I heard rumors of R* banning people from this. But those rumors come from GTAForums...
Only "evidence" I've seen is a fake twitter screenshot.
I heard rumors of R* banning people from this. But those rumors come from GTAForums...
Only "evidence" I've seen is a fake twitter screenshot.
Little kids. I can't count the times I've been ganked, then spawned near the ganker, and massacred them only to hear high-pitched pre-pubescent anger explosions.
How are you guys dying so often? White dots on my radar are considered hostile regardless of what they're doing unless it's a friend or a crewmember. If you drive by some jerkoff using autoaim to snipe people out of cars, just swerve like a lunatic and drive off. If you DO get killed, spawn fully ready to kill your attacker. 9/10 times if I retaliate successfully I don't have another issue with the person.
If all else fails, join another session, or play invite only!
I hardly ever get killed anymore. Cuz I just shoot first and watch my back at all times. Even crew can be the enemy. Only people I know that are legit are people on my actual friendslist.
Problem is that gameplay is largely uninteresting unless I go full asshole mode and seek out players. Cuz alternative is an always cautious playstyle of avoiding most players.
Only "evidence" I've seen is a fake twitter screenshot.
I hardly ever get killed anymore. Cuz I just shoot first and watch my back at all times. Even crew can be the enemy. Only people I know that are legit are people on my actual friendslist.
Problem is that gameplay is largely uninteresting unless I go full asshole mode and seek out players. Cuz alternative is an always cautious playstyle of avoiding most players.
I just wouldn't do it to be honest. Grinding missions over and over again should not be a problem in the future when R* start checkig accounts. But straight up glitching the paint shop when you're only supposed to sell something once every 48 minutes to an infinite amount times does look right. That's straight up glitching man. Would not do it.
There's a warning on my clan feed now that I can't be trusted and one fella said to "kill on site"
For the past few days they've been ganging up and killing me pretty brutally. I brought a lot of it on myself, tbf and I can take it.
But little do they know is I've been grinding like a beaver in private and managed to rank up a little and make some cash.
Little do they know now is that I've unlocked Lester and on top of that I'm sitting on 100k plus. So earlier I was putting bounties on all of them and listening to them freak out. After a while they started coming after to me (there was 3 on the server) but I got random people to help. So I was fighting me own clan outside ammunation with some randoms I've never seen before
We won
Batigol 1 - Batigol's crew 0
Meh I guess I'm still pulled in by missions enough that I haven't gone looking for free-roam gameplay much.
I will say that the free-roam functions MUCH better than GTAIV's did at this stage of its release. Oh dear god I remember some absurd bugs and the lag, oh god the lag. Sure, you weren't really losing progress for dying, and the bugs/lag could result in hilarious shit, but GTA:O is much more of a coherent game than GTAIV online was.
All of that being said, Rockstar could stand to label players ala Day Z - not necessarily good and bad sports, but perhaps something like chaotic-passive on a spectrum and color the player dots accordingly.
Question: why is Batigol still in said crew??
give this man a job. That's exactly what's needed. A player that does a lot of coop missions, doesn't leave, etc. would be a friendly player, then you would have neutral and chaotic players too.
Question: why is Batigol still in said crew??
Someone told me you get more xp or something
Plus I'm lazy
Someone told me you get more xp or something
Plus I'm lazy
Had a guy put a bounty on me today, then sent me a text saying "Evilore can't help you now..." guess someone is a little upset with gaf.
5 grand.Lol, how much was it?
A friend and I share all bounties that are out on either of us, as long as we don't lose out on money from dying and don't make it back from the bounty were quite happy to get killed by the other. It gets to a point sometimes where it is almost like a third viable income in between selling cars and doing missions from the number of bounties that have happened some days.
5 grand.
Does anyone know where tanks and attack choppers spawn if you purchase them online?
Does anyone know where tanks and attack choppers spawn if you purchase them online?
has Rockstar disabled giving cash to other players option?
Seems that way as its been greyed out when I have tried to use it.
Rockstar should just patch the damn exploit and then get on with it. It would look a bit hypocritical to be banning players for using a menu bug to make money after so many people lost all of their progress through the player corruption bug.I just wouldn't do it to be honest. Grinding missions over and over again should not be a problem in the future when R* start checkig accounts. But straight up glitching the paint shop when you're only supposed to sell something once every 48 minutes to an infinite amount times doesn't look right. That's straight up glitching man. Would not do it.
How do I get in a gaf crew? I'm on 360.
Why would they do that?
Here's one that has plenty of spots open
You know, there was a fucking reason I never played on PVP servers or bought DayZ. And it's to avoid griefing bastards. I'm staying out of GTA online until they figure out a way for me to either not get randomly capped on the street while I'm just driving or just go from mission to mission.
Passive mode!You know, there was a fucking reason I never played on PVP servers or bought DayZ. And it's to avoid griefing bastards. I'm staying out of GTA online until they figure out a way for me to either not get randomly capped on the street while I'm just driving or just go from mission to mission.
Well in GTA's case, you just respawn but don't lose anything. Unlike DayZ where your days (even weeks) of survival and gear is wiped out because billy thought it was funny.You know, there was a fucking reason I never played on PVP servers or bought DayZ. And it's to avoid griefing bastards. I'm staying out of GTA online until they figure out a way for me to either not get randomly capped on the street while I'm just driving or just go from mission to mission.
Reppin' da GAF
Passive mode!
you can't have much more fun than jumping on the train, wedging yourself between 2 box cars near the front, and shooting at shit to raise your wanted level to 5 stars, but the cops can't find you.
you can pretty much start a lot of shit online too because no one will be able to catch up with you until the train makes a pit stop 3 loops in.
a cop found me on the train once and tried to run his cop car into the locomotive. Sadly he didn't survive.
Just got called a faggot for winning a race.
Love the randos.
I got probably the most offensive message I've ever received after a race today.
Guy tried to muscle me out on the first lap of a race and I managed to stay in control (but fell back a few places). In almost exactly the same place on the second lap I come up behind him and give him a perfect nudge to completely spin him out.
He got really mad.