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Grand Theft Auto: Online |OT| The Stimulation Has Began!

Ploid 3.0

Remember that talk about putting your stash money on a character instead of a bank? What if your alt character could be used as a untouchable stash instead of a "I don't care" character. Putting my money on my alt low level character and going back to my main to mess around and lose no money dying... I could actually mess around and stop playing in solo mode all the time.

To the above, the 200k apartments are just good enough. I also saved. I'm so happy that I didn't go ahead and get the 6 car apartment. I would have too <3 you old Duct.
Why are people wasting their money buying the 2 and 6 car apartments? Do you really need multiple cars so early in the game? I saved up my money and bought the 400k apartment in about 3 days, before I even discovered violent duct.

Are you seriously asking that? People are buying these apartments because

1. Money is hard to come by and 70-150k is expensive enough considering you make 2k on average in missions

2. Most people had no idea heists required the 10 car apartments.


Are you seriously asking that? People are buying these apartments because

1. Money is hard to come by and 70-150k is expensive enough considering you make 2k on average in missions

2. Most people had no idea heists required the 10 car apartments.
Yup that's why I have the shitty 80k apartment.


Unconfirmed Member
After an hour of playing random missions/races, I was driving back to my cheap $80,000 apartment to finish up my session. When I arrived, I saw a guy creeping around outside the garage. I revved my engine behind him, SMG at the ready in case he tried any funny business. As soon as he saw me, he started to run like hell away. I chuckled to myself and let him go - I'm no griefer. The game changed when I checked his tag and realized his clan was IGN. I promptly ran him down before he had even turned the corner. No remorse. No regrets.

Haha, this is great. Where's your 80k apartment located btw? Does it have a garage? And is it the cheapest apartment you can get?

My god, what a joke of a post. "Nerfing they payouts" was what they SHOULD have done due to people exploiting the fuck out of missions to get big money early on, which does what exactly? You get things real quick and go "Now what Rockstar?" "I have the best house and cars, give me more!" Fuck that shit; I work 9 hours a day, have a child, come home and get maybe 2 hours a night, if I am lucky, to play games. I enjoy the shit how it is and like the work I have to put in to even get a dingy garage. Nothing fires me up more than people who exploit things like this early on and then whine about it when Rockstar "cheats" them..fuck.

Amen, brother. This entitled bullshit has to stop.

Do you know who sucks? The crew members who crash into other players to make a member of his crew win races.

Hahaha, sounds like GTA to me dude ;)

I think they are looking at this as a long term thing. I haven't once felt the urge to buy GTA money with real life dough; I enjoy the time it is taking to work my way up. I guess I am different in that I am not looking to get to the top so quick after release.

You know what, I think folk like us should just give up on this thread, because one or two amazing emergent player stories are surely not worth the 10 pages or so of bitching and whining you have to wade through to get to them. I come in here for good times and solid advice and all I get is grief this and grind that.

One last thing: People saying you can no longer replay missions, is this only for some missions or something? Cuz my buds and I were having a blast doing Top Fun after Top Fun last night.
Some random pedistrian just put a $9000 dollar bounty on my head for taking his ride. I'm standing on top of the tallest building right now waiting to be kill, who wants to fuck with King Kong?!
Some random pedistrian just put a $9000 dollar bounty on my head for taking his ride. I'm standing on top of the tallest building right now waiting to be kill, who wants to fuck with King Kong?!

A random pedestrian or another online gamer? Thats crazy if a fucking pedestrian put on a bounty!
I've got that 1 minute lvl 45 18k 3500rp mission ready for farming on 360 (pre patch)
PM me for invite, I'm going to set up soon. It's a 6 player mission, you dont need to be lvl 45 to join, only to get it. Anyone can join.

Half full, last call

I PM'd you already, but just to make sure am I one of those half? ;p


It's infuriating that I can see my rank, money and total time played under my Crews page on the Social site. But then in my profile there's nothing but zeros. Where is my character? And why can't they come clean and just say start over? The lack of information is almost as upsetting as the time it looks like I've wasted.

What's even worse is that it looks like I've missed at least 3 missions--all heist setup jobs--in the single player. So no 100% for me on this save file. How fun for me. :|

This game is a complete fucking disaster.


Except for the heist room. R* didn't do a very good job explaining this.
So where's the heist room? I have the 400k apartment and I haven't seen anything like a Heist planning room in my place. :-/

Also 2nd question: I'm going for the race upgrades now. You can't unlock them by doing races solo can you? It has to be at least 2 people on the course?


A random pedestrian or another online gamer? Thats crazy if a fucking pedestrian put on a bounty!

I had a pedestrian put a 7k one on me for stealing his car, just stole a helicopter and went for a nice fly, could see people on the map driving around below me wondering where I was, lol.

So where's the heist room? I have the 400k apartment and I haven't seen anything like a Heist planning room in my place. :-/

It's the first room on the left when you walk in the door as far as I am aware.
Did they patch Violent Duct to only give $3000? :(

I've got that 1 minute lvl 45 18k 3500rp mission ready for farming on 360 (pre patch)
PM me for invite, I'm going to set up soon. It's a 6 player mission, you dont need to be lvl 45 to join, only to get it. Anyone can join.

Half full, last call

If you still have the offer available, I'm interested.


Are you seriously asking that? People are buying these apartments because

1. Money is hard to come by and 70-150k is expensive enough considering you make 2k on average in missions

2. Most people had no idea heists required the 10 car apartments.

Money isn't that hard to come by, especially after level 10. And like I said, why do people need so many cars so early in the game? After all, that's really the only reason to own an apartment other than heists which aren't even in the game yet, so why not save up money for a nicer apartment?
I had a pedestrian put a 7k one on me for stealing his car, just stole a helicopter and went for a nice fly, could see people on the map driving around below me wondering where I was, lol.


I did that like an hour ago, I was fine for about 30 minutes then I took a look at my map and noticed a dot moving stupid fast towards me, I unpause and hear a fucking jet. I tried to hightail it out of there but the jet was way too fast and got a lock on me. The missles hit my chopper as I was jumping out and destroyed me. lol


Gerald is an asshole. He hasn't given me anything to do since Pier Pressure and it's the only thing he'll ever offer when I call him up. Level 16.


I can't free-roam any more, it's too expensive. Cost me about 40k the other night for 3 hours... between 2k/death, and constantly buying armor that you lose if you switch sessions and ammo and fucking NPC bounties (Simeon can fuck off with those car requests)... I've been stuck at 300k for about a week, trying to save up for the d-lux apt and getting nowhere.


I haven't bought an apartment yet but how do you kick people out? Do they get kicked out when you leave the apartment? Kind of funny if you can rescind your invitation to kick them out like vampires.

I hope they eventually fix this annoying bug I'm having with Los Santos Customs. I think I complained about it before but I have a star next to Respray and Wheels for new mods but there aren't any actual new mods. I have everything I should up to now. Left a little ticket with their support. :E
For looks Cheetah, Entity FX's flat bumper looks boring to me. The back looks ok though. Adder would be a status symbol car. It will be rare for a while and people will envy you.

thank i bought the car :) ,, some pictures :






I could write a book with my experiences in the free roam mode.

Today i was wandering with my helicopter when i saw a guy robbing a store. As a good citizen, i landed and killed him with my sniper rifle. I repeated this for some time, every time he spawned i was there with my rifle pointing to his head.

At some point he ran away with a car and i followed him with my helicopter. I was so concentrated in this task that i didn't notice that he was heading to the Fort Zancuda's tunnel. As i flew over the fort the alarms were fired. I managed to avoid missiles and bullets with my Maverick, but when i returned to where the guy was i realized that i had fell in a trap. He had robbed a jet and was waiting for me. I hid in the tunnel to steal a car but attracted cop's attention. It was me against the world, so i tried something crazy. I started to blow up cop cars with sticky bombs to make a way out of the tunnel. Sadly a car rolled over my character killing him in the process :(

It was a lot of fun. I fucking love this game.
If I have already purchased a 6-car apartment for $150,000 and want to upgrade to a 10-car apartment, do I have to have the full price for the 10-car apartment in my account? Or could I be $75,000 short because that's how much of a discount I'll get from transferring apartments?

Eppy Thatcher

God's had his chance.
Got into a Gerald kill the gang and get the stuff mission last night with a couple randoms. One (low level) punk dies almost instantly from jumping out of the other teamates care at crazy high speeds on the fucking interstate. Face+bumper = finished in seconds. There goes our community life. He didn't last a minute once the gunfire started...

Now... normally I don't really worry about it cause i can handle most of Gerald's missions by myself. But - this was the "Go destroy the gang's cars" after you get the drugs mission. Me and dude #2 are rolling up to the spot... gas can and Mp5s in hand... and he stops early and gets out. I pop out and take a corner ... sighting on the first guy and wondering what my homie is up to. I quickly learned his brilliance.
Mother. Fucking. Merryweather.
It took me like.. almost 5 minutes to realize that the chopper was actually on our side, busting gang members upside the head with a heli mounted machine gun and circling the whole block like a hawk. Dude must of thought i was insane!! Hiding from HIS air support for a good half of the mission!! LOL

This shit is straight Cray. Just broke 100gs last night. Decided to save up for the 280 apt before i heard any of this bad noise about wasting money with the smaller places. Glad my 1% tickle bone kicked in. Couldn't force myself to buy a slummy place - even just to take a shower !!


What's the most efficient way to earn money and RP? I'm not following the thread so excuse me if this has been asked a lot.

Edit: I'm a member now yay!
Money isn't that hard to come by, especially after level 10. And like I said, why do people need so many cars so early in the game? After all, that's really the only reason to own an apartment other than heists which aren't even in the game yet, so why not save up money for a nicer apartment?

How many hours have you been playing? Considering stocks are out of the question and you said earlier that you did this before Violent Duct you must have some magical formula to make 400K in 3 days, unless you were just playing like crazy amount of hours. I'm level like 22 now and the nicest mission/job was STILL Violent Duct for 9K with farming. Nothing compared to the reward/time ratio that gave.

And you seem to not understand my original statement/the sentiment of others: why would I spend 400K on an apartment when I can spend 150K on a more than decent apartment with 6 car garage? I'm never gonna need 10 cars and I had the money, not to mention expensive cars that I want costing 300K+ and planes costing this much as well. If I had 400K after hours of work I wouldn't waste them all in a nice apartment when nobody is going to really give a fuck*

And no apartments aren't only for cars. For that case you'd just get a garage. They're also useful for changing clothing, taking a shower to remove blood, watching the tv shows in-game, escaping from cops, and spawning in a safe area when you enter a new server.

*this was my sentiment prior to knowledge of heists requiring 10 car apartments.
You call Pegasus and they drop it off at a nearby location. You don't store them anywhere.

So where do I park my P-996 Lazer :(





So where do I park my P-996 Lazer :(




Doesn't seem worth it haha.

But I guess I'm bored of grinding

Good lookin out though


Any news on incoming title updates / patches? I've been out of the loop last few days. I've been so discouraged about not being able to play :lol
Word to the wise for those who plan on doing the "Mixed up with Coke":

FFS, stock up on sticky bombs and grenades before doing something incredibly stupid and getting yourself killed. And keep that shit on easy. Getting 3000+ RP for completing it on Hard is nice and all, but it ain't worth it if you people keep dying so easily


Since I'm in the wonderful pit of despair Rockstar like to call "Bad Sports" I decided to make use of my time to "contemplate" on my actions and realised, screw this, let's make some money before they patch things.

I think I'll buy the Adder and then maybe a helicopter and save the rest for stock investments or something.
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