That's the worst crime here, because Lamar is great.Seeing that damn intro sequence 4 times made me hate Lamar.
I didn't think that was possible.
That's the worst crime here, because Lamar is great.Seeing that damn intro sequence 4 times made me hate Lamar.
I didn't think that was possible.
I know. I was playing on solo, somehow got a bounty placed on me. I obviously didn't get killed ( because solo), so it ran out and I got the money. I leave the game, join a new game today (random online) and instantly get the 'a bounty has been placed on your head' text again. I get a helicopter, let it run out, get the money, do some random stuff and leave. I go have dinner, come back, join another online game, and again I get a bounty on my head instantly. I get killed, I leave. Join another game, get another bounty on my head instantly. I left immediately.Bounty doesn't disappear until it's completed I believe.
Lol wrong threadIW can do anything the want, But wont innovate cause they got complacent and know as long as it has COD on the box ppl will buy it.
how are people affording apartments? I am level 10 with 60grand.
how are people affording apartments? I am level 10 with 60grand.
Hold down select to bring up the quick tool thingy in the upper left (the tool you use to set quick waypoints to Ammu-nation, ATM, etc.)please tell me how to do this.
LOL, so ironic that the bastards can't take what they dish out.Added you mate, max payne avatar yeah?
Its funny some dude today attacked me with an smg twice not thinking I had recent weapons. First time I sniped his head, second time I stickied his car, he left the session.
It is inevitably going to occur once this thing is smoothed out. The people, like myself, who don't have hours daily to dump into this world are going to be easy pickings for those that somehow haven't been affected, farm missions over and over and put in tons of work.
I don't think you'd have a chance against those folks even if we all started at the exact same time. Farmers like those you fear are a breed apart, nothing normal gamers can do is going to match that effort, single minded dedication and masses of free time. So don't try to compete, just play your way. Racing and missions and such aren't affected by the PvP stuff, which to me is the least satisfying element of the game. Shooting at people is just not very fun online here. But everything else is brilliant.
how are people affording apartments? I am level 10 with 60grand.
How far has complaining about it gotten you? I did the same thing, they're working on it. I'm doing nothing but wasting my own time if I'm just bitching about it while they're trying to fix it
how are people affording apartments? I am level 10 with 60grand.
how are people affording apartments? I am level 10 with 60grand.
Please let me play Devil's Advocate for a second: one week. If R* reset the player levels tomorrow, we'd have lost one week of play. For me, that represents about 12 hours, other likely more and likely less. BUT, this is in the face of a game that some of us might play for hundreds of hours.
Yes, the server issues they've been having have been terrible, and they've done a 'bad' job of fixing it this far (although from my POV it's been getting better), but it's a mere blip in the actual life cycle of the game. A week! That's almost nothing when you think the game will probably be popular for at least another year, and maybe well into the next gen if they re-release.
I think that we as always-on, slightly obsessive gamers need to take a deep breath, a step back and gain some perspective. Skipping a massive and very promising multiplayer game due to having to repeat 10-20 hours seems like such an overreaction to me.
Btw, are the servers up today?I fancy playing soon.
True. Actual bug reports are helpful but "this is bullshit, lost my character after 40 hours wtf Rockstar fix this shit" (the stuff I see often) isn'tI'm not bitching, I'm trying to educate Rockstar about some bugs and glitches in their game. This is very helpful behaviour where I come from.
Added you mate, max payne avatar yeah?
I'm not really sure what to buy now. I don't really need a bigger house with a bigger garage (I only have two). I bought I boat but I guess I don't have a place to put it and I can't buy a dock yet. I've maxed all the weapons I need too.
True. Actual bug reports are helpful but "this is bullshit, lost my character after 40 hours wtf Rockstar fix this shit" (the stuff I see often) isn't
As someone that actually legitimately played up to level 20, then started farming, I would be pissed if they reset levels. I would just stop playing tbh.
Hold Select, change Chat from Everyone to anything else.
Hold select/back for the interaction menu. There are chat settings in there.
EDIT: Update
Fake. It seems the image is fake.
Over on the Rockstar support forums Rockstar have confirmed there is no plans to reset character data
What is the appeal to farming? You get to a certain point quicker than others but then what do you keep coming back for?
As someone that actually legitimately played up to level 20, then started farming, I would be pissed if they reset levels. I would just stop playing tbh.
We need to start having GAF lobbies where we do crazy stuff like you see in the trailer. I want to have a 16 player dirt bike race off a cliff and then all skydive onto boats.
I think it's more of a "it's possible" thing.
One person farms, then he's friends want to farm to that level. Multiple people just accelerate through the intended experience. Generally it'll, in the long run, ruin the experience for yourself (to different degrees).
But to each their own.
What is the appeal to farming? You get to a certain point quicker than others but then what do you keep coming back for?
how are people affording apartments? I am level 10 with 60grand.
There is no appeal. If you see my post yesterday, I said that I found it boring and wouldn't be doing it again.
I remember you being super pissy at launch when it wasn't working. And now look at you man, you turned into a. I am disappointfarmer
I think farmer is going to be my new favourite derogatory term. Fuckin farmers man
Yeah, just had some guy claim I hit him in the back on the last turn. He hit the brakes wayyyy too late and slid through the corner, lol.I think racing is by far my favorite activity
Easy way to make money and smoke fools.
Use your damn brakes people!
I don't feel bad, I only farmed for cash, and didn't get many levels. To me, levels is what is important, not the money. Rockstar is going to allow people to buy money. And yes, I was bitching at launch. I lost a total of 5 players, including one that was level 10. Then restarted at 6th time, and got to level 20 by myself (only farmed to level 25 + $300k) before I decided that I wouldn't do it again.
I would be really mad if my levels got reset. Yes indeed.