I want to play with gaffers now. any one on gaming age family on?
So much truthSo much sadness. When my character gets near the window of the car I start to believe that the game is going to play on through but no.
Finally got in on PS3. Just myself and Lamar in the race, and apparently I set a world record. Reppin' for GAF Street!
Going smoothly so far post-race...
Red Dead Redemption spawn camping posse flashbacks, horrible horrible flashbacks. Good thing theres non lethal mode.
People are already losing their hard earned stuff, and even hair. Nothing is safe. Also people lost their preorder money bonus.
Beta testing is a risky business.
PS3 is working now!!!
Supposedly the later stuff like heists will pay out a lot more.
So does launching session mean it's just not going to work?
Is the only way out to turn off the console or quit to dash?
Well shit, this is what women must feel like in a clothes shop, so many clothes for my lady to buy and I don't know what to wear!
There seems to be a ridiculous amount of choice, much much more than SP, I wonder why they locked off so many, even the glasses have more categories.
it seems to freeze after the race for me
I haven't tried yet but a lot of my friends just now got in for the PS3 version. GO! GO! GO!
Just leave it for a bit it'll load eventually atleast that's what happened with me.
I set the world record on that first race... lol... that shit must be wrong. I crashed like 4 times.
Finally got to the race on PS3, but my character looks like an emaciated anteater. I figure "Lemme just see if i can complete the race." Well, great news everyone, i completed the race. But then while looking through some of the menu options, my character disappears, the entire map dissolves in front of me, the time of day cycles like 4 times, I get transported to 4 different spots that load like bad Unreal Engine texture streaming, then the pre-race cutscene with Lamar starts again, except this time I'm with other players. It's Groundhog Day again.
Yeah....no, I'll try again later from scratch.
What the hell. I just started warping all over the map went underground and everything.
Then some random blonde haired dude is stood next to me.
player is active on a job, do you want to spectate? I said Ok... and now im stuck with two guys right by my side (update.3. update again, 4) and I don't really know if i'm just supposed to wait.
360 version is just not working. Going to leave it a few days I think.
360 version is just not working. Going to leave it a few days I think.