Made 100k from survival already today, easy money.
Made 100k from survival already today, easy money.
It seems all the patches do is stop you making too much money? It's always stuff like no repeat missions, or reward downgrade or something
What's the cheapest apartment btw? Got around 50k
Anyone seen a player who bought a tank yet? Where do they + planes etc spawn when you buy them?
The way money is used in this game just needs some serious tweaking.
I had 15,000 last night but I ended up with just 5 after messing about in free roam for something like 45 minutes to an hour. The amount you loose when you die is a joke. Hell, you shouldn't loose anything if it's banked imo.
Top that with the crazy prices for anything along with the low income from jobs and it makes it feel like a huge grind.
Heists better have a huge payout when they come into the game.
Is it true that the patch reduces the money earned from missions?
I'm hearing it's been reduced by 60-70%.
Whats the point in passive mode. Plus kicking players from free mode, wtf.
Is it true that the patch reduces the money earned from missions?
I'm hearing it's been reduced by 60-70%.
A couple of missions, like Violent Duct, are down to $3000. I think this is a good thing because Violent Duct is easy as hell and there's no reason it should have had the $9000 payout. It's the sam as every other lame Gerald / Lamar mission, like the Pier one and everything else. GO here, kill 15 guys, collect drugs, drive to Gerald's house... $9000.
Glad they reduced.
Other missions though seem to still be paying out as far as I can tell. Made an easy $10k from the survival mission.
If I'm playing "with" my crew, how do we transition to a lobby/matchmaking system that keeps us playing together as a team.
It kept splitting us up.
Also, if we're in a private free roam session and we go do a co-op job/mission together, once that mission is over it puts us at a mission select screen and if we opt out, it doesn't send us back to the free roam session we were in together. It kicks us out.
Has that been fixed, or were we just doing it wrong?
Rockstar dun goofed. This pick-six shit is SO horrible. Why can't we have playlists where you can pick a certain gametype and play only that? EVERY lobby I get falls apart within a few games and then no one ever joins. Every race lobby is bumper cars 2.0 and they just replay the same one over and over.
Missions (which seemingly no one ever wants to do) are just lame ass fetch quests. Every one is the exact same thing in different locations. I didn't expect this game to feel exactly like an MMO. So, I grinded Violent Duct, got my 400k house and Comet pimped out... what now? I certainly can't go blow my friends up repeatedly because I'll be deemed a "bad sport" (IN GTA WTF!) and be stuck with assholes AND lose all of my money. Not to mention the fucking cops who NEVER stop.
This games fun factor is rough right now... I'm sure later content will help but even then, the pick-six thing will be over-saturated with random content that everyone will just end up going back to freemode if they don't get their way. Heists will be rad, but okay... I'll have more money that I don't want and STILL won't be able to murder my friends without the bullshit that comes with. Why is this shit so serious?... it is GTA after all.
I played 900 games of Cops N' Crooks in GTAIV and laughed my ass off and had an amazing time, GTAO hasn't really done much for me.
Loving my matte black Challenger rip off. Fun ride and a great burbling noise at full chat.
Been thinking about my garage and I just can't cut my wanted car list to ten. I really really hope R* allow us to own an apartment AND a separate garage in the future.
On an unrelated note I was playing survival yesterday and noticed you can use some of the snacks whilst in cover (P&Q) while you can't with some others (eCola).
Did you call Sony or Microsoft to refund the purchase?
I mean I will buy the 1,25 million card once it is back up since I have no problem with it but even though I have the disposable income I would be mad if my virtual money disappeared.
I've saw it in game, but can't remember what it's called. What's the car that looks like this?
Chevy Impala
So I spent like 2 hours today inviting random players into my apartment ,trapping them against the wall with my friend while our characters, dressed like Jesse and Walt from Breaking Bad, were doing the jerking taunt forever..
Most laughs I've had online so far.
I've saw it in game, but can't remember what it's called. What's the car that looks like this?
Chevy Impala
Martin Gives you a mission where you have to blow up some dump trucks in a construction site, if you armor your personal car to 40%, you can repeatedly ride in and blow up the first 2 that are surrounded by guards and get out unhurt. If you have 2 friends, they can be waiting at where the other 2 trucks spawn half a mile away, we were running the whole mission in <2min when we got proficient
18k and 3500rp
Yeah only if you are still on 360 though and only until the patch hits later this day.
I've saw it in game, but can't remember what it's called. What's the car that looks like this?
Chevy Impala
Can anyone help me with this:
What is the name of the apartment with that view?
Last night I learned how you get engine unlocks. This game is absurd. Not participating in lots of races, or even just finishing in the top half or top 3, but having to win tens of races.
Given how absurdly they jacked the prices compared to SP having to additionally unlock items to access them is just pure sadism.
I think this game is shooting itself in the foot in terms of long-term playability. They're completely gimping it for more casual players.
not as easy as violent duct before the downgrade
Agreed about the lack of Cops N' Crooks mode off the bat, but ...
Maybe have three different ways to hold money instead of the current two.I don't agree with not losing anything if it is banked; you gotta pay your hospital bills if you decide to "mess around."
Maybe have three different ways to hold money instead of the current two.
So one is just Cash as it is now, maybe have very few specific things that can only be bought with Cash in hand.
Then, instead of just Banking it, just have two accounts.
One is the Bank that stores money and can't be lost if you die. But you can't spend any money that's banked like this and taking money out of it would cost a small fee. A way to store your larger savings for bigger investments like an apartment.
The other is closer to what the bank is now. You can store money in here and still spend it but if you die you loose a certain amount (or small percentage) for "hospital bills" and so on.
Or something like that.
Fuck rockstar for nerfing anything, greedy assholes. We paid sixty dollars for the game, both single and a two week late multiplayer, but they still try to nickel and dime us, and by nerfing the payout and removing the replay feature they show just how shitty they are. Instead of fixing the glitches and connection issues, they screw the consumer. Smh
Fuck rockstar for nerfing anything, greedy assholes. We paid sixty dollars for the game, both single and a two week late multiplayer, but they still try to nickel and dime us, and by nerfing the payout and removing the replay feature they show just how shitty they are. Instead of fixing the glitches and connection issues, they screw the consumer. Smh
My god, what a joke of a post. "Nerfing they payouts" was what they SHOULD have done due to people exploiting the fuck out of missions to get big money early on, which does what exactly? You get things real quick and go "Now what Rockstar?" "I have the best house and cars, give me more!" Fuck that shit; I work 9 hours a day, have a child, come home and get maybe 2 hours a night, if I am lucky, to play games. I enjoy the shit how it is and like the work I have to put in to even get a dingy garage. Nothing fires me up more than people who exploit things like this early on and then whine about it when Rockstar "cheats" them..fuck.