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Grand Theft Auto: Online |OT| The Stimulation Has Began!

Base Invaders is great for farming cash.

Mixed up with the coke (or whatever) might be even better considering how fast it is if you have people camping the cement trucks' spawn points. It only pays 18k I think, but you don't have to expose yourself to enemy fire. Base Invaders forces you out into the open and a few times the people getting into the helicopter get killed as they fly out.

If you have a good plan for BI, then that's better of course. I just like Coke because it can take less than a minute to do.


There are always ways to bypass any system, but they can always be improved. Kane and Lynch 2's flawed but interesting heist multiplayer integrated betrayals into the metagame. you could kill teammates and steal their share after getting the cash. If you hurt someone (who isn't attacking you) slightly, a blinking yellow flag would appear next to your name; the person you hurt could kill you without penalty during that time. Hurt them further, or kill them,and the flag turns solid, indicating you're a traitor.

Something similar could be done for GTA; shoot someone/their car and you have a buffer period where accidents aren't immediately punished. Hurt or kill someone and you're marked if that person doesn't forgive you in the death screen.

I've done this and it's not ultimate. I already mentioned the GAFer who killed me after I did some missions with him and killed other players going after his bounty. There was no quick way to tell my white blip was friend/foe.

If that sounds like a lot of work to implement, it probably is. I don't see how improving the game further isn't worth it though.

I haven't checked or been in any free roam fights in a long time, but I've heard there's a spawn option in the start menu.

All that modifies is where you LOAD(eg new session/fresh lobby) into the game, not where you spawn.
When is it unlocked, and who do I get it from?

I think 45 and it's from Madrazo. Base Invaders is available before 30, so it's definitely not one to pass up. I just find it a pain to restart it because of the AI's laser guided accuracy.

All that modifies is where you LOAD(ie new session/fresh lobby) into the game, not where you spawn.

Oh, okay. Silly that spawns are so close to where you died. Reminds me of the (pointless) level farming in IV with close spawns and lock-on in cramped areas.

Dongs Macabre

aka Daedalos42
Starting to get it down to a science. Basically done it solo once or twice. One of those missions that seem very difficult until you realize how to confront it.

How do you do it? I haven't done it with 4 players without losing most if not all our lives yet. I was thinking maybe if one guy parachuted down to take out the two that are nearby, and then the plane goes around and lands near the furthest one.


It's awesome when you pull up to a fellow GAFfer and sound your musical horn to say hello, which they return, along with a sticky bomb. Thank you "Agent Strange" for my $12,500 insurance bill.

Dongs Macabre

aka Daedalos42
Lol, for some reason I spawned right by Fort Zancudo while everyone else spawned at the airfield, so I drove up a nearby mountain and jumped into the base.


It's awesome when you pull up to a fellow GAFfer and sound your musical horn to say hello, which they return, along with a sticky bomb. Thank you "Agent Strange" for my $12,500 insurance bill.

I've played with him a few times. He is strange indeed.
again, a world where everyone saves up and has tanks next week is terrible. no penalty lobbies is a good idea, but tell that to rockstar who wants to make money. as an MMO, which is essentially what the game is, it's balanced. if fun for you is running scared from everyone to keep your money, good. save up for that tank. if you do not enjoy losing that money every time you die however, i suggest playing a different playstyle. the game can be plenty fun without a $1,000,000 vehicle.

if it isn't, stop playing. in that case, the people trying to kill you online have already won :)
High tier stuff should be difficult to attain, which it is, because it costs a lot. You're not doing a public service by increasing the time it takes for people to afford it. That implication seems bizarre to me. Telling people to not save up for stuff then if losing money bothers them so much, also doesn't make sense to me. Not particularly caring about money isn't really an option when you're below level 20 and don't yet have an apartment and halfway decent vehicle.

Saving up for stuff is an integral motivator in most multiplayer games nowadays. It's not necessarily fun, but losing progress due to other players taking it away is definitely boring. Suggesting others should adapt to Rockstar's shitty design makes sense in a way, but I don't think the design should remain shitty. Nor do I think that the design allowing for it, justifies shitty behavior.

Thinking aloud time:
You should be given more options before choosing to spawn. Like, where to spawn. Having to spawn right next to the guy who's constantly trying to kill you is daft. Spawn protection until you start moving. Require player confirmation to spawn, for tinkle times. After X amount of successive kills, start giving options for imparting negative effects for the instigator. Drunk-o-vision and controls, randomly switching weapons, picture turned upside down, cinematic camera enabled, gun turned the other way when targetting other players, whatever. Stuff that makes it easier for the victim to get away or retaliate. Or you could do fun stuff like getting to pick one of the dude's vehicles as recompense, or set him back a level. Remove a vehicle mod or weapon, or reset access to them. If they can keep others from progressing, it seems fair that others can make them regress.


It's awesome when you pull up to a fellow GAFfer and sound your musical horn to say hello, which they return, along with a sticky bomb. Thank you "Agent Strange" for my $12,500 insurance bill.

Any gaffer I've seen while driving round has been pretty friendly.

Blowing up your crew tut tut.
Free roam is in no way comparable to roaming death matches of GTA 4 considering there is no set goal or time limit,so you can't win which takes away incentive, you can't set teams, and the biggest reason it's different: players don't necessarily look at free roam as a big free for all, nor care to participate in one. Going around killing unassuming(and sometimes even defenseless people), is not fun;I need some sort of resistance to make it competitive and challenging, which in turn makes it fun. Not to mention losing money when you die, which doesn't even happen in the death match mode currently present. So count me as another person who would love for the deathmatches of 4 to return, and Free roam isn't a suitable replacement because, well it's free roam.


Can't wait to play this when I get home tomorrow. Having GTAO withdrawals.

Definitely gonna try and friend some other gaffers, preferably GAF St members. And with Mic's.


High tier stuff should be difficult to attain, which it is, because it costs a lot. You're not doing a public service by increasing the time it takes for people to afford it. That implication seems bizarre to me. Telling people to not save up for stuff then if losing money bothers them so much, also doesn't make sense to me. Not particularly caring about money isn't really an option when you're below level 20 and don't yet have an apartment and halfway decent vehicle.

Saving up for stuff is an integral motivator in most multiplayer games nowadays. It's not necessarily fun, but losing progress due to other players taking it away is definitely boring. Suggesting others should adapt to Rockstar's shitty design makes sense in a way, but I don't think the design should remain shitty. Nor do I think that the design allowing for it, justifies shitty behavior.

Thinking aloud time:
You should be given more options before choosing to spawn. Like, where to spawn. Having to spawn right next to the guy who's constantly trying to kill you is daft. Spawn protection until you start moving. Require player confirmation to spawn, for tinkle times. After X amount of successive kills, start giving options for imparting negative effects for the instigator. Drunk-o-vision and controls, randomly switching weapons, picture turned upside down, cinematic camera enabled, gun turned the other way when targetting other players, whatever. Stuff that makes it easier for the victim to get away or retaliate. Or you could do fun stuff like getting to pick one of the dude's vehicles as recompense, or set him back a level. Remove a vehicle mod or weapon, or reset access to them. If they can keep others from progressing, it seems fair that others can make them regress.

I completely agree with choosing where you spawn, and completely disagree with negative effects for the instigator. Shitty behaviour is part of the joy of playing GTA. Take out the death penalty. But that doesn't mean start penalizing for killing. That sounds almost as bad as the bad sport system.


My biggest issue with the online (besides losing my first lvl 20 character) are blips being on the map at all times and spawn location when you're killed by opposing players in free roam.

There's no reason you should be visible on the map at all times to everyone in the room. Perhaps there should be a range set where you only show up outside of a certain distance. But it is absolutely ridiculous that there is a "stealth mode" to enter with accompanying stat to build, and yet no stealth at all to utilize or level the playing field against aggressive players who don't care about maintaining an income.

My issue with the blips is further exacerbated by the poor position the player is put in when you respawn after death. At times they'll literally place you across the street from the perpetrator(s). This can lead to multiple unnecessary deaths, tallying thousands of dollars in hospital bills.

If you die, you should be given the option to respawn at the nearest hospital; back at your apartment; or a few blocks away if you do want to go after whomever killed you.


It's awesome when you pull up to a fellow GAFfer and sound your musical horn to say hello, which they return, along with a sticky bomb. Thank you "Agent Strange" for my $12,500 insurance bill.

Lol, generally I am pretty weary of anyone I don't know personally, you never know when someone will suddenly decide to be a dick.

Guys, how can I get the military jeep?

If you're talking about this one:
Then you have to steal it from a Merryweather hit. I got together with a friend and we stood outside his garage, when they arrived in the jeep he hid inside, I got my money back from sending them out because they couldn't complete it, then killed the guys in the vehicle and took it back to my garage.


Went to buy some ammo at the shop, stepped outside and got shot in the face. Tracked him down minutes later, blew him up and his car and Im a bad sport? Rockstar needs to change this.


I dont get all this hate for the lawlessness of freeroam. It's supposed to be kill or be killed. Its the best part of the game. No controlled environment. While sitting there farming someone over and over is not on, anything else goes IMO. It creates tension and excitement. Not knowing what will happen next, it should be this way. While occasionally you will get a bad spawn (which should be fixed) 99% of the time there are options to hide or find cover if you are in a bind.

If you cant stand the heat feel free to sit in your apartment and choose your missions from there, or even better for you, go and play invite only session where you wont be bothered, ever.
Forgot I came here to ask about bounties.

Was about to set a bounty on a guy, but there was only 5-7 people in the Lester list, none of who were the guy. Player list showed the server was full. Is this a bug or why was it like this?


Forgot I came here to ask about bounties.

Was about to set a bounty on a guy, but there was only 5-7 people in the Lester list, none of who were the guy. Player list showed the server was full. Is this a bug or why was it like this?

This happens when you try and track someone from your phone as well (its the same list). Im guessing if they go indoors or similar, they are removed from the list. Either way, it normally refreshes and they will show up.

Dongs Macabre

aka Daedalos42
I got into a Canis Mesa Offroad during Base Invaders, and I still had it after the mission, so I just bought the cheapest 10-car apartment with the money I made from doing Base Invaders.


Neo Member
I think someone on here had success with calling merryweather for an assault and then jacking it from them.

Lol, generally I am pretty weary of anyone I don't know personally, you never know when someone will suddenly decide to be a dick.

If you're talking about this one:

Then you have to steal it from a Merryweather hit. I got together with a friend and we stood outside his garage, when they arrived in the jeep he hid inside, I got my money back from sending them out because they couldn't complete it, then killed the guys in the vehicle and took it back to my garage.



I got into a Canis Mesa Offroad during Base Invaders, and I still had it after the mission, so I just bought the cheapest 10-car apartment with the money I made from doing Base Invaders.

Dude after I left that last game, I lost all my guns! Lol what the hell...
Yeah it's awful. Especially when you are locked in playing with assholes for two days and can't play with your friends. And you have an unchangeable dunce hat.

It's so weird that the bad sport system is supposed to separate the more violent players from the more passive ones (which would be fine if the system worked better) but once you're labeled a bad sport, Rockstar shames you with an unchangeable dunce hat (taking away customization, which is a big part of the game) and doesn't let you play in private matches with friends (taking away another huge part of the game, playing with friends). It's stupid in so many ways. This is seriously one of the biggest issues with the game, not the hospital bills.

I think that's what Rockstar wanted. There are blood thirsty high and low levels, and there are "good" high level and low level players. Some players go and punish the bloodthirsty ones. Everything tends to balance out in the games I play. I don't think it's something that needs a "solution"

Is the dunce hat going to stay even after the two days is up?


I've learned that too man

I don't even try to win until it's on the last lap. Stay behind and let everyone try and knock eachother into traffic.

I did a race in the desert. Everyone picked dirt bikes and I picked a buggy. They kept crashing into each other but I was too stable for a bike to do anything to me. As soon as I hit first it was over. I found it very funny.
This happens when you try and track someone from your phone as well (its the same list). Im guessing if they go indoors or similar, they are removed from the list. Either way, it normally refreshes and they will show up.

I saw him driving right by me and then spectated as he stood around on a car, so I don't think that's it. Also not level related as another player of the same level was in the Lest.

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