races. Survival is basically the same 10 waves applied in different location maps.

It feels like the stuff they've actually been working on for more long term play simply isn't ready yet. So much of the online mode feels incomplete and unpolished. It's hard to even call it a beta, because usually betas are feature complete at least. They couldn't even get the content creator out for launch, even with a 2 week delay from the release of GTA5.


Yeah it feels like the first 10-20 levels of a normal MMO where nothing's really interesting and it's 1 long tutorial, only I'm getting the impression it will stay like that if I chose to grind my way to level 100 right now. I hope they get this game stabilized fast so they can start working on releasing more content.


I've been getting random $1,000 rewards for being a good sport, but I did get a warning when I blew up a someone in their personal vehicle. The guy was asking for it though. Why should I be labeled a bad sport when he's coming at me? Seems odd.

How does ownership of personal cars work anyway? I've had my car impounded when I've been killed by the cops, but I've also had my car just disappear from my possession even though I have a tracker and insurance on it.

And how do you make people get out of your personal car if they take control of it? I had that happen to me last night with another one of these asshats that was trying to kill me.


Might not be what you want to hear but maybe theres a certain way you switch off the game that stops it saving properly? Maybe try loading back into single player at the end of a multiplayer session and then waiting a bit before switching off.

I tend to load up single player, make a single player quick save, I doubt the save in single player does anything but I figure at the very least that way the multiplayer has time to upload anything it needs to upload.
Totally agree. I was expecting a similar level of detail as the story missions except with co-op.
To all the guys complaining about losing their character: ALWAYS load up the singleplayer first, then go to the pause menu -> online -> go. That works most of the time. If you get an empty character screen do NOT attempt to create a new character or quit and reload again. Restart the game and then give it another try. Avoid to load your online character multiple times in one session.

If your character still doesn't show up, you shouldn't mess around any longer as it will just make everything worse (losing money).


Neo Member
To all the guys complaining about losing their character: ALWAYS load up the singleplayer first, then go to the pause menu -> online -> go. That works most of the time. If you get an empty character screen do NOT attempt to create a new character or quit and reload again. Restart the game and then give it another try. Avoid to load your online character multiple times in one session.
I've tried this a couple of times now, but it always shows me an empty character select screen.


This game is super fun when its working. But now that my 4th character above lvl 10 is gone I wont level up an new one with the risk of it being deleted again. So me and my friends decided to just say fuck it and not play. May get back into it when it gets stable.


Was online with 2 friends when one of them dropped from the game.. his character stayed in our game hiding behind a car. He could not get back online and here is the kicker. His 98% single player save will not load now either. So his single player game starts over.. and he still today can not log onto the online portion. He said after playing nearly 100 hours he is just done with it, so upset. This happened last night post patch.

So backup your saves people...


So....I can't buy helmets? The helmet section does not show up in any store. :/

Go under hats.

Also, the boardwalk place that sells masks has them.

FYI: the selection for helmets BLOWS. They have a LOT of half-helmets and off-road style; the good looking racer style ones are all locked until like lvl30-60+.


Anyone know why passengers can't get into my car? I have an Elgy or whatever it's called and every time I try picking up another player they can't ride along. It happens with players lower and higher levels than me.

You probably need to change your car settings; I would recommend friends+crew only and change it briefly if people need to enter for missions.


Anyone know why passengers can't get into my car? I have an Elgy or whatever it's called and every time I try picking up another player they can't ride along. It happens with players lower and higher levels than me.

Hold select or back and check whether or not you have selected that noone can enter your vehicle. It should be somewhere near the bottom - as is the voice chat option.

ed: bleeten

Oni Jazar

Everyone here talking about buying houses in the hills and I just spent all my money buying the cheapest 2 car garage in the ghetto. :p


Anyone know why passengers can't get into my car? I have an Elgy or whatever it's called and every time I try picking up another player they can't ride along. It happens with players lower and higher levels than me.

Hold select/back and opt to allow everyone in your car under "Vehicle Access".

EDIT: Beaten like Rockstar's severs.
Anyone know why passengers can't get into my car? I have an Elgy or whatever it's called and every time I try picking up another player they can't ride along. It happens with players lower and higher levels than me.

That seems to happen randomly when I start a mission with other characters, I cant get in their cars.

Isnt there a setting where you prevent characters from entering (and stealing) your car? Wonder if its that.


Anyone know why passengers can't get into my car? I have an Elgy or whatever it's called and every time I try picking up another player they can't ride along. It happens with players lower and higher levels than me.

Hold down select (on PS3) until the quick menu appears and set your car access.

EDIT: Beaten harder than a drum.


Go under hats.

Also, the boardwalk place that sells masks has them.

FYI: the selection for helmets BLOWS. They have a LOT of half-helmets and off-road style; the good looking racer style ones are all locked until like lvl30-60+.

Nope. Still doesn't work for me. I look at the hat section and there is no spot for helmets.


the connection seems to be working but haircuts dont stay, my face got replaced, mission markers and gang markers wont show sometimes, enemy vehicles wont show as red dots on my radar. i keep getting people killed in missions not knowing we're surrounded. really irritating.


I played until level 12 but am getting really bored with the game. I'll probably just put it down for a while and check back to see if the game is more complete and enjoyable in a month or two. Right now it definitely isn't something I'd be inclined to invest a lot of time in.


my rank 16 dude is gone....... wtf hours of legit getting money to get screwed. well whoever wanted fun in my crappy apartment tonight is going to be disappointed. this is so lame.

This is the unholy son of Misty and Claude. He spent all his money on cars and guns and so he lives in his free garage.
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