So... 4 days later my emblem finally showed up... and I forgot to make the background transparent!

Lol same.. im starting to think they manually approve every logo mine took a week to show upSo... 4 days later my emblem finally showed up... and I forgot to make the background transparent!
So... 4 days later my emblem finally showed up... and I forgot to make the background transparent!
But some logos have transparencies.No, you didn't make any mistake I think. There doesn't seem to be transparency options when they import the logos are textures. It's pretty lame.
No, you didn't make any mistake I think. There doesn't seem to be transparency options when they import the logos are textures. It's pretty lame.
No, you didn't make any mistake I think. There doesn't seem to be transparency options when they import the logos are textures. It's pretty lame.
PS3 or 360?Fuck, seriously they're patching it now? This better return my character or that's some serious bullshit. I'm rank 14 on my new guy trying to get high enough to do Violent Duct again so I could make up for lost time.
[EDIT[ Motherfuckers, I lost a rank too cause they disconnected me for the patch...
There is, it just isn't any layer. It's on the recent colors menu on the left. The color on the bottom is the background one. Doesn't make alot of sense to be on the "recent colors" but wtv.
I redid my logo as well. It isn't a transparency issue. Old logo just hasn't updated
So I haven't played the online for about 3 days now because after getting my apartment I'm afraid that playing the game any further might make me lose progress. And it looks like there hasn't been any news update for days now. What's up? Where is the content creator? Where are the Heists? Rockstarrrrrrrrrrrr!
I haven't had any problems since Sunday, and R* have put popups warning of character loss and progress if you quit out of the game improperly, there is also a new patch out today. It is possible they might have fixed stuff, I had no issue doing anything yesterday with people.
No, that's strange.Ok, this is BS. I bought a GAF logo for the hood my whip, but when I crashed I lost the hood. I got it repaired and the logo is gone. Do I really have to buy it every time?
PS3 or 360?
Sit, I haven't gotten kicked yet. When I'm done farming, I'll return to GTAV instead Freeroam. I'll lose millions of out doesn't save this session. D:
How did the trailer imply it was like Battlefield? What sort of GTAO trailer were you watching?Am I the only one that thinks this sucks, even when it does work?
Its not a fun multiplayer game.
They should have made it like Battlefield 3: GTAV, which in my opinion is what the trailer implied
I think it's pretty BS to charge 25k for painting a vehicle with the Crew color and another 25k for adding the crew emblem to a vehicle. Crews are social stuff which Rockstar is encouraging players to dabble with, and placing crew representation in the game behind a money wall is really dumb.
Is the new patch already out or is it coming out later today? Do we know what's in it? I'm also concerned about content though. The problems of Online aren't just in the connection and data loss issues, but also that it basically feels rushed out without even basic content being completely implemented.
I got the 1.03 patch when I turned it on this morning, I don't think they have said what it does yet though, we know it totally disables replaying missions though. But yea, you aren't wrong there, there is a lot missing that really should be there, if anything there seems to be a lot of fun stuff unlocked at much higher levels that should really be lower.
The balance of GTAO just isn't very good, dare I say it, but CoD over the years generally knows how to keep you going with unlocks and modes, they pretty much open up everything you can do by level 10 and that only takes a short time to get to. Here in GTA it takes hours unless you grind to get to 10, and you will have a small handful of things to do. And that is ignoring weapons, I entered a deathmatch with a 40 something and the rest of us were around the 10 and lower mark at the time, he just mowed us down because at best we had pistols and shitty shotguns, but there he was taking everyone out across the map.
Damn, so the days of Violent Duct being the fast lane to the first apartment are done?![]()
I should have never logged outThat mission I was doing was so good. Slow missions and progress coming up.
Damn, so the days of Violent Duct being the fast lane to the first apartment are done?![]()
Does the new patch fix characters getting routinely deleted? I've stopped playing since my last one disappeared and don't plan to again until I can be sure all my progress isn't going to get chucked out the window.
Sit, I haven't gotten kicked yet. When I'm done farming, I'll return to GTAV instead Freeroam. I'll lose millions of out doesn't save this session. D:
Damn, so the days of Violent Duct being the fast lane to the first apartment are done?![]()
Fuckfuckfuck. They haven't kicked me yet. Still playing pre-VD Nerf.I was disconnected and forced to update. I was level 14 at the time so Rockstar has really screwed me over releasing the patch right before I could get Violent Duct again and farm back to where I was. They had better restore my guy soon and give me some compensation money for lost time. (They wont...)
That one mission from Lester where you have to recover a briefcase from atop the construction building fucking blows. Says we should get a helicopter and there ain't no fucking helicopter at the airport. Have no idea what the pay is, but that shit ain't fucking worth it
Yeah. Removing the repeat mission-option is a dick move and utter bullshit, especially when they don't have their own shit together yet.
random thought: I wish I could be a cop.
It think would make the free roam bit of the game a lot more interesting if there was something like that.
if you have to run into a mission called "Titan on the Job", do it. $10k reward provided someone doesn't blow the Titan when landing it
I've tried it so many times.. you can sometimes find helicopters by the bay, or use jets from the military base. Never been able to actually finish the mission though.That one mission from Lester where you have to recover a briefcase from atop the construction building fucking blows. Says we should get a helicopter and there ain't no fucking helicopter at the airport. Have no idea what the pay is, but that shit ain't fucking worth it
Myself and 3 friends smashed it in survival last night good xp and great money.
Ok, this is BS. I bought a GAF logo for the hood my whip, but when I crashed I lost the hood. I got it repaired and the logo is gone. Do I really have to buy it every time?
Shhhhhh, Rockstar is watching. This will be the next target.
Shhhhhh, Rockstar is watching. This will be the next target.