Note: Please do NOT use the Retry button after receiving the message Rockstar Cloud Servers are unavailable as this may result in loss of character data. If you are trying to access GTA Online and Rockstar Cloud Servers are unavailable, please exit to GTAV Story Mode and try entering GTA Online again through the Pause menu in Story Mode. We will be issuing a title update that will fix this issue as soon as possible.
I think GAF and Rockstar use the same servers.
Maybe thats whats causing people to lose their characters.
I spent about 15 hours attempting to play this game since patch, most of that playing but a bunch of times having servers up and down. I must have started and exited online 100+ times in this period, and done 120+ missions buts its always flawlessly kept my character and money every time.
But typically when I get an error like the above I just then quit and wait for servers to come up.
This IS the testing
So yeah.. I spent way too long on this, but here ya go
Man I've been grinding Duct for about an hour. Starting to get bored TBH but dat money.
Looks like I lost 60-70k and my level 14-15 character. I'm not a happy camper. Rockstar better sort this out and fast.
Man I've been grinding Duct for about an hour. Starting to get bored TBH but dat money.
So yeah.. I spent way too long on this, but here ya go
Just to keep from going insane from the monotony and hating the game, I'd recommend grinding Violent Duct a few times to give yourself a cash/RP infusion and cushion for dying, and do other well-paying missions when you unlock them by ranking up. If I have to steal that coke one more time...
You think of the Press X to Retry your ally?
I wash born in the Failed to load Cloud shhhcreen.
Molded by it.
Pretty much my exact situation.
And I lost a world record.
I played the game the way I wanted to, up until level 14-15 when my character disappeared. I don't want to have grind my way back through the game to catch up with friends who have been more fortunate. And that's ignoring the length of time for which my character has been gone.
I've enjoyed the journey of slowly rising through the criminal ranks, thus far. Fleecing cars, robbing stores and participating in deathmatches and races. I don't see the need in accelerating the experience by cash farming, where others do. Certainly when I start to feel bored, I'd change up the activity.
Managae crew - editcrew? Click on the emblem in the upper right hand corner. U should see a pencil. That takes u to the editor. U can store multiple custom logis fyi.How do you change your crew emblem? I see people with custom emblems but I don't see that option anywhere on the social club site.
So yeah.. I spent way too long on this, but here ya go
you lucky bastard.I can't even get in.
There's one funny moment each time I farm it. How I do it is, I go on the on ramp to the freeway and take out the first 3-4 people I can see. Then, I shoot the gas tank and start running up the freeway to the trolley. I then shoot everyone else through the square opening (basically impossible for them to get out of your line of sight from up there). The only way to get down is to jump and your character will smash into everything and not land on his feet lol. Then just shoot the guy with the coke and drive it back to Gerald.
Theres a much easier way. Run towards the gang in the direction you're already facing. Kill the three people closest to you then grenade the two cars on the right. Once that's done hide behind the black car on the right and throw two grenades. One to the guyson the left, and one to the ones on the right .
There's only three people left now. Just hide behind a wall and shoot them.
It takes 2 mins solo. Maybe a little bit less.
How come I get a crapload of money from racing but next to nothing for winning a deathmatch? Getting second in a race gave me over $2k, yet winning a ten minute or more deathmatch only rewarded me with $1k
How come I get a crapload of money from racing but next to nothing for winning a deathmatch? Getting second in a race gave me over $2k, yet winning a ten minute or more deathmatch only rewarded me with $1k
Not too mention the fact that you lose money every time you die. Yeah. They need to change the payouts for TDM, or at least make it so you don't lose money every time you die.
Just to keep from going insane from the monotony and hating the game, I'd recommend grinding Violent Duct a few times to give yourself a cash/RP infusion and cushion for dying, and do other well-paying missions when you unlock them by ranking up. If I have to steal that coke one more time...
Maybe I'm stupid, but I get all of these notifications above my gps map..
When will this spam (it literally posts everyone's jobs and missions) slow down?
I wouldn't really call it spam. Those aren't just when people play jobs, it's when they invite you.
You get that many invites too? Damn man lol