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Grand Theft Auto: Online |OT| The Stimulation Has Began!


Yeah, I never understood why people cared about the money. Especially given that Rockstar is going to allow people to buy Millions with real money. The real issue was the ranking up in bulk. Ranking up allows people to have access to the best weapons/cars etc.

Although, I'm not familiar with how well the matchmaking is. Do the top tier levels play with one another? Or is Online bad at this, and do they mix level 40+ with level 1-10's.


The real issue was the ranking up in bulk..

Not when you can rank up easily by doing a 30 second race by yourself. They obviously don't care if people abuse shit to get a high rank but they get really serious when it comes to money and we all know why.
Oh man, I had an epic time last night surviving a bounty someone put out on me. Someone put a $3,000 bounty out on me so I stole a cop car then hightailed it to the airport to get away from everyone. I hung out there for a few minutes driving around. Then I thought to myself I need to get in the air, so I took off to Trevor's airport. Right before I got there I noticed someone following me, I finally get to the airport and hopped into the chopper, as I got in the chopper the guy who was following for showed up and started shooting me while the chopper was warming up. He almost killed me as I got away. I figured a good place to hangout would be the tallest building in the city. I flew over there to wait out the bounty.

While I was there a chopper came by but flew away, a few minutes later the guy who chased me earlier found a chopper and landed on the building I was on. He parked his chopper close to mine thinking it would block me from leaving( boy was he wrong! lol). I was watching my radar to see which way he was going and I snuck back to my chopper and took off. lol I headed out over the ocean and he followed me with his chopper. I went around the map once and that guy kept on following me but, then he must have gotten bored and left but, right when he left someone in a jet fired missiles at me, I heard the lock-on sound then I jumped out of my chopper deployed my parachute and landed into the ocean. I landed next to a boardwalk so I swam under it and hid there for about 10 minutes while the guy in the jet kept trying to shooting me with missiles while I was under the boardwalk.

While the guy was in the jet strafing me, I thought I sure hope he doesn't have a buddy who will come and help him out. As soon as I said that to myself another dude shows up. I was like crap! lol While other dude in the jet was flying back on forth shooting missiles the other guy jumps into the water and start swimming after me. I take off swimming like a banshee, zig zagging, diving under water. I lose the guy that was swimming after but only for a little bit, he went to the shore and got a jet ski, he drove over by me and started shooting me. I dived under water and started swimming to the shore. I thought I was dead at this point. Just as I was getting out of the water to run away I got the message saying I escaped the bounty and got the trophy! Then got killed right after that. Man was that fun! I wish I was recording at the time.


Not when you can rank up easily by doing a 30 second race by yourself. They obviously don't care if people abuse shit to get a high rank but they get really serious when it comes to money and we all know why.

It still doesn't make it any less of an issue. I agree with the race thing too. It's silly. To me, it's more of an issue of balance. I don't care if people are grinding to get their level up. Those that want to rush to highest level, have every right to do so. But in terms of balance, being able to do that as quick as clicking replay instantly (over and over after rushing a mission in 2 min) - and doing 2 min races over and over sort of breaks the game?

I dunno. I'm actually not that mad. But I also don't play a lot of games that mix me with other players (I've heavily kept it to playing with friends in closed sessions). Like I said, has anyone experience them mixing level 40 + with those at very low levels? Or ar they pretty good with matchmaking based on rank?


The easiest solution to prevent unwanted interaction with assholes is to get rid of--or make optional--the blips on the map.

This was an issue I had with GTA IV as well. Too many of the modes were destroyed by being visible on the map at all times. They've corrected the aim type problem by segregating the two, but the blips are just as damming.

Think about it, why make it easy for people to be assholes at all times? These people clearly want to play an open world shooter with vehicles, why not make them work for it?

I mean shit, there's another tool (perk if you will) to have Lester charge to use. $500 to reveal all players for X amount of time.

Fire an un-silenced weapon and you popup on the radar.

Have a bounty on your head and your blip is red, but you're only visible while in the same conditions, unless they pay an absurd fee to make you visible to the entire room.

There are a ton of creative ways to do this. It'll promote teamwork in free roam and allow players to utilize stealth while taking advantage of the cover system. It just makes too must sense imo.

The game is geared so low that it's hurting the experience they've created. They need to allow the community to separate itself and grow on its own. The hand holding at this point helps no one but the bad sports.

There needs to be a death penalty. Whether that's 5% of your overall bank or everything that you have in your pockets, you need to lose funds (and not be labeled a bad sport when defending yourself) when you're killed. It just doesn't have to be so damn easy.



I don't think RPGs and higher level weapons are as important as you think they are. If you use them against players, odds are you'll end up in bad sport land with the rest of the higher level players.
Its not that they are important against players per say, but they are fun tools to use, and they can be helpful especially when a high lvl player can grief you with its use. Its about giving a balanced and level playing field. Think of it like CoD, everyone can pretty much use the same types of weapons from the start. Specific weapons may be locked, this x, y, z sniper rifle, or assault rifle, but there is always a sniper rifle or assault rifle for even a lvl 1 player to use.

Also for those people that like to just goof around, try and get 5 stars and see how long you can last, things like RPGs definitely help. And heck, they are still going to sell cash for real money, so unlocking that stuff early encourages those with real cash to spend it on those expensive weapons and ammo. I have more money than I know what to do with, just because of having everything behind a rank or race win gate.
It still doesn't make it any less of an issue. I agree with the race thing too. It's silly. To me, it's more of an issue of balance. I don't care if people are grinding to get their level up. Those that want to rush to highest level, have every right to do so. But in terms of balance, being able to do that as quick as clicking replay instantly (over and over after rushing a mission in 2 min) - and doing 2 min races over and over sort of breaks the game?

I dunno. I'm actually not that mad. But I also don't play a lot of games that mix me with other players (I've heavily kept it to playing with friends in closed sessions). Like I said, has anyone experience them mixing level 40 + with those at very low levels? Or ar they pretty good with matchmaking based on rank?

Honestly, the level difference only matters till you unlock the micro smg, which is around level 8(?) and then as long as you jack a car, you're about on even playing field with anyone higher level. Sure they unlock sticky bombs after level 20ish, but using those makes them bad sports, so few do.


I'm telling you that most people who farmed did so because of how easily you lose money, how in-proportionate the mission rewards are, and because you can't so much as have two cars without dropping $25k (at least) on a garage.

I disagree; even if you wouldn't loose money by dying, people would probably would still be here bitching about the patches and fixes that prevent them from rushing into a top level in a week or so.... that's what I don't get from many of us.

... But still, yes, the game still needs more balancing, including doing something about the cash penalty for dying

3k is a paltry sum for getting your friends to join, and completing a mission.

But why is 3K it a "paltry sum" ?... because you can't level-up as quick as you would like?... or because of death penalty?

Those that want to rush to highest level, have every right to do so
... but IMO they don't have the right to complain because loopholes are bing closed that would allow them to do it in a week or so.

Ploid 3.0

Its like they are patching out ways for people to earn money. I am fine if they limited the amount of replays you can do per mission a day or if they make a cooldown on how often an expensive mission shows up but it feels like the guys playing with friends trying to earn enough for an Apt are the ones getting punished. 3k is a paltry sum for getting your friends to join, and completing a mission.

Honestly feel they are nerfing the payout to punish the farmers but its effecting the casuals that have maybe 2 hours a day and making their "pay for ingame cash" seem scummier.

This whole thing with GTA O reminds me of how F2P games get things wrong.

Neogaf thread: Nexon: Stamina bars and constant monetization drives away f2p customers

Free-to-play is not without its challenges, but Mahoney believes Nexon's long experience gives it a head-start over rivals in the west.

"Some of the western companies, especially in the casual space, made the mistake of thinking that free-to-play was an ersatz pay-to-play. If you play a game that won't let you continue unless you pay, it's not free. We learned the lesson very early on and we stopped making that mistake right away."

Another hurdle, for consumers, is how often they are bugged for money by F2P games. Mahoney said this was counter-productive game design. "If a waiter in a restaurant keeps asking you if you'd like to order more food every two minutes, the restaurant might make some extra cash that night, but you'd likely never come back," he said.

Last year, Nexon made $1.2 billion in revenues, operating at a 35 percent margin. And yet, 90 percent of the people who play its games, never pay a penny. The ten percent who pay for time-saving, convenient and aesthetic in-game items, spend an average of about $22 each.

"They are all playing in a synchronous, immersive world," he said. "You have thousands of people playing at the same time. If people are not there or they are not engaged, then they are not going to keep coming back. So we have to focus on the 90 percent of people, even though they are not spending money."

For Mahoney, free-to-play's future is about less intrusive monetization mechanics, because there will always be people so involved in a good game, and with enough money, to want to buy that unicorn, or that snazzy-looking outfit.
I disagree; even if you wouldn't loose money by dying, people would probably would still be here bitching about the patches and fixes that prevent them from rushing into a top level in a week or so.... that's what I don't get from many of us.

... But still, yes, the game still needs more balancing, including doing something about the cash penalty for dying

I've been reading this thread for awhile and the vast majority of the farming posts have been about acquiring money, not Reputation Points.

But why is 3K it a "paltry sum" ?... because you can't level-up as quick as you would like?... or because of death penalty?

... but IMO they don't have the right to complain because loopholes are bing closed that would allow them to do it in a week or so.

The 3k he's referring to is money, not Reputation Points. Reputation Points are what is required to level up. Money is just a currency to buy things.

And Rockstar haven't touched the Reputation Points in any of the missions at all. So you're clearly getting things mixed up.


Its like they are patching out ways for people to earn money. I am fine if they limited the amount of replays you can do per mission a day or if they make a cooldown on how often an expensive mission shows up but it feels like the guys playing with friends trying to earn enough for an Apt are the ones getting punished. 3k is a paltry sum for getting your friends to join, and completing a mission.

Honestly feel they are nerfing the payout to punish the farmers but its effecting the casuals that have maybe 2 hours a day and making their "pay for ingame cash" seem scummier.

I am in that group of not having a bunch of time to play each night and don't have a problem with it taking time to get money as I plan on playing for awhile.

Ploid 3.0

I've been reading this thread for awhile and the vast majority of the farming posts have been about acquiring money, not Reputation Points.

The 3k he's referring to is money, not Reputation Points. Reputation Points are what is required to level up. Money is just a currency to buy things.

And Rockstar haven't touched the Reputation Points in any of the missions at all. So you're clearly getting things mixed up.

And you don't leak reputation points at every turn like you leak money for everything. I didn't even care about RP, "Oh cool, I leveled up."

[You unlocked 2 new shirt items]

[You unlocked 2 new facepaint items]

"Yep AWESOME!..."
Plus updated my game to 1.03 and I got my character back who disappeared yesterday! I'm very happy about that.

Also any ideas on what JP is going to used for, trade for cash maybe?

And how do you view race world records without actually being in the race. Please tell me there is some sort of unified leaderboard.

Ploid 3.0

Plus updated my game to 1.03 and I got my character back who disappeared yesterday!

Also any ideas on what JP is going to used for?

Trade in for cash maybe.

But why is 3K it a "paltry sum" ?... because you can't level-up as quick as you would like?... or because of death penalty?

The problem stems from the fact that Rockstar created inequities with job payouts. Some jobs were quick with big payouts, while others were long with small payouts. To rectify this situation, Rockstar didn't acknowledge the inequity by raising some low payouts and reducing some high payouts, they just reduced the high ones. When they're also trying to sell you on their GTA Cash Cards, it clearly comes off as a decision made to support the bottom line, and not the player experience.


And Rockstar haven't touched the Reputation Points in any of the missions at all. So you're clearly getting things mixed up.
I'm sorry, I might have explained it incorrectly... but yes I was referring to money mainly, and of course to people's rush to reach a high RP level and to accumulate a lot of money in just a few days.
But why is 3K it a "paltry sum" ?... because you can't level-up as quick as you would like?... or because of death penalty?

In GTA5, 3k will get you a ton of mileage; ammo, accessories, clothes. To get an extended clip for a SMG, its much more expensive in GTA:O. That and the deaths come quicker and more often (respawn locations, bounties) and feel more penalized. 3k evaporates because of the need for armor, ammo, and deaths.
Its like they are patching out ways for people to earn money. I am fine if they limited the amount of replays you can do per mission a day or if they make a cooldown on how often an expensive mission shows up but it feels like the guys playing with friends trying to earn enough for an Apt are the ones getting punished. 3k is a paltry sum for getting your friends to join, and completing a mission.

Honestly feel they are nerfing the payout to punish the farmers but its effecting the casuals that have maybe 2 hours a day and making their "pay for ingame cash" seem scummier.


As someone who gets maybe 3-5 hrs of play in throughout an entire week this really sucks. I spent 1.5 hrs last night playing some missions and collecting some bounties but after the weak payouts on missions and all of the random deaths I suffered in free roam I was only $12k ahead.


Plus updated my game to 1.03 and I got my character back who disappeared yesterday! I'm very happy about that.

Also any ideas on what JP is going to used for, trade for cash maybe?

And how do you view race world records without actually being in the race. Please tell me there is some sort of unified leaderboard.
This is great to hear. Hope people are getting all their characters back.

I made a character a while back that was lost. So I created a temp character that was lost too.

I'm hoping my level 25 character now isn't replaced by some level 5 scrub
I'm sorry, I might have explained it incorrectly... but yes I was referring to money mainly, and of course to people's rush to reach a high RP level and to accumulate a lot of money in just a few days.

That's going to happen regardless of what they do. It happens in every single game that has a level system from MMO's to COD. Players will find the tasks that award them the most XP/RP/whatever to level, and play that constantly/exclusively until they hit level cap. It's a playstyle that's unavoidable unless a developer makes every task take the exact same amount of time, effort, and point value. And that homogenizes gameplay which is boring and thus bad for the gameplay.

Edit: I think the problem that some have with this fact is that they're just not used to the idea. Those of us who play MP games that have level systems already understand that this is how things work. Players will always take the least path of resistance to reaching their goal and the only thing that Devs can do to combat it, is provide incentive to do other things. Rockstar's attempt at this is gating various items/mods/attachments with specific tasks. That helps to an extent but some people will still just try to reach level cap first and then go back and do the activities that will unlock the specific things they want.


And you don't leak reputation points at every turn like you leak money for everything. I didn't even care about RP, "Oh cool, I leveled up."

[You unlocked 2 new shirt items]

[You unlocked 2 new facepaint items]

"Yep AWESOME!..."

Hit Rank 50 last night. I can call in Airstrikes. That is all.

Also this "Bad sport" BS needs to stop. Had a 3k bounty on me for stealing an AI car. So dudes start coming after me and I defend myself with an assault shotgun. Since I killed him by blowing up his motercycle, Im warned that being a bad sport is wrong. SMH
This is great to hear. Hope people are getting all their characters back.

He had not been gone long as it happened last night after a mission we were replaying failed to load. I had to eventually XMB to get out the game.

It was weird because the view was stuck in the clouds but I could fire my gun. I also tried switching to SP and it worked but the screen had some blur filter all over it, the game played fine but looked like someone smeared Vaseline all over the screen. My character didn't just disappear out of the blue like a lot of other people.


That's going to happen regardless of what they do. It happens in every single game that has a level system from MMO's to COD. Players will find the tasks that award them the most XP/RP/whatever to level, and play that constantly/exclusively until they hit level cap. It's a playstyle that's unavoidable unless a developer makes every task take the exact same amount of time, effort, and point value. And that homogenizes gameplay which is boring and thus bad for the gameplay.

Yeah... a sad but real playstyle


He had not been gone long as it happened last night after a mission we were replaying failed to load. I had to eventually XMB to get out the game.

It was weird because the view was stuck in the clouds but I could fire my gun. I also tried switching to SP and it worked but the screen had some blur filter all over it, the game played fine but looked like someone smeared Vaseline all over the screen. My character didn't just disappear out of the blue like a lot of other people.


Ploid 3.0

The problem stems from the fact that Rockstar created inequities with job payouts. Some jobs were quick with big payouts, while others were long with small payouts. To rectify this situation, Rockstar didn't acknowledge the inequity by raising some low payouts and reducing some high payouts, they just reduced the high ones. When they're also trying to sell you on their GTA Cash Cards, it clearly comes off as a decision made to support the bottom line, and not the player experience.

I'm still confused why they touched No Hay Bronca. That mission was long and risky. There was no speed running it at all that I know of. The cars were very protected, and when even one blow up a whole army of guys start coming in. This mission had so many parts to it that seemingly made it anti speed farm.

I liked the idea, I just doubt rockstar would even consider it. They'd give you a random round of ammo per 10 than money I bet.


I am in that group of not having a bunch of time to play each night and don't have a problem with it taking time to get money as I plan on playing for awhile.

I'm in that boat, which makes me even more frustrated when I play missions with crappy payouts. With little play time want to know that when I play I am getting decent xp. Right now the xp and money doesn't match the difficulty of the mission


My god, what a joke of a post. "Nerfing they payouts" was what they SHOULD have done due to people exploiting the fuck out of missions to get big money early on, which does what exactly? You get things real quick and go "Now what Rockstar?" "I have the best house and cars, give me more!" Fuck that shit; I work 9 hours a day, have a child, come home and get maybe 2 hours a night, if I am lucky, to play games. I enjoy the shit how it is and like the work I have to put in to even get a dingy garage. Nothing fires me up more than people who exploit things like this early on and then whine about it when Rockstar "cheats" them..fuck.

I'm only 23 and I'm constantly getting that "now what" feeling. This game is shockingly boring mostly thanks to Rockstar's decisions to fill this with F2P bullshit. I was trying to grind seemingly forever for my first apartment, finally was able to get it (for "only" 130k) when I found out you could exploit that Martin $9000 mission over and over (the normal way I'm always restocking grenades and sticky bombs, which cost $250 each and $600 each respectively. It was hard to make decent money like that), then I noticed it was just a shitty apartment that was smaller than the one I actually lived in when I was growing up. I worked for hours to get that only to say "....that's it? Now what?".

There's just no point in doing anything in this game. They've made everything feel like a chore to do and with each nerf of something good the players discovered it kills morale even more. It's like they're sweatshop owners and they're whipping us to get back to grinding for 17 hours a day to make next to nothing. If I'm lucky after a day I could afford to spend $20,000 on a fucking different colored parachute.


Bad sport rating is really dumb.

Is there anyway to get rid of the dunce hat?

Stuck in a 2 player server for doing violent duct blowing up my friends car I get bad sport. So fucking stupid from Rockstar.

Can't join any missions or any servers now with friends for 2 days playtime. G fucking g.


Hit Rank 50 last night. I can call in Airstrikes. That is all.

Also this "Bad sport" BS needs to stop. Had a 3k bounty on me for stealing an AI car. So dudes start coming after me and I defend myself with an assault shotgun. Since I killed him by blowing up his motercycle, Im warned that being a bad sport is wrong. SMH

Griefer got his ass handed back to him and I got slapped with it and kicked out. :/
Bad sport rating is really dumb.

I just hate that you can't damage a personal car. Some idiot comes to kill me and I get dinged because I used a grenade to kill him and his car.

BTW I got fired last night. So I'm going to grind to lvl 50 and then I'm going to airstrike the living fuck out of everything that walks. I will kill everything!!!!!!!
I honestly don't get how people are having trouble with Bad Sport. When I get into battles with griefers, I don't have problems killing them without blowing up their cars. Aside from that, all you have to do is avoid quitting Missions early. Though I don't know if disconnects count as quits...
I still think that the death penalty is just too high, even if payouts were higher or not, a single random death in free roam should never negate the total earnings from a mission... Especially because most low end missions (Ranks 0 - 14) are all pretty boring.

Most of the PvE missions are boring, stupid missions so far. Go to point A, kill guys, drive to point B. The only reason you would play them is to get money and RP. No sane person would ever play these missions for the fun of it because they are the lowest on the low of open world mission types.

But, when a single death results in a penalty that negates those very tedious missions, it makes the game tedious. The result is that nobody wants to have fun in the world or test the limits of the world. In GTAIV, in Free Roam, if someone drove by and shot me with a rocket launcher and it blew me and my vehicle into the air, I'd think to myself "oh man what a jerk!" and laugh about it, chasing the guy down to get my revenge. In GTAOnline, if someone does that to me, I am legitimately pissed because it just undid the time of doing boring PvE missions that you need in order to make the free roam enjoyable.

My reaction to getting randomly killed, now, is to get into a car and drive away as fast as possible from my other players... and to avoid every other player in the game.

The death tax is enormously high for an open world, sandbox game. And, on top of that, the activities that you do (missions) for making up for the death tax are largely really boring, dull activities.

The easiest solution to prevent unwanted interaction with assholes is to get rid of--or make optional--the blips on the map.

This was an issue I had with GTA IV as well. Too many of the modes were destroyed by being visible on the map at all times. They've corrected the aim type problem by segregating the two, but the blips are just as damming.

Think about it, why make it easy for people to be assholes at all times? These people clearly want to play an open world shooter with vehicles, why not make them work for it?

I mean shit, there's another tool (perk if you will) to have Lester charge to use. $500 to reveal all players for X amount of time.

Fire an un-silenced weapon and you popup on the radar.

Have a bounty on your head and your blip is red, but you're only visible while in the same conditions, unless they pay an absurd fee to make you visible to the entire room.

There are a ton of creative ways to do this. It'll promote teamwork in free roam and allow players to utilize stealth while taking advantage of the cover system. It just makes too must sense imo.

The game is geared so low that it's hurting the experience they've created. They need to allow the community to separate itself and grow on its own. The hand holding at this point helps no one but the bad sports.

There needs to be a death penalty. Whether that's 5% of your overall bank or everything that you have in your pockets, you need to lose funds (and not be labeled a bad sport when defending yourself) when you're killed. It just doesn't have to be so damn easy.


I was very surrpised when I started the game and found out that you can't "hide" your blip like in RDR by crouching or not firing. I think those are all good ideas, except I also think the death penalty needs to be removed or there has to be a chaos-free-roam mode or something that allows you to enjoy yourself without the fear that 5 deaths in 10 seconds just undid 4 hours of gameplay.


I honestly don't get how people are having trouble with Bad Sport. When I get into battles with griefers, I don't have problems killing them without blowing up their cars. Aside from that, all you have to do is avoid quitting Missions early. Though I don't know if disconnects count as quits...

I never quite Missions. Ever. But that I cant blow up a guys car is a little over done. I CAN CALL IN AIRSTRIKES! But heaven forbid that you happen to be driving your personal car while being nuked. Why give me all these explosives if I cant use them on people =C


But why is 3K it a "paltry sum" ?... because you can't level-up as quick as you would like?... or because of death penalty?

To me, there's a discrepancy between the time and effort needed to complete a mission and the payout it gives you. The balance for some missions are just plain bad. I'm not asking for easy money, but I do want the rewards for completing a mission to be satisfying. Some missions take FOREVER to finish with crappy pay (i.e., a lot of Simeon missions).

Also, the amount of time it takes just to go from co-op mission to mission is unbelievably long: free roam > accept mission > invite players > start mission > complete mission > like/dislike and continue > vote to free-roam > request new mission > repeat

Take into account the long loading times to hop in from free-roam to mission and vice versa, you're looking at a ton of downtime.

Ploid 3.0

I just looked at Rockstar's GTA Online trailer again. It made me think of the Real Movie Trailer channel on youtube where a guy makes a honest trailer on different movies. I would love to see a honest GTA Online trailer, if one is made, when the "or you can cruse around to show off" part comes up there has to be someone shooting the dudes that are riding and have voice chat saying, "Hey man we had passive on, what the fuc.." (cut to next scene).
I never quite Missions. Ever. But that I cant blow up a guys car is a little over done. I CAN CALL IN AIRSTRIKES! But heaven forbid that you happen to be driving your personal car while being nuked. Why give me all these explosives if I cant use them on people =C

If airstrikes count against you, then yeah, that's a bit over the top. It shouldn't be any different than calling Merryweather or putting a Bounty on someone. Direct attacks against a vehicle though aren't really necessary.


Omfg are you kidding me? I've been labelled as a bad sport because I accidentally blew up my buddies car during a mission and now the massive group of friends that got together to have a night of GTA are now off limits to me...

Alright sure I've blown up a lot of peoples cars but jeeeeeez, I've free roamed for hours, you get into car chases, you blow each other up, why should I not be able to play the game how I want?

Does this last 2 in game days or 2 actual days? -.-


I can't get online at all (PS3 EU)

Just stays on the loading screen, 3 beeps if I quit, or boots be back to single player if I leave it.


To me, there's a discrepancy between the time and effort needed to complete a mission and the payout it gives you. The balance for some missions are just plain bad. I'm not asking for easy money, but I do want the rewards for completing a mission to be satisfying. Some missions take FOREVER to finish with crappy pay (i.e., a lot of Simeon missions).

Also, the amount of time it takes just to go from co-op mission to mission is unbelievably long: free roam > accept mission > invite players > start mission > complete mission > like/dislike and continue > vote to free-roam > request new mission > repeat

Take into account the long loading times to hop in from free-roam to mission and vice versa, you're looking at a ton of downtime.

I agree that some missions need to be worth more, but i have no problem with Vile Duct mission being lowered to 3K. It's also really easy to make money by just doing the races/parachute jumps with a group of friends. I made $75K just messing around with my friends a couple nights ago.


So I managed to save up enough money to buy an apartment, and my friend and I were messing around the stuff inside. We ended up finding the shower, and absolute hilarity ensued. From what I have read, this was definitely a glitch. I loaded up my capture card and snapped a few screens.

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