I was away this weekend with family and my Mrs said something funny and OT on the way. We were following the sat-nav and it gave the usual "at the next exit..." instruction. It then displays but does not speak the following instruction so I asked "so what do we do /after/ we turn off here". Her response was priceless....
"We pull over, kill all the baddies, steal the meth and get back to Trevor's place QUICK".
I genuinely LOL'd.
On a different note, some constructive criticism:
1) R* please fix your meaning of "Closed" in the matchmaking options and boosters/grinders, even though this isn't working 100% please at least /attempt/ to set your sessions to closed matchmaking.
I am tired of random people joining missions before I have had a time to send invites to friends and crew /but/ I am also tired of getting kicked or having to exit from annoying Criminal Records [or the like] boosting sessions when I have used Quick Join to find a *race*.
[FULL DISCLAIMER: I did this once (in a closed session) for about five races/laps but quickly realised it wasn't for me.]
2) R* please increase the number of missions available to all levels of players, even if for now they are more filler missions with no great complexity. Just some drug pick-up missions at new, interesting, locations would be a start.
Some more co-op missions with multiple elements would be great too, the one involving hacking the laptop is cool for example. I know heists are coming but there is plenty of scope even in the current missions to add some complexity.
There is one mission where you have to get to the top of the building site, kill a load of enemies and then steal a briefcase. Getting successfully to the top of the building site is pretty hard and can be done in a whole variety of ways but once you are done with this one element (get the package) the rest of the mission feels anti-climatic. I want to take that briefcase somewhere to get the bomb inside primed, then have to sneak it into a particular location whilst a team-mate distracts some guards, or something like that. Anything other than just getting rid of a couple of chase vehicles and then simply deliver whatever package we have been tasked with collecting this time.
3) R* please increase the sophistication/granularity of the "Quick Join" tool even if it means a new "Custom Join" option. It would be great to be able to select the type of race to search for, the length, the class and even ideally include/exclude particular races (e.g. Criminal Records). It would also be great to be able to choose PvP or PvE when quick joining "Missions". I like doing jobs with friends and crew but sometimes it's fun to meet new folk by doing co-op stuff through the quick join menu.
4) R*, I'm a country boy, I don't want to live in the city... can I have a ten car garage and a Winnebago to plan heists from... please? : )
Oh well, back to having fun and taking snaps...
Found a couple of BGAF members on a roof-top acting all suspicious like:
As a hobbyist RC heli pilot I know, rightly, that this IS the correct way up to land a plank:
: )