Try going to the real estate web site, it'll be marked as free from what I understand.When mine was working I couldn't find the so called CE garage I was supposed to get. Did anyone who bought the CE get the garage?
Try going to the real estate web site, it'll be marked as free from what I understand.When mine was working I couldn't find the so called CE garage I was supposed to get. Did anyone who bought the CE get the garage?
When mine was working I couldn't find the so called CE garage I was supposed to get. Did anyone who bought the CE get the garage?
Oh God, It's going to take a long fucking time to get a million
You have to look on the real estate website and you will see a garage listed for Free. Also, if you go car shopping you should have some free vehicles you didn't know about. Haha.
PS3 servers seem to pretty stable lately.
Increased tension. I love them. Makes you think more.
When mine was working I couldn't find the so called CE garage I was supposed to get. Did anyone who bought the CE get the garage?
Not if you play in a free aim lobby.Yeah respawning in games makes you play with less thought. I liked SOCOM 2 because of the value death had. Killing any enemy helped the team, and having one person alive could end up winning with everyone on the edge of their seats. Good times. I haven't tried it in GTA Online though. I don't really like the gun control. I bet people will just lock on anyway.
This is #40:
and some of the various other high-end ones:
I am periodically checking the social club site for any updates to my missing character; certain stats are there as is my bank but that is it. Feels bad man...real bad. Did you send @rockstargamessupport a tweet about it? I did, even though they never responded.
Yeah respawning in games makes you play with less thought. I liked SOCOM 2 because of the value death had. Killing any enemy helped the team, and having one person alive could end up winning with everyone on the edge of their seats. Good times. I haven't tried it in GTA Online though. I don't really like the gun control. I bet people will just lock on anyway.
Curiously, there's no separate thread putting Rockstar on blast for this fucking incompetence. Had it been Activision or EA, they wouldn't have even lasted a day before the GAF pitchforks were brought out. I'm pretty pissed.
Also there was no thread about GTA5 shipping without a online mode, no reviews giving it a con for not having online (it will be here and it will be awesome, seemed to be the thought from them), and people seem to be waiting on people to complain about GTA5 to chalk it up to GAF being GAF. They are waiting on the backlash to say GAF just hates popular things.
You have to look on the real estate website and you will see a garage listed for Free. Also, if you go car shopping you should have some free vehicles you didn't know about. Haha.
Took my buddy from 1pm to 2am spamming Violent Duct to hit a million. I don't know how he could stand something like that. I could only keep going to 30 minutes.
I thought they took out the replay from doing Violent Duct over and over?
I thought they took out the replay from doing Violent Duct over and over?
I thought they took out the replay from doing Violent Duct over and over?
Jeez there's a new way to do Violent Duct that takes literally 30 seconds per go. Restart n' all.
Wait until you get the Ak47 unlocked, you will welcome fools trying to screw you with that fire spewing beast.Thankfully, there seem to be a lot of requests to tune down the death penalty in free roam online. It is just way too high... Thankfully there's a reddit post where that's a major complaint nd getting lots of feedback, so that's good.
I've been playing most of the day, just came off for a break about 20 minutes ago. Everything seemed fine, although I think the matchmaking is broken, either that or all anyone wants to do is run around like a headless chicken in free roam.Are the 360 servers up right now? So far all I have ever gotten is a cannot connect message. Now I get a server unavailable message.
He's a liar. At least, if the jobs he's giving me are big scores, he's keeping 99.9% of the score. Some interesting missions though. Had a co op one from him that splits you and a partner up into two teams with different objectives. One has to get to a vantage and cover the other while they move in to steal a chopper.
I'm hoping that multiple objective functionality is a sign to come if/when complex heists are implemented.
I've done one or two missions, they're a bit more difficult and complex than the earlier ones.
But don't even bother with "High Priority Case". Most stupid mission ever.
Looked up the 30 second thing, you need 2 people and it definitely sounds exploity.
Haha my brother got marked as a bad player and now hes got the dunce hat and has to play on the bad players only servers haaaa
Shame though as he had all the good missions to make loads of money![]()
Still no character back after 3 days... Are they just gone then?
This is a joke!! So I join a game/mission where there is a package of coke on the coast where a group of four of you have to drive and collect it before the other team. So there is 8 of us in the lobby the game starts and goes to the team screen. I'm sat here waiting to start then all of a sudden my team starts leaving or so I thought, I switch view to the other team and see seven players. They allow people to switch teams and make it unbalanced!! That isn't the worst part either, because I quit out I get a bad sport rating (this is the first time I've quit out of a mission) and get put in a bad sport lobby with only me!!
Hmm didn't get a dunce hat, guess it may have been a glitch I hope!
It's seeming that way. Still waiting on mine too. My guess is they'll put a fix in place but anyone prior to it is SOL.
This is a joke!! So I join a game/mission where there is a package of coke on the coast where a group of four of you have to drive and collect it before the other team. So there is 8 of us in the lobby the game starts and goes to the team screen. I'm sat here waiting to start then all of a sudden my team starts leaving or so I thought, I switch view to the other team and see seven players. They allow people to switch teams and make it unbalanced!! That isn't the worst part either, because I quit out I get a bad sport rating (this is the first time I've quit out of a mission) and get put in a bad sport lobby with only me!!
Hmm didn't get a dunce hat, guess it may have been a glitch I hope!
This is a joke!! So I join a game/mission where there is a package of coke on the coast where a group of four of you have to drive and collect it before the other team. So there is 8 of us in the lobby the game starts and goes to the team screen. I'm sat here waiting to start then all of a sudden my team starts leaving or so I thought, I switch view to the other team and see seven players. They allow people to switch teams and make it unbalanced!! That isn't the worst part either, because I quit out I get a bad sport rating (this is the first time I've quit out of a mission) and get put in a bad sport lobby with only me!!
Wow races aren't fun at all. Nothing but people trying to wreck you fuck that shit.
Try going to the real estate web site, it'll be marked as free from what I understand.
anyone know how to turn off all the multiplayer stuff from single player? it's starting to piss me off.
i'm talking about the notifications that pop up when a friend is playing whatever mode and invites and all that, i want them OFF in single player, they are distracting me when i'm trying to do missions and stuff (there's already too much clutter on screen with the tips, minimap and everything). i looked at the settings of course, but they are a bit confusing.. i disactivated what i thought were the right notifications but i still kept getting them. i tried disactivating some other options but then they also affected single-player related alerts when i get messages from NPC characters and such... highly annoying.
also, why the hell are people from my friends list as contacts in Michael's etc phone? can i remove them? how?
and yeah i would play totally offline to avoid all this shit, BUT then i can't take and save pictures because Social Club. ugh.
Boot up GTA Online.
Kicked straight way.
Who's VincentAutMorire?
Sorry about that run over mate, thought you had a bounty on your head, haha.
I want to repost for those that didn't see what I spent half my night on yesterday xD