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Grand Theft Auto: Online |OT| The Stimulation Has Began!

What if you steal a sports car off the street and park it in your garage?

Would that work?

If the car is too high quality, it won't allow you to take it into your garage or into an LS Customs. Notification will say it already has a tracker on it, so you can't make it your own. It's a system to make sure you have to buy the car from the website if you want to own it, but if you don't mind not owning it, you can still steal it to use in the meantime.
Are playlists down or is it just me?

If your on XBL im down.Send me an inv. KAP151

Nah, PSN.

Also learned a way to "fix" the issue with getting a version of a car with no roof, lost all my mods on my Voltic but at least it has a roof now. Basically take the car out of the garage you want to keep and then go buy another free Elegy R8 or whatever it is and fill your garage, when you get prompted to need to replace a car choose one you're currently in and want to "fix" and then after that go back into your garage, it'll be full so choose a car to remove from it. When you reenter your vehicle should be a different version from what you had. Repeat if needed until you get what you want. Just be careful to of course not remove a car you actually want to keep if you have more than one Elegy it might be a little confusing, heh..

Thanks to TheUndeadCrow on GFAQs.


Gold Member
Finally made level 50 tonight (well morning now lol) with my mates :) Also got the best apartment so just need some few cars and I'm sorted. Game is too much fun just dicking about doing literally nothing one minute and being in the middle of a killing frenzy the next. I'm impressed by the amount of content too, I have been caining this game for the last week and I'm still finding races I've not entered yet. Not to mention the stupid amount of missions there are.

Too much fun when played with RL friends / family, not so much when playing with randoms though it has to be said, but overall this is most fun I've had online in ages.


Junior Member
its hilariously ironic that the root of the massive money making exploits involve accessing their in-game store and then backing out, which if it wasnt there in the first place would be possible to do.

they're litterally writing the book on how to garuntee great reviews, keep all your broken aspects out of the review copy and call it "free content".

just think if Aliens CM merely released that initial Demo as the game itself and then said what wound up be being the retail version was "FREE dlc"


Unconfirmed Member
Ladies and germs, I give you Private Investigator B-Field and his new incognito ride: The Battenberg.

Sorry diresr8ts.

I was messing about with the mg and i was too close to you. It ending killing you. Sorry man. Feel free to ice me next time you see me!
Had a moment where some guy who shot me up as I drove past kept getting into really suspicious accidents afterwards, like being unfortunately run over by my car, and bailing out of his car as a result of me shooting it up, leading to him being run over by a passing truck. Really bad luck.


Is it confirmed that heist can only be done in apartments with 8-car garages? I find the expensive apartments lacking when it comes to detail making it feeling empty. The cheaper ones on the other hand are very detailed due to the junk it has.


Dont bother buying the tank.

There is really no point, as its a bad sport magnet. If you cant blow up other peoples vehicles, it leaves you very few options.


Is it confirmed that heist can only be done in apartments with 8-car garages? I find the expensive apartments lacking when it comes to detail making it feeling empty. The cheaper ones on the other hand are very detailed due to the junk it has.

Rumour is you have to have an Apartment with a blueprint on the wall, so yes, only the expensive ones will allow Heists.


Who thinks/hopes next-gen/pc versions of GTA5 will take advantage of the fact it can be played with a lot more people in it. Just think of 64 players roaming the streets.

I'm hoping for a lot. One of the big things which will make the game even more life like would be much more traffic on the roads, I mean traffic jams, hundreds of cars on the highways, no car despawning. And also if it is possible to add in, make more of the buildings enterable. Let me run into a bank and see people in suits walking about. And give me back the damn hospital!

Then add the 64 people so that the world is more populated and I'm set.

Have you guys been to the Playaboy Mansion


She's pretty

And my friend killed her

This just shows how little of the map I have actually seen. I spotted somewhere I didn't recognise when I was flying my plane too.

Dongs Macabre

aka Daedalos42
Is it possible to choose between crew emblems on your car? I was thinking of making a crew just so I can put Decepticon and Autobot insignias on my cars, but AFAIK I can only use the GAF Street one, as it's my active crew.


Didnt know the submarine spawns online. Was cruising around in it and kinda wished I had a bounty on my head because I don't think its possible for anyone to get to you. Ha


With Beyond done the urge to jump back into this was too strong. Seems like they got a lot fixed though! Manged to play a bunch of matches and rob some stores. I can see myself losing a lot of time to this.

Couple of thoughts and a question or two follows:
-Guns seem expensive
-You can't buy helicopter pads or sub stuff right? Yet?
-I'm assuming stats raise pretty slowly? Been running around trying to raise my meter but it seems slow going.
-Christ, I forgot my lady is an amazon. She seems way taller than other players.

When I ended my session I was on top of one of the mountains overlooking Los Santos. A jet flew on by as the sun was setting and I said to myself, "I'm in."


Didnt know the submarine spawns online. Was cruising around in it and kinda wished I had a bounty on my head because I don't think its possible for anyone to get to you. Ha

Not to mention if you used it to get to the other side of the map, your bounty would have passed long before the journeys end


Junior Member
Dont bother buying the tank.

There is really no point, as its a bad sport magnet. If you cant blow up other peoples vehicles, it leaves you very few options.

what about if you play solo?

does it spawn in your garage?

im going to buy the Buzzard cause it will spawn during missions and help out, thought about buying a tank as well


Neo Member
I'm hoping for a lot. One of the big things which will make the game even more life like would be much more traffic on the roads, I mean traffic jams, hundreds of cars on the highways, no car despawning. And also if it is possible to add in, make more of the buildings enterable. Let me run into a bank and see people in suits walking about. And give me back the damn hospital!

Then add the 64 people so that the world is more populated and I'm set.

These are good ideas for the next GTA but for GTA5 surely they must be thinking about lifting the player cap on pc/next-gen versions?! Time will tell I guess.


Not to mention if you used it to get to the other side of the map, your bounty would have passed long before the journeys end
ha that's true. I've mentioned it before but I really feel like the need to utilize the water more. Right now there's no reason to go out there in free roam. Id like to see some random treasure hunts like give people scuba gear and a big circle where it could be and race to it like crate drops.


Junior Member
With Beyond done the urge to jump back into this was too strong. Seems like they got a lot fixed though! Manged to play a bunch of matches and rob some stores. I can see myself losing a lot of time to this.

Couple of thoughts and a question or two follows:
-Guns seem expensive
-You can't buy helicopter pads or sub stuff right? Yet?
-I'm assuming stats raise pretty slowly? Been running around trying to raise my meter but it seems slow going.
-Christ, I forgot my lady is an amazon. She seems way taller than other players.

When I ended my session I was on top of one of the mountains overlooking Los Santos. A jet flew on by as the sun was setting and I said to myself, "I'm in."

aircraft unlock via rank, but during mission only ones you purchased will show up

the Fighter Jet itself doesnt appear to actually load via rank tho. but using the Buzzard is actually better cause it takes alot of shots before dying and easier to control
Isnt that your mechanic fee? Im sure its $100

Nah, Mechanics fees are $50 and it calls it "Mechanic"

I've seen job activity fees before. I used to think there was a fee for playing the PvE jobs... But then I didn't see them for a while. I think some jobs have fees associated with them, which makes no sense... but w/e.
Looking at my transactions, WTF is $100 spent on Job & Activity fees? Because I started Criminal Records race? WTF, Rockstar?
I notice I get $200 fee for survival, but it don't care it pays off and then some.

What's up with gang attacks? Is that a crew thing? I did one last night I got some rp and couple $1,000...is that it?


Grisby said:
-I'm assuming stats raise pretty slowly? Been running around trying to raise my meter but it seems slow going.
They're raised pretty fast imo. I'm lvl38 and maxed out in every skill. Didn't even really go out of my way for any of them.


aircraft unlock via rank, but during mission only ones you purchased will show up

the Fighter Jet itself doesn't appear to actually load via rank tho. but using the Buzzard is actually better cause it takes alot of shots before dying and easier to control
Alright, maybe I'll buy a parachute down the road instead and try some base jumping.
They're raised pretty fast imo. I'm lvl38 and maxed out in every skill. Didn't even really go out of my way for any of them.


How many personal vehicles do you need to blow up to get Bad Sport? I blew up close to 10 today, and didn't get the dunce hat.


How many personal vehicles do you need to blow up to get Bad Sport? I blew up close to 10 today, and didn't get the dunce hat.

IDK but I got a warning. Never got bad sported tho.

I actually still dont understand the systems in this game. Is there any good guides to how it works? Like people say I need to put money in ATM or people will kill me and take it but people kill me and I still have my cash afterwards.

I also dont really know what exactly I can do to fight people trying to grief me w/o getting bad sport. Like can I kill them at all?


Unconfirmed Member
What's up with gang attacks? Is that a crew thing? I did one last night I got some rp and couple $1,000...is that it?

Afaik they're like random mini-survivals for freemode. If you see a red area on the map, stroll in, blap the first gangster you see and it kicks off. They're not crew-exclusive; anyone can roll up and help you drill some foo's.

You pick up small change from dead bodies, and also weapons/ammo from the crates littered about, which as far as I know stay with you (as it's freemode).

By the by, I did a 2player mission with a guy called "God_Douglas" (PSN) or something, which was cool. Except that as soon as we spawned back into freemode someone put a bounty on him for $9k... After a brief awkward silence I had to do the right thing and put him down. If you happen to be a Gaffer, I do apologise and would expect the same treatment in that situation!
IDK but I got a warning. Never got bad sported tho.

I actually still dont understand the systems in this game. Is there any good guides to how it works? Like people say I need to put money in ATM or people will kill me and take it but people kill me and I still have my cash afterwards.

I also dont really know what exactly I can do to fight people trying to grief me w/o getting bad sport. Like can I kill them at all?

You can kill them all you want, just can't blow up their vehicles. More specifically you can't blow up their vehicles if they're owned by them (have a locator on them). It's pretty much impossible to tell if they have one or not unless they're in a Police Car, Chopper, or Boat.

I mean, a player can buy a chopper or a boat but I'm not sure if it counts as their personal vehicle.


You can kill them all you want, just can't blow up their vehicles. More specifically you can't blow up their vehicles if they're owned by them (have a locator on them). It's pretty much impossible to tell if they have one or not unless they're in a Police Car, Chopper, or Boat.

I mean, a player can buy a chopper or a boat but I'm not sure if it counts as their personal vehicle.

Oh, here Ive just been letting people kill me and not fighting back.

What about the cash situation? If I have 5 grand in cash on me, and someone kills me, how do they collect that 5g? Cuz I always spawn with it still.
By the by, I did a 2player mission with a guy called "God_Douglas" (PSN) or something, which was cool. Except that as soon as we spawned back into freemode someone put a bounty on him for $9k... After a brief awkward silence I had to do the right thing and put him down. If you happen to be a Gaffer, I do apologise and would expect the same treatment in that situation!

i didn't get into GAF street but that wouldn't fly in my crew....in my crew if a homie gets a bounty put on his head u defend him till u die. u turn on the luelinks crew the crew turns on u.

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Shit we had good crew! I think my Internet signal fucked up- lightning out here :/ Marley, Gaz, Absinthe- great times. Going to see if I can restore it and hop back on !
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