Probably a Rockstar dev trolling.
on the grounds of false advertising and discrimination (360 users seem to be getting along fine).
Sounds like lag to me, honestly.
So has anybody actually finished the tutorial when and how and what lvl does it end? >_> I'm lvl 6 and still in the tutorial I have no idea how to finish it lol.
So, all the people that are playing. Are they just lucky? I don't get it. I tried getting on ALL DAY (I had the day off). I was only once able to beat the first mission (Lamar) - and then the game froze after I leveled up and the next mission was starting. Ever since then, all my characters get deleted, and I can't connect.
My friend is on PS3, and he just got off from work. He was able to hop on instantly, no issues. And his character never got deleted. I don't get it. Why is this only effecting some people?
I justWhat was the last tutorial thing you did? I'm pretty sure at one point you have to accept the mission through a text.
If dots only appeared when they moved or made noise, it'd turn into hide and seek.haha tdm sucks so bad with the red markers on the map all the time...where's the hardcore mode?
I justreposed 2 cars for Simeon through a text mission. Am I close I'm lvl 6 now lol.
Yeah I did and I won. Then I got all the blue icons around the map. But every time I try to join a friends game it says I need to finish the tutorial.I'm pretty sure the last tutorial thing is a Last Man Standing multiplayer match. You haven't done that yet?
guys, seriously, if you don't want to risk losing your progress, take a break and come back in a week or so; what's the big hurry to get to level 100?
you know the issues that are going on, if you choose to play and your character gets wiped or whatever, it is on you.
little by little we're hearing that psn is starting to work, progress is being made; be patient and take a couple days off gta; the game isn't going anywhere.
Yeah I did and I won. Then I got all the blue icons around the map. But every time I try to join a friends game it says I need to finish the tutorial.
Sorry to hear about your trouble. A friend of mine had the same issue with losing created characters a few times. He's pretty bummed out and is now waiting until it's straightened out for sure.
I only started "getting lucky" yesterday evening (JST); finished the tutorial missions, robbed a few stores with/without other players; hosted/joined a couple of races/deathmatches; and thankfully my character and single player saves are still in tact.
I advise everyone still having trouble to only try loading Solo Online play through the pause menu (not going directly from the loading screen). That should give you the least busy/most stable environment for starting out as possible. It might dump you in a random server after you've finished the first race, where chances of dropping are still high, but from that point you have to be really unlucky to lose progress.
Maybe try going back to single player after the first race, then selecting "choose character" from the Online menu - this is what I did the first time and it's worked for me since.
As people have said, just be patient. Give the loading/overhead view screens some time, whether they show tips or a loading icon or not. And turn off auto save initially just in case.
It's just that when you rob a store in solo play you need to shoot the cashier then exit and press pause, and go to the rockstar store to buy money. Then just exit the store (not buying money) and go back to the game and repeat the store thing. Wanted level is gone.
I saw a youtube of it, I know it works because I was kicked from the game, because a host left the world, after getting cash from a cashier and the money was still there. This could be a good method of saving your game too I suppose, or getting rid of wanted level?
I don't see it that on my upper left side. I'm on ps3 btwYou should be out of the tutorial by that point. It even says in the upper-left that you're on your own now. Maybe try restarting your Xbox or, if all else fails, make a new character.
You've not made it yet...try again?So I'm able to get into free roam, but there aren't any missions, jobs, or play modes. I tried to join a friend's job and it did something really weird. When I joined The camera drops to my location but then freezes 10 feet from the ground but at a lateral camera view. I can't rotate the camera or walk around, but the game world continues.
Did I break it?
How do I fix it?
How do I acquire jobs?
What are ya doin' man?
I don't see it that on my upper left side. I'm on ps3 btw. >_> maybe it's the friend who's not out of the tutorial and not me.
Yeah. To clarify, what I meant by "get lucky" - I was just wondering if it's just people happening to get into a queue. It seems like some people aren't even having the same issues that people like me are having. I don't get why certain people are having issues, and others aren't.
I mean, if it was just people not being able to connect, I would get it. Just like any online game everyone is trying to access it at once. But we are having much more specific and strange issues.
Yeah, it doesn't make sense to me. Last night at 4am EST I was trying and still got the same bullshit looping car cutscene to start the race. Surely the traffic was greatly lessened by that time, and I'm still having the same issue right now. I haven't gotten a single actual error message, I just get stuck in this purgatory constantly.
Yeah, it doesn't make sense to me. Last night at 4am EST I was trying and still got the same bullshit looping car cutscene to start the race. Surely the traffic was greatly lessened by that time, and I'm still having the same issue right now. I haven't gotten a single actual error message, I just get stuck in this purgatory constantly.
How do I play with my friends? I get connected with random people but its impossible to play with my friends until we beat the gta online tutorial... What in the world is the gta online tutorial? It makes no sense I get connected to others but can't with friends..
And the timer was for 5 minutes too. Ehhhh.... No thanks.I actually got to play some of it today
Got up to the mission where the team deathmatch is die once and its over