Funds were just taken from my PSN (UK) account. Still can't download it though. Maybe in the morning.
Doesn't the download go live Monday?
Funds were just taken from my PSN (UK) account. Still can't download it though. Maybe in the morning.
How big is the install on 360?
How about both disks combined?7876 MB
7876 MB
The Last of Us is amazing (still need to finish it) but I can't really compare it to GTA V. These games are so far apart from each other. I also will never be able to pick one game of the generation. Maybe a selection of games that stood out for me.
any sites out there compared the two versions yet?
Number of missions spoiler (just in case :lol)Good stuff. And since the mechanics (walking, running, shooting, melee, etc.) all seem to have been vastly improved over IV, actually exploring the world will be better than any heist mission Rockstar can cook up.
But I'm sure the heist missions will still be fantastic.
I hope some of the reviews mention how long the game is. GTA IV had around 90, but obviously was way too bloated. Still, I wouldn't mind GTA V having as many missions if they are more varied and engaging. Though 70 or so seems like it would probably be the sweet spot for story missions, plus all of the other side stuff.
Finally got accepted after almost a month!Can't wait to have discussions with fellow gaffers about the greatness of GTA V!![]()
Anyways, I gave in and pre-ordered my copy of V two days ago. Got the dope pre-order bonus poster as well.
Yup, got that poster for pre-ordering at GameStop. Decided to put up the side that has the cover art. Cool of R*/GameStop to run that promotion.Finally got accepted after almost a month!Can't wait to have discussions with fellow gaffers about the greatness of GTA V!![]()
Anyways, I gave in and pre-ordered my copy of V two days ago. Got the dope pre-order bonus poster as well.
Yeah, it's absurd to think that The Last of Us is going to have serious competition for GoTY for me. And that's saying nothing of the new Pokemon and Arkham game (though I'm sure both of those will end up a tier lower than TLoU and GTA V)
Still, what an excellent year to be a gamer
I hate gta4. I hate rdr. Never liked either of them. And I played like 300 hours between 3 gta's old gen.
I think that rockstar lost it.
I played gta5 for 6 hours straight and I fucking lost track of time.
It's that good.
I doubt the story in V will reach anywhere near the level of emotion that TLoU achieves, but yeah, it will certainly outclass the game in terms of replayability and online. Probably in terms of fun factor too. I was stressed as hell every time I booted up TLoU, and I highly doubt I'll feel the same sense of dread with VI bought The Last of Us to hold me over until now, I went in knowing nothing about the game except it being a Naughty Dog title. My first and only play through was amazing and the story is simply awesome. But, for me at least it was a one time experience, I rarely play online so there was really no replay value. GTA V seems to be another hit and if the story and acting are nearly as good as TLoU it deserves being GoTY. But then people love Animal Crossing so that could take it as well.
lil b the based godMy friend works as an Assistant Manager at GS and he asked me if i wanted a poster ( I didn't pre order) and he gave it to me. Cool dude and It looks great, who does the art?
Eventually it will be.
My friend works as an Assistant Manager at GS and he asked me if i wanted a poster ( I didn't pre order) and he gave it to me. Cool dude and It looks great, who does the art?
Really? I just finished up a replay of IV myself. The driving and Niko as a character were my two favorite aspects. There is a lot of dat ludonarrative dissonance with Niko trying to escape his violent past and be a sympathetic character, but that happens in so many games that I was able to look past it. The voice acting was great, and Mr. Bellic was just a professional badass throughout most of the tale.I can't wait to start this beast up on Tuesday. I took Tuesday off, so I am going to hit up the midnight release at Walmart. I didn't pre order, but there will be more than enough copies. GTA IV was such a huge let down, so I am really excited to play a fun GTA again. I've been playing through IV again (never finished it), and I am just scratching my head at some of the gameplay design choices. The handling of both the cars and Nico himself are just plain bad, and really destroy the enjoyment of the game, it is quite sad.
I doubt the story in V will reach anywhere near the level of emotion that TLoU achieves, but yeah, it will certainly outclass the game in terms of replayability and online. Probably in terms of fun factor too. I was stressed as hell every time I booted up TLoU, and I highly doubt I'll feel the same sense of dread with V![]()
1. Mass Effect 2
2. Super Mario Galaxy
3. The Last of Us
4-10 varies on how i'm feeling. I have a feeling that V may be able to steal a top 3 spot...though I don't think it will beat ME2 for me.
I doubt the story in V will reach anywhere near the level of emotion that TLoU achieves, but yeah, it will certainly outclass the game in terms of replayability and online. Probably in terms of fun factor too. I was stressed as hell every time I booted up TLoU, and I highly doubt I'll feel the same sense of dread with V![]()
Sure, but it's hard to beat the heartstring tug that forming a father-daughter bond in a horrific post-apocalyptic America created. Hell, I bet the first 15 minutes of TLoUI can see the story taking dark turns in GTA V. When there's nothing left to steal, and the people and groups that were robbed come knocking, things will get ugly.
I'm afraid any money I wager will just be stolen back. GTA Online is going to be dirty.
Watch yo backs while online.
so how many of you guys will pic GTA 5 as your GOTG PSN isn't actually doing a preload?
Well, looks like I'm in for a fun-filled Tuesday midnight trying until 6-7 AM to get the store to load and the download to start.
I truly regret not picking Euro Truck 2 up at 80% off on the Summer Sale.I only have 2 games on my list currently (last of us and euro truck sim 2) and that's all I'm willing to say before I even play it.
Thankfully I'm at school until 5 on Tuesday, so I won't be staring at the download all day.
Although if for some reason I start it at midnight and it isn't done downloading by 5 on Tuesday... heads will roll.
This thread has been getting slower :/
I truly regret not picking Euro Truck 2 up at 80% off on the Summer Sale.
I truly regret not picking Euro Truck 2 up at 80% off on the Summer Sale.
Well it ain't! IT AIN'T!The problem will be if the download finishes before you leave to go to school...
And then your brain starts convincing you that missing one day of school ain't so bad...
Amazing game.