You can just dupe it at lsc.
Never could get the LSC dupe to work, and pointers? I can dupe with exiting the garage while accepting a job, but that one's a pain in the ass cause of the active job.
You can just dupe it at lsc.
What is a great car that isn't a supercar.
Top priority is traction and Top speed
I've always wanted this confirmed - the ignition bombs don't destroy the car when you drive it, only when some other player tries to drive your car? Does it kill crew members who get into the drivers seat? Do you have to replace the bomb each time it blows the car?
Either way that's excellent, I shall invest in it for every car.
What is a great car that isn't a supercar.
Top priority is traction and Top speed
Ignition explosives are the best thing. It's so great to just cruise around in style, wait for jealous assholes to try to steal your car, and watch them erupt in fiery death. Then they have to pay the insurance. Lovely.
Would have stayed a little longer but got an invite from my brother to join his session.Good races torontoml. That 12-15 player lobby we were in was...interesting lol. ESPECIALLY that 15 player GTA race.
Still want lux models, lol.
I have a rapid GT, it's alright but traction leaves a lot to be desired
Still want lux models, lol.
I have a rapid GT, it's alright but traction leaves a lot to be desired
The only problem with the carbonazzaire would be the ugly interior.Coquette is probably one of my favorites on the traction/speed front...I just don't like it because it's a corvette lol.
Second would be the Carbonazzaire or whatever it's called (the Ferrari 458).
The GTR is probably the best for traction though outside of supercars.
Ignition explosives are the best thing. It's so great to just cruise around in style, wait for jealous assholes to try to steal your car, and watch them erupt in fiery death. Then they have to pay the insurance. Lovely.
Need a criminal records partner on 360 for win boosting if anyone is down?
I'm down, GT is SeeDeeKee
Awesome be on in 10, must.... get... coffee...
I'm an asshole......
I have over a million now after giving this game another chance. so, how do I spend that money? by placing bounties on random people. there was this one guy who was trying to get his yellow sabre turbo to a repair shop, guess who got a lot of $10,000 bounties placed on him? ah, fun for the whole family!
Yeah I was wondering the same thing. I have a nice apartment, a bunch of cars etc. I was going to save up for a Buzzard but it seems pointless.
As someone who did save up for a Buzzard, don't do it. It's indeed a waste of money.
This alone makes PS+ worth it.or maybe back up with a usb? Anyway, try leading the autosave data.Good luck. I had this glitch where my post-game save data messes up my phone. It even bleeds over onto my online character.So, I had to start a new game just to play online. Oh, and my level 91 character got deleted, lol. My new character's 52, now.Work through the bullshit.Lol so my GTA file just have me that damage corrupted message for the single player. I was 2/3rds through the game and now that's all gone yayyyyyy. I'm assuming I'm SOL?
As someone who did save up for a Buzzard, don't do it. It's indeed a waste of money.
My current favorite thing to do is gather some friends, place bounties on each other and then hold up inside the bank. With three bounties in the one enterable building eventually the entire server has a go.
thirded, complete waste of fucking money. you have to drive where they feel like dumping it. i just go to the helipad at the airport and there's usually at least one there. plus no delivery fee!
Is there a level where buzzards stop spawning like the cargobob? Also why can't you buy a cargobob?
Also, why have Cargobobs stopped spawning at the various helipads? I haven't seen one since like, level 25. And I've been looking.
The listed value for handling is higher on the Entity, which makes me wonder if the stats are to be trusted at all.
Not certain about the remote bombs--haven't tried those yet. Just make sure you set your car accessibility to "Everyone" when you equip an ignition bomb, and as mentioned before, make sure you're done modding before applying the bomb. Also not certain if the bomb will explode or not when a crew member/friend takes the wheel. If it does, it shouldn't, but that wouldn't be a surprising oversight at all considering the current state of the game. Makes me nervous to try.They have to pay the insurance? How about for remote bombs?
Wow, that sucks. I thought we would be able to be a hangar at the airports or something. Having to buy a plane or chopper then have it delivered to you is stupid.
Sorry to whoever lostsurf is I wasn't ignoring you (DakarZero), but my 48 min was up and it was time to sell a car for some sweet sweet cash.
Then when I came out there was a crate so I went and got that, and then I was near a gang attack (The game is great when you can string together events like that)
My newest entertainment. Parking my motorcycle inconspicuously in a parking spot outside LSC with an ignition bomb.
Anyway, for the Sports class, I'd go with the Carbonizarre on races with long straights or the Feltzer for races with lots of tight turns. The 9F seems a decent Feltzer substitute.
Is there a list for the fastest cars which can be stolen?
Have they given out the first quarter million yet?
This one lists the stats, whether or not they can be stolen and kept, how much they costs online, and how much they sell for.
I think the answer you might want is: Schyster Fusilade. 8 speed, 3 brake, 8 accel, 7.4 handling. It was my first car, and I'm still using it until I decide which sports class car to buy.