Was doing well for about an hour and a half but now I think it got hung up looking for a match for Beacon Theater LTS.
Still stuck at loading in Cypress Flats LTS. Don't know if i should restart Playstation or just wait here?
LolAnyone know how to mute people? I've had a young guy sing Only girl in the world down his mic and now someone is blowing down it to make the cashier give him the money faster.
Kind of annoying.
Passive mode stops people from being able to kill you and vice versa. So if you'd have left it on, chances are that guy wouldn't have been able to do anything to you.
Anyone know how to mute people? I've had a young guy sing Only girl in the world down his mic and now someone is blowing down it to make the cashier give him the money faster.
Kind of annoying.
My character has totally a Johnny Depp vibe.
Anyone know how to mute people? I've had a young guy sing Only girl in the world down his mic and now someone is blowing down it to make the cashier give him the money faster.
Kind of annoying.
GTAO truly is a life sim.
This is a really dumb question, but how do you enable Passive Mode? Is it locked to a certain rank? I'm at rank 5 at the moment.
You're a little confused which is not hard considering they explain fucking zip.
"Jobs" are the name for basic gameplay modes, Deathmatch, Race etc. This also includes "Missions" which are effectively deathmatch with lite objective flavouring applied,
The Co-Op content I think you are after is given by Mission givers, Simeon, Lamar, Gerald etc. These appear randomly via text and once you reach a high enough level you can request them. You launch them and have the option to invite friends, crew mates or players in your current "server"
Its got such a awful UI doing much of this is a nightmare. Even when you get past the bug ridden intro it feels very much like a beta.
I had some shallow fun in a private server last night with a group of 4 of us and we managed to do one mission which was recover drugs from a lost + vargo trade. Its incredibly simple stuff shoot 10 AI and then drive back round the corner.
Nothing feels polished, the character creator is a joke. Even when the issues are balanced out it seems like to much focus on PvP.
Am I the only one who thinks the character making thing is stupid?
Same here. Must be because everyone found out it was working and jumped on and crashed the servers again lol >_<PS3 definitely down again for me.
This is a really dumb question, but how do you enable Passive Mode? Is it locked to a certain rank? I'm at rank 5 at the moment.
Are these things that happened to you in free roam?
PS3 (UK) been working pretty well for over an hour now.
Same here. Must be because everyone found out it was working and jumped on and crashed the servers again lol >_<
The 1st guy I made always got hung up on the race bug, so I made a female one and got thru.
On PS3 you hold down the select button until the menu pops up.
Hold select until the Interaction Menu pops up. It's one of the options.
Still have yet to see another soul on GTAO. Currently in lobby, hosting deathmatch...anyone out there?
Having played the game a while, I found out that I got to experience some unique shit during my first, glitches, GTA online play.
I got to experience 2 unique types of events that I have yet to see on my legit play through.
1. Gangs. I got the Clean Sweep achievement, for killing 10 gang members (similar to Red Dead), without dying, before I unlocked the tutorial achievement.
2. Cargo drops? I can't remember the name, but a message would pop up on the screen saying something like, "a gang has the cargo drop." These drops appear as a green square on the map. I tried to go check it out but it was guarded by 40ish NPCs, all packing M4s.
Did anyone else experience this? Did my first character glitch into early access?
Yes, in free roam.
Is leveling skills the same as in single player?
Same here. Must be because everyone found out it was working and jumped on and crashed the servers again lol >_<
I left it for 30 mins and it worked. LolSo now I'm able to get to Launching Session with the city blurred in the background. Is this going anywhere?
Thanks, guys.
Also just found a strange bug. I bought a tracker and insurance for my car as per the tutorial. I then proceeded to attempt to find a store to rob, and parked outside the one shown below. Although having a fully modeled interior, I was unable to enter. I then turned around and attempted to enter my car. I couldn't; it was locked. Looking at the car icon on the map, I noticed that it didn't exactly correspond to where my car was in front of me. Lo and behold, behind my original car was a clone, which had replaced the original. I was able to enter the clone. Pretty strange.