Okay, thanks 
if you're in your apartment and afraid of being griefed/spawnkilled why wouldn't you just call lester and disguise yourself for 1 minute? does that not work while in an apt?? most people would just assume you left the game and leave, giving you about a minute to get away (which if you're in your garage, shouldn't be hard....IMO everyone should have a maxed out cycle....fastest getaway in the game, i recommend the akuma over the other fast one as it has better acceleration. take it from me, i've won over 50 races, most of which with 4+ people)
I have a question I haven't tried for myself. If you get a bounty on you and quit is there a fee? Does anything happen?Unfortunately.
I miss the days when no one had apartments or garages and you could actually get bounties.
There needs to be a way to infiltrate apartments/garages. Like you go up, select infilitrate, and then you have one life to try to enter the guys apartment and kill them. And it would only work if the guy in the apartment had a bounty.
I have a question I haven't tried for myself. If you get a bounty on you and quit is there a fee? Does anything happen?
I have a question I haven't tried for myself. If you get a bounty on you and quit is there a fee? Does anything happen?
Don't you get that at level 50? Meaning, most people can't disguise themselves?
How does match making work?
Like can you only play MP with people in that free roam server? I never can get enough people for stuff like races or co op missions.
Kinda annoying.
Kinda annoying? Kinda? It almost completely breaks the game. Kinda doesn't quite describe it. I think teh most people I've ever been able to get in a game is 4. Maybe 5. It's a joke.
I don't think so, I believe that the bounty is frozen and continues once you come back online. I say this as many players leave, come back about an hour later and they still have the bounty on their head. Not completely sure though.
it can't be level 50 as i'm in the mid 40s.
it does take a while to get i'm sure, but that's the low level life. you don't start off with dem perks you've gotta earn em, which is awesome. but when u do have the tools available, man you've gotta learn to use them. seems like a lot of people here don't use them and prefer to hoard their money then whine when they lose 5k when they die. like, it's not something that has to be fixed.
i wish you could pay lester multiple amounts of money to hide for more than a minute at a time though, you should be able to pay like a few k for 2 or 3 minutes off the radar. but even 1 minute off the radar will get most people to say 'oh he left' and to drop their guard, and it only costs $500 which ain't shit
Any PS3 crew around to help me gain some levels? I haven't played in almost a week...
it can't be level 50 as i'm in the mid 40s.
it does take a while to get i'm sure, but that's the low level life. you don't start off with dem perks you've gotta earn em, which is awesome. but when u do have the tools available, man you've gotta learn to use them. seems like a lot of people here don't use them and prefer to hoard their money then whine when they lose 5k when they die. like, it's not something that has to be fixed.
i wish you could pay lester multiple amounts of money to hide for more than a minute at a time though, you should be able to pay like a few k for 2 or 3 minutes off the radar. but even 1 minute off the radar will get most people to say 'oh he left' and to drop their guard, and it only costs $500 which ain't shit
Kinda annoying? Kinda? It almost completely breaks the game. Kinda doesn't quite describe it. I think teh most people I've ever been able to get in a game is 4. Maybe 5. It's a joke.
Holy shit. I just wasted 10 G's cause I thought you could have multiple tattoos.
I bought one, bought another, then the one I just bought removed itself. WTF!!
Why do you assume people have a problem with the cost of dying because they're getting spawn killed? You don't have to directly suffer from something to conclude that it's flawed/wrong.
You're crazy if you think losing money that takes a long time to gain is fun. You also say you don't care about money, but if all you want is to kill people, it shouldn't matter whether they're losing cash because of it.
If R* gets rid of the dying penalty, you still get to have your fun and low level people who don't want their low paying/godawful missions to be negated in seconds don't have to waste their effort. Only a few people care about getting killed; it's losing progress in a this type of game that sucks.
For races I just disable the ability to race your own cars for this reason. When I'm the one hosting that is.I only said kinda cause I thought I may be doing something wrong on my end lol.
But you are right, it's pretty ridiculous.
I just wanna race!
( which is also annoying since people have highly customised cars... another stupid addition imo, not the ability to customise cars but being able to race them with the upgrades, it should be exterior customisation only for races, like paint, spoilers, body kits etc... Should be skill vs skill, not how deep a persons pocket is/ how long they played)
Pay attention to when you beat your personal best lap time, it's then (and only if you keep beating your record) you get the RP. The end RP after the race is over doesn't list the bulk you get during the race itself.Is the Criminal Records RP glitch still working?
I set everything correctly & finally got a person to play & started it.
Completed two laps & only got 600 RP., same with the other player as well.
I'm level 20 btw.
Does it sometimes not work?
well the game is balanced in the way that you play one of 2 ways
1) you are saving a lot of money. in this situation, you run away from everyone and play like a wuss.
2) you have no money. you have nothing to lose, and you can wreak havoc
IMO, as a player who wants to have fun, i get myself into situation 1 as little as possible. you don't NEED to have more than 50k on you unless you're buying an apartment or supercar. so DON'T stash that money.
having a lot of money is a luxury. you simply don't need to hoard money unless you're aiming for one of those 2 things i mentioned, so if you're doing so, you should have a penalty for doing it. that's just the way the game's balanced. there's nothing wrong with it quite frankly. if you're aiming for cheap things that cost less than 20k there's not much penalty for dying. as such, you shouldn't be handling much money on hand if you're in that situation. you should spend it. but if you're aiming for an expensive item, you have to play in paranoid android mode. it's risk/reward and i think they did a great job balancing it, as it makes the dynamic between the 'crazy murderers' and the 'paranoid guys with lots of cash on them' that much more fun. if there was little penalty for dying you'd have less people hunting you down online; which some may say is fun, but in reality it just makes the 'chess' of the online that much more simplified and dull.
the game's economy is pretty balanced in that way. IMO the only flaw is that some missions pay jack compared to others. races are really lucrative compared to most real missions which is weird.
i hated gta 4's online because it was just killkillkill. this is much better balanced because you have the people playing safe, and the people playing hunt. it's more fun because you have to decide and live with the consequences of each.
I only said kinda cause I thought I may be doing something wrong on my end lol.
But you are right, it's pretty ridiculous.
I just wanna race!
( which is also annoying since people have highly customised cars... another stupid addition imo, not the ability to customise cars but being able to race them with the upgrades, it should be exterior customisation only for races, like paint, spoilers, body kits etc... Should be skill vs skill, not how deep a persons pocket is/ how long they played)
well the game is balanced in the way that you play one of 2 ways
1) you are saving a lot of money. in this situation, you run away from everyone and play like a wuss.
2) you have no money. you have nothing to lose, and you can wreak havoc
IMO, as a player who wants to have fun, i get myself into situation 1 as little as possible. you don't NEED to have more than 50k on you unless you're buying an apartment or supercar. so DON'T stash that money.
having a lot of money is a luxury. you simply don't need to hoard money unless you're aiming for one of those 2 things i mentioned, so if you're doing so, you should have a penalty for doing it. that's just the way the game's balanced. there's nothing wrong with it quite frankly. if you're aiming for cheap things that cost less than 20k there's not much penalty for dying. as such, you shouldn't be handling much money on hand if you're in that situation. you should spend it. but if you're aiming for an expensive item, you have to play in paranoid android mode. it's risk/reward and i think they did a great job balancing it, as it makes the dynamic between the 'crazy murderers' and the 'paranoid guys with lots of cash on them' that much more fun. if there was little penalty for dying you'd have less people hunting you down online; which some may say is fun, but in reality it just makes the 'chess' of the online that much more simplified and dull.
the game's economy is pretty balanced in that way. IMO the only flaw is that some missions pay jack compared to others. races are really lucrative compared to most real missions which is weird.
I agree with this. I didn't use to, but now I do, at level 60.
I could easily have hundreds of thousands in the bank, but I rarely get over 50k because I'm spending so much. That means I am able to get into various hijinks in free roam, because I have nothing to lose.
If you are trying to save up money, you really shouldn't be in free roam in the first place.
IMO the money on death thing is really only a problem in the early levels, where you should be playing it safe.
I wasn't killed by another player all yesterday, but the notion of losing cash in this game where money accumulation is brought to a crawl by every aspect of its design is lame. I spend tens of thousands on mods, bounties, mercs and deaths at the drop of a hat. I can still tell that losing money for dying in this type of game is dumb, even if that amount is negligible to someone with as much cash as me.
Pay attention to when you beat your personal best lap time, it's then (and only if you keep beating your record) you get the RP. The end RP after the race is over doesn't list the bulk you get during the race itself.
Works in any race, not just Criminal Records, it's just that the race is so quick to repeat.
I guess I just don't have a problem with it. I definitely see where you're coming from though. The big thing this game is lacking for me and would solve this problem for a lot of people is the lack of a true, no repercussions free mode. A way to turn both progress and regression (due to hospital bills) off so you can screw around.
the tank and titan and etc should be luxuries though. they should be hard to get. hence you have to make a sacrifice to get them; you have to play like a wuss in freeroam for a looooooooong ass time to protect your earnings. if this is not fun for you, then simply stop saving up over a million dollars for those vehicles. there's TONS of stuff to buy that costs less than 50k, i've earned over a million so far and all that i've bought that cost more than 50k is my apartment and one car (pure luxury decision, not necessary at all). it's balanced, in my opinion, as the game would be AWFUL if more than 50% of the people attained that uberpowerful stuff.
you can certainly make friends and gain alliances in freeroam if you use a mic. i hollar at people 'hey wanna team up XXX?' frequently, and it works well. hell, sometimes people don't even have a mic and they just hop in your car when you roll up to them and honk your horn without shooting at them. of course everyone's a potential enemy, i mean that's the name of the game i think. if someone screws you over, make them pay for it. i guess they can lobby hop if they're shitty people, but overall the dynamics are really well balanced aside from the bugs
so is there a consensus on the best off-road car?
what's everyone's garage look like? ideally i'd like to have one car of every class in my garage customized...currently i've got
Muscle: sabre turbo (just looks badass, bad car but it's so cool), gauntlet (great car for the class)
compact: isis (need to swap this for a blista compact)
sports: entity (free car) and comet (not sure which one to keep around, probably will have to ditch one eventually)
suv: none, but i think the balla is the best?
offroad: injection all day
bike: akuma (better accel than the other good bike)
not sure what to aim for in the other classes, specifically super
i definitely want a sultan at some point! not sure what class it is though...hopefully not sports?
No, needs at least one other person. Each person in the race gets the RP as long as they beat their own records, then ofc the winner gets a bonus for winning. So alternating wins is the way to go.Can you do that racing alone?
The player bases being further split up could be a problem though. Removing the penalty of dying would keep all players together in the best way; you'd still have to be careful with your cars/buy insurance, you'd still have to bank your pocket cash. Everyone gets what they want here, more or less.
I've got my Sabre Turbo, which was my first car and I have a lot of memories with.
Then I've got my Italian Job painted Issi that I love outmaneuvering players with.
I've got the JB700 to act out my James Bond fantasies.
The Vapid Sandking XL as my go to police destroying car. It's like a monster truck, I love it.
A sexy blue and black Coquette for those sunset Paleto Bay Highway cruises.
An orange and black Elegy, of course, that I use for street racing.
A Mesa that I stole from Merryweather. I kind of hate the way it drives (rolls over real easily) but it looks so badass.
And then the Ruffian motorcycle that is my vehicle that I normally use. Thing can take corners really well.
I really love having a garage full of personal cars. It really adds a lot to the multiplayer, I think.
I did my first deathmatch last night and really enjoyed it. I was pleasantly surprised to see that in the blips on the radar aren't permanent in DM, they seem to only be there if you're shooting/sprinting. Even with soft lock it was good fun, the game is more about stealthy movement and getting the drop on an enemy than pure aim. Honestly the free aim in this game is so bad, it makes the rest of the PvE game super tedious. I will definitely be dropping into more DM games in the future.
Deathmatch modes with the entire map available are sorely missed in V. They were some of the best parts of IV.
Simeon missions are so worthless
"Fetch these fast moving cars on opposite sides of the map"
Takes like 15 minutes just to get one on top of chasing them down. Fuck that
I agree that it would split the player base, however, for a game as big as GTA V I don't see that becoming a problem anytime soon. The stupid aim modes already split the playerbase in a more severe way, I think. I'm kind of torn on this topic- I really wouldn't mind if they got rid of hospital bills, but I don't really mind if they keep it, either.
What are your thoughts on making the killer pay the victims hospital bills?
but freeroam is basically deathmatch with the whole map available, complete with the stat on yourkills vs the person you killed <_<. i get the teams thing but that's where rolling with your crew or hollaring 'hey xxx lets team up and wreak havoc' comes into play
it's so fun when the whole map evolves into people quickly trying to make alliances like that
Not all of them are that far away, I found one by fluke in a carpark just south of Vinewood Boulevard.
Anyway, even if they are at the top of the map it's not like you have to go out of your way to get one. Just leave the list to you see one an area near you and return it at your convenience.
Deathmatch modes with the entire map available are sorely missed in V. They were some of the best parts of IV.
but freeroam is basically deathmatch with the whole map available, complete with the stat on yourkills vs the person you killed <_<. i get the teams thing but that's where rolling with your crew or hollaring 'hey xxx lets team up and wreak havoc' comes into play
it's so fun when the whole map evolves into people quickly trying to make alliances like that
No, needs at least one other person. Each person in the race gets the RP as long as they beat their own records, then ofc the winner gets a bonus for winning. So alternating wins is the way to go.
Earlier today I was in a group with two other gaffers, 4 laps, alternating wins. First lap ~45 secs in duration then the next was 5 seconds faster and so on, really easy to beat the records 4 times per race that way.
5 laps is too many, you hit the hard-cap of "RP earned per race" before the 5th lap is over so you end up wasting time then.
Have they given out the $250,000 yet?
It was that way in GTAIV, it worked there. Those who took pleasure in killing others would do so, if you wanted to fight cops alongside someone else