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Grand Theft Auto: Online |OT| The Stimulation Has Began!

3 weeks ago I would have said "Yea I'll buy some in game money" mainly because I only buy 1 or 2 games a year at retail and wouldn't mind investing 20 bucks in a game that I'll surely play for hundreds of hours.

Now though after seeing how you get taxed for seemingly everything I'm not so sure. Also next gen console launch is going to be taking a lot of my time away from GTA.

Yeah, I'm not paying real money so I can then repair my car. I've got no problem, you know, playing the game.

I put a $10,000 bounty on someone's head last night after doing four missions in a row with a fellow GAFer. I would never have done that if I actually paid for that in-game coin.


Irony: In order to plan heists, to get money, you need the most expensive apartment.

That said, it seems like everyone already has all the money they want.

Static Jak

3 weeks ago I would have said "Yea I'll buy some in game money" mainly because I only buy 1 or 2 games a year at retail and wouldn't mind investing 20 bucks in a game that I'll surely play for hundreds of hours.

Now though after seeing how you get taxed for seemingly everything I'm not so sure. Also next gen console launch is going to be taking a lot of my time away from GTA.
Yeah I'm thinking the same. I wouldn't have minded buying some money (not a lot) to get the ball rolling but loosing a nice chunk of change from just dying kind of ruins that idea for me.
The game basically sits you down a tells you that if you want any decent bit of money for most of the stuff in the game, you have to avoid the craziness that makes GTA fun for most people in the first place.

It'll get to the point where everyone will play it so safe that we'll be avoiding any contact with other players and play it super safe from being afraid to risk anything. It's the way you can loose so much money in numerous ways without getting anything out of it that'll slow this game to a halt for a lot of gamers.

I still like my idea of changing up the bank system:

Maybe have three different ways to hold money instead of the current two.

So one is just Cash as it is now, maybe have very few specific things that can only be bought with Cash in hand.

Then, instead of just Banking it, just have two accounts.
One is the Bank that stores money and can't be lost if you die. But you can't spend any money that's banked like this and taking money out of it would cost a small fee. A way to store your larger savings for bigger investments like an apartment.

The other is closer to what the bank is now. You can store money in here and still spend it but if you die you loose a certain amount (or small percentage) for "hospital bills" and so on.

Or something like that.


3 weeks ago I would have said "Yea I'll buy some in game money" mainly because I only buy 1 or 2 games a year at retail and wouldn't mind investing 20 bucks in a game that I'll surely play for hundreds of hours.

Now though after seeing how you get taxed for seemingly everything I'm not so sure. Also next gen console launch is going to be taking a lot of my time away from GTA.


Yep, same. Plus the fact that they took out the option for 'Quick Replay' (R2) and have nerfed the payout on some missions heavily. Fine, it's their game but figure out that shit before launch... leaves a bad taste in your mouth. Seriously, removing 'replay'? They clearly are trying to make you jump through more hoops and make it tedious so you'll cave and buy in game cash.

I don't see how R* is going to release the stockmarket for online. If they do it'll be gimped or hamstrung... too ripe for big bucks or bitchfests.



Yep, same. Plus the fact that they took out the option for 'Quick Replay' (R2) and have nerfed the payout on some missions heavily. Fine, it's their game but figure out that shit before launch... leaves a bad taste in your mouth. Seriously, removing 'replay'? They clearly are trying to make you jump through more hoops and make it tedious so you'll cave and buy in game cash.

Add in the fact that they obviously don't care about the rank. I mean shit you can still do a race by yourself and get 1400rp. What is this?
It's annoying how if your car is fucked up when it gets impounded, you have to escape in the broken-down piece of shit from the terminator cops with ridiculous accuracy. Two assholes who were camping by the impound lot tried to take me out as I was leaving, but a drive-by with the SMG took swift care of them. Then I just switched to SP and back because fuck evading the cops in a car with no working wheels.

And yeah, patching out money farming instead of focusing on the real issues shows where their priorities lie. Gotta sell those GTA dollars.

Also, why the fuck can't we have multiple apartments? I like having both a high-end place, and a shithole out in the desert.


I'm going home this weekend. No GTA Online Friday-Sunday morning.

And my gf has the day off and wants to hang out but I want to play more GTAO :( I'm only like level 25 and it seems everyone else is gonna grind past me.

Shouldn't be too big of a deal though. The only weapons I really need are SMG, Assault Rifle (still have to buy that..) Sticky Bombs, and Sniper.

Ever since I got stickies and the sniper I've felt confident in my abilities to survive in the free mode jungle. I know some people can't deal with it and I feel sorry about that. I think the danger of free mode is one of its appeals. Gotta be on your toes man. Survival of the fittest.


It's annoying how if your car is fucked up when it gets impounded, you have to escape in the broken-down piece of shit from the terminator cops with ridiculous accuracy. Two assholes who were camping by the impound lot tried to take me out as I was leaving, but a drive-by with the SMG took swift care of them. Then I just switched to SP and back because fuck evading the cops in a car with no working wheels.

And yeah, patching out money farming instead of focusing on the real issues shows where their priorities lie. Gotta sell those GTA dollars.

Also, why the fuck can't we have multiple apartments? I like having both a high-end place, and a shithole out in the desert.

Yep, I was thinking the same thing. People are still losing characters and there's still plenty of weird glitches and matchmaking problems but GOD FORBID some players want to grind some money out. /trevor


It's annoying how if your car is fucked up when it gets impounded, you have to escape in the broken-down piece of shit from the terminator cops with ridiculous accuracy. Two assholes who were camping by the impound lot tried to take me out as I was leaving, but a drive-by with the SMG took swift care of them. Then I just switched to SP and back because fuck evading the cops in a car with no working wheels.

Wait, when you try to get your car back you'll have the cops on you?
Played with a friend yesterday, his car got impounded, I jumped over the fence, got in his car drove out, exited to let him drive and away we were, no cops.


I was able to walk on the bottom of the Alamo sea last night one side to the other, I'm guessing they'll fix that.

Free roam is crazy fun, missions are waiting in lobby's forever. I'll stick to boosting cars and robbing shops.
Wait, when you try to get your car back you'll have the cops on you?
Played with a friend yesterday, his car got impounded, I jumped over the fence, got in his car drove out, exited to let him drive and away we were, no cops.

I got an instant wanted level from the cops at the impound lot. Also, at one star, they shoot at you instead of trying to arrest you. So when I nudged one guy with the car, it went from 1 star to 3 stars.


i've been begging for over 5 years.
LOL Even at that price its a great mission to repeat

or did they patch out the "R2 to retrigger" (patch before latest tooltip was removed but you could still trigger anyway even after success)

I'm pretty sure that I've read here they have patched out the R2 to replay thing. However, in their communication regarding the Title Update they said they were going to patch the 'bug' that didn't allow replays so I'm confused. Seems to be a general theme when it comes to what R* does. Confusion.

They really need to do a better job explaining stuff. Many people didn't have a clue about the heist rooms until it was too late. My cynical side says that was on purpose to get people to spend money instead of saving it.


Now though after seeing how you get taxed for seemingly everything I'm not so sure. Also next gen console launch is going to be taking a lot of my time away from GTA.


Yeah, I don't like the sliminess of the player taxes, especially the death tax.

Did some missions last night with some friends and quickly banked. Map was mostly clear so I went to a nearby Ammunation to buy some new weapons I had unlocked. I'm in the menus when I get shot in the back by some random fuck. Tell my buds but they're not nearby (but on their way now)... I respawn and get into cover and then take the prick out. He keeps coming at me. At one point trying to take him out I accidentally aim at a cop and get one star... which turns to two and then three. Dead.

He was hunkered down in cover taking pot shots at me so I tossed about 5 sticky bombs and blew him away. He bailed but at that point my two friends showed up so we hunted his ass down until he quit the session. Same with another random that thought he would get some cheap kills in the frackas.

The NPC bounty system is extremely agressive too. I always get one or two $7k bounties on me per session just by jacking cars.


i've been begging for over 5 years.

Yeah, I don't like the sliminess of the player taxes, especially the death tax.

Did some missions last night with some friends and quickly banked. Map was mostly clear so I went to a nearby Ammunation to buy some new weapons I had unlocked. I'm in the menus when I get shot in the back by some random fuck. Tell my buds but they're not nearby (but on their way now)... I respawn and get into cover and then take the prick out. He keeps coming at me. At one point trying to take him out I accidentally aim at a cop and get one star... which turns to two and then three. Dead.

He was hunkered down in cover taking pot shots at me so I tossed about 5 sticky bombs and blew him away. He bailed but at that point my two friends showed up so we hunted his ass down until he quit the session. Same with another random that thought he would get some cheap kills in the frackas.

The NPC bounty system is extremely agressive too. I always get one or two $7k bounties on me per session just by jacking cars.

This is when you pick up the phone and sic Merryweather on them. But GUESS WHAT?!?! MORE MONEY!


has yet to tasted the golden nectar that is tag
I got an instant wanted level from the cops at the impound lot. Also, at one star, they shoot at you instead of trying to arrest you. So when I nudged one guy with the car, it went from 1 star to 3 stars.

I think if you are in a stolen car and drive past the impound lot it is instant stars. You would have to park a block away and walk up to it.
Any gaffer figured out how to get on the rails of an SUV? I did it once by accident and it was pretty cool for doing drivebys shootings hanging out instead of being inside


Reading all the stories here is more fun then actually playing the game, go figure...

Speaking of playing, is there any space left in a GAF group? Running around without friendly dots is scary..


This is when you pick up the phone and sic Merryweather on them. But GUESS WHAT?!?! MORE MONEY!

Jesus, I know!
Bitching about buying cigarettes in game seems petty compared to the big ticket costs I'm looking at now.

I bought a mid-level apartment with a nice garage but it doesn't have a 'heist room' so I'm trying to save up for that... $300k in the bank. thankfully i can spawn in my apartment now so I'm not getting bum rushed the second I join a session. but i lost a shitload of money last night getting ambushed before i could recover and chase them off.

No taxation without representation!

YES, R2 has been patched out... tried it last night on several missions and hosts. IT'S GONE.


Seriously r*? I'm STILL getting cloud server bullshit? SERIOUSLY?

It seems like there is something that is messed up on your end/transmiting to their services causing the issue. I know you reset your cache already, but im wondering if something went fubar when the services were originally messing up for others.

You mentioned one of your neighbors isnt having any issues. You should see if you could take your xbox to their place and try to connect or them bring theirs over to your place.


I'm 45 and every time I call Martin he gives me out of court settlement, shiiiiiiiiiiiiit.

Yea I'm just going to farm that for awhile + new sessions whenever he doesn't give it to me. Should be able to make ~$150,000/hr easily on my bike with the route I use.

Also the PS3 update(1.03) didn't really fix anything. Buddy of mine joined my session last night and discovered his garage empty of his 8 cars. Seems other people are reporting issues on the Social Club site with 8-10 cars and losing them.
I wish these online missions were available in the single player game with npcs and other pcs. I want to go on a heist with Packie just like Armando and Henrique in TBoGT outside if missions.


I do remember reading you need a high end apartment to do heists.

However, the other thing I remember them saying about heists is the splitting of the money. When you rob a store, one person gets the 1000 dollars or something. He can split that money with anyone that helped if they wish. If not, the other player should be able to kill them and take it. But that weird 5000 cap prevents that.

That cap should be taken out when Heists come online. Personally, I think there shouldn't be a cap. I think players should drop whatever cash they have on them if they die, but I suppose some people would cry about how this promotes killing in free mode and yadda yadda whiney babies. But for the heists, if the person getting the money doesn't split it in a fair way you should be allowed to kill him for ALL the money, not just the amount over 5000.


I just realized how absurd the car unlock system is. Segregated by class? First only. Fuck you, R*.

That's some BF3 grind level shit.

I've been doing mostly sports cars but for some reason I have all the same unlocks on supers. Almost have all the performance upgrades now. Could be a bug or it could be poorly worded descriptions.


I've been doing mostly sports cars but for some reason I have all the same unlocks on supers. Almost have all the performance upgrades now. Could be a bug or it could be poorly worded descriptions.

Yeah the description seems to be off, i've noticed the same. Got off road unlocks even though we mostly race supers.
I've been doing mostly sports cars but for some reason I have all the same unlocks on supers. Almost have all the performance upgrades now. Could be a bug or it could be poorly worded descriptions.

I hope so. I was fucking around with a buddy doing random races last night and this morning I realized I might have unlocked jack because a couple were jetski, one was plane, one was motorcycle...


It seems like there is something that is messed up on your end/transmiting to their services causing the issue. I know you reset your cache already, but im wondering if something went fubar when the services were originally messing up for others.

You mentioned one of your neighbors isnt having any issues. You should see if you could take your xbox to their place and try to connect or them bring theirs over to your place.

I tried to change my DNS (using a tunlr DNS) and it didn't work. So I'm out of ideas lol.


I've never seen a special crate dropped, or an armored truck. :( Has anyone?
Yeah, I get special crates frequently. They drop somewhere on the map and there's a green question mark where they are and a smoke signal in game signalling where it is. There will be some AI NPC opposition, trying to get the crate.

So far I've gotten all of them. They have something like 2-3 thousand dollars and 1k + RP in them. But I'm not sure if other players can see it because I've encountered no human player competition in acquiring it.

As for the armored trucks I wanted to ask if anyone has seen any. I got the call/notification to look out for them, but haven't seen them.

Also, is there any way to get more money for Gang Attacks? I only seem to be able to get maybe 500 bucks at most from picking it up off of bodies. It says to look for crates but I never find any.


Fantastic; I decide to do a few races on my own for the RP, the last one being in the army base; switch to free-roam, and spawn inside the base - instant 4-star wanted, with no way out. Forced death, lost personal vehicle, and charged for the pleasure.

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