Wow, people are cancelling pre-orders after one single post of impressions by some random dude? Even after countless people have said the PS3 version is fine and that is no difference?
I've seen the 'pre-order cancelled' post so many times I don't know if people is Kidding anymore or not...These people surely don't actually cancel their pre-orders do they? So pathetic.
Ugh, that's disgusting to hear. May have to cancel my pre-order, really don't want to play another running-shitty-as-hell GTA... Dammit Rockstar, have you actually fucked it up again?
I think they're guessing too.
Lol. Multiple people have said the ps3 version runs fine, then one person says it runs worse (without ever playing the 360 version) and now everyone is acting like its proof of the 360 version being better.
I am the one who said 18 - 20 and I am seeing it with my own eyes. Do I know it is exactly 18 fps? No, I dont have a FRAPS on my PS3 unfortunately. But I have played enough games on PC with Fraps up to know what 18FPS looks like
I've seen the 'pre-order cancelled' post so many times I don't know if people is Kidding anymore or not...
People tend to take each other's word for it here and it quickly spreads like bonfire. Person A says it runs like crap in comparison to the 360 version, and then Person B/C take his word for it and spread the same faulty information. Soon the entire alphabet is using the information from Person A as fact.
When you come from 60 FPS PC everything below 30 feels like 18-20-22 or whatever.
If it's actually true that the PS3 version frequently drops below 20 fps, then yes, I believe I will cancel my pre-order. That's just unacceptably bad, I can't deal with a GTA running that shitty again. Will wait for the inevitable PC/next-gen version in that case. But if the guy who said that is exaggerating, and it really just drops from 30 to 25 every now and then, I can live with it.
People need to remember everyone has different sensitivty levels.
To some they need 60fps, others get same experience at 30fps and others aren't sensitive to the 30fps and occassional dips to 25fps/20fps.
When someone says the framerate is bad and dips, may not be the same for someone else.
So some people need to calm down before they cancel their orders![]()
You guys can interpret what I am saying however you want. The game is fun and looks great, but the frame rate is pretty spotty on PS3. Do I know for sure it is better on 360? No, I don't have that version. But I can say with 100% certainty that there are frequent FPS issues on the PS3 while driving in the city so if you have access to both systems, you might want to get the 360 version. If all you have is a PS3 should you cancel your preorder? No. Of course not.
I have the PS3 version and have played it for more than 4 hours and the frame rate havent gone below 20 fps, not even once. I think the game looks incredible and the performance is good.
I'm not saying that mcfrank is lying, but this has been my experience with the PS3 version.
You're seriously the only one I've seen on the internet saying the framerate on PS3 is "spotty"
You guys can interpret what I am saying however you want. The game is fun and looks great, but the frame rate is pretty spotty on PS3. Do I know for sure it is better on 360? No, I don't have that version. But I can say with 100% certainty that there are frequent FPS issues on the PS3 while driving in the city so if you have access to both systems, you might want to get the 360 version. If all you have is a PS3 should you cancel your preorder? No. Of course not.
Would you mind quoting those posts? Not trying to discredit you but I'm on the fence on which version to buy.I am not even the only one in this thread saying the frame rate is spotty.
I said 18 - 20 FPS, you say 20 FPS. We are saying the same thing. I don't have an FPS counter up on my PS3 so obviously 18 - 20 is a guess, just like you saying 20 is a guess.
I still can't believe that, of all stores out there, freaking Amazon just says "fuck it" and ships the game three days early. Three days!
Someone over at Rockstar HQ is slamming some doors right about now, I'd wager.
But still, congrats to everyone who received an early copy. Amazing surprise and an awesome weekend ahead of you.
Mind me asking what platform you usually play games on? If you frequent the PC and only tend to play exclusive games like TLoU and GTA V I can understand that the dips are extremely noticeable for you. If I would have driven a fast high speed car my entire life but all of a sudden I have to get a rental, I would feel the differences as well. People like me, who tend to only play games on the 360 and PS3, are not that susceptible.
I ordered my copy in June from Amazon and it still hasn't shipped yet...
I very rarely play PC games anymore. I am probably 60/30/10 Xbox, PS3, PC. My computer is an iMac running bootcamp, so it is not top of the line. I am in no way used to 60fps all of the time.
For anyone who played TLOU, If you remember the walk up to the capitol building. I frequently get a very similar framerate in GTA while driving as the walk up to the capitol building. If that didnt bother you, this wont either. If that bothered you, this probably will too.
I very rarely play PC games anymore. I am probably 60/30/10 Xbox, PS3, PC. My computer is an iMac running bootcamp, so it is not top of the line. I am in no way used to 60fps all of the time.
For anyone who played TLOU, If you remember the walk up to the capitol building. I frequently get a very similar framerate in GTA while driving as the walk up to the capitol building. If that didnt bother you, this wont either. If that bothered you, this probably will too.
Seeing people overreact to unverified reports and word of mouth is par for the course on gaf. Its sad that we have this shit everytime a new multiplat title comes out.
Come on guys, most of the streams we've seen look fucking amazing and if there is minor difference between each version then you're not going to notice unless you've got two screens side by side with each version of the game. Stop worrying about shit that is still up in the air and get excited for one of the most detailed, massive, and gorgeous looking open world games you'll ever play.
I ordered my copy in June from Amazon and it still hasn't shipped yet...
Oh, strange. It could just be Royal Mail screwing up and being late with some people's orders but it seems like only a minority received it today.
Yes, get excited because the game is really fun and I am enjoying it so far. The whole point of my post was just to let people who have both systems know what my experience is like on PS3 w/r/t frame rate. People are being crazy talking about canceling their preorders. I had a few issues with TLOU frame rate, but it doesnt mean it is one of the best games I have ever played.
Different people have different sensitivity with regards to fps same with screen tear. I fully expect both versions to be near identical with 360 having slightly higher frame rate and ps3 slightly better quality sound, as per most multiplats.I have the PS3 version and have played it for more than 4 hours and the frame rate havent gone below 20 fps, not even once. I think the game looks incredible and the performance is good.
I'm not saying that mcfrank is lying, but this has been my experience with the PS3 version.
You've got absolutely no evidence to back up your point though, so it's kinda pointless raising the issue. I can understand if you'd have said it occasionally gets dips, but specifying 18-20 is just shit stirring and could be totally incorrect. Theres no way the ps3 streams we've seen have dipped to 18 fps. Slightly below 30? Sure. 18-20? Nah.
These people surely don't actually cancel their pre-orders do they? So pathetic.
BTW there was nothing at all on the Amazon packaging that said about holding the package until September 17th.
You've got absolutely no evidence to back up your point though, so it's kinda pointless raising the issue. I can understand if you'd have said it occasionally gets dips, but specifying 18-20 is just shit stirring and could be totally incorrect. Theres no way the ps3 streams we've seen have dipped to 18 fps. Slightly below 30? Sure. 18-20? Nah.
Different people have different sensitivity with regards to fps same with screen tear. I fully expect both versions to be near identical with 360 having slightly higher frame rate and ps3 slightly better quality sound, as per most multiplats.