I have been "hard saving" for last 2 days. but today i was making a mission in co-op and looks like the servers whent down during that time cuz when mission finished the game froze on the "clouds" view. I had to force quit to XMB, when i try to go online again in solo mode, it took me to character creation. The only way to avoid your carachter to not be deleted, is not playing the game.
Yeah I do that everytime. I go back to SP and then exit the game from there.
If I go back to SP and then return to online, the character is there, but I dunno ... seems when I exit the game, quit for the night, go to work and then come home, character be gone.
Max character so far has been Rank 10 due to this. Created ...... 6 characters so far?
I can only play maybe an hour a day if that, so yeah this type of thing is annoying. I have no idea how they are losing all character data from their servers though. That is perplexing, and should be easily remedied.