Visuals look fine to me so far. This R2 gas/ L2 break is killing me though.
I'm still not understanding these complaints...
You're driving a car in a video game, gas and break on L2 and R2 have been pretty standard with those buttons for a while...
Visuals look fine to me so far. This R2 gas/ L2 break is killing me though.
Visuals look fine to me so far. This R2 gas/ L2 break is killing me though.
I'm still not understanding these complaints...
You're driving a car in a video game, gas and break on L2 and R2 have been pretty standard with those buttons for a while...
Oh ok, good.
Too bad that "alternative" control scheme still keeps L2/R2 for driving. Seems kinda weird and I don't like it at all.
It's because those triggers are crap and the only reason they make any kind of sense is that they're a quick and dirty way to change the back buttons into triggers without otherwise overhauling the controller.I'm still not understanding these complaints...
You're driving a car in a video game, gas and break on L2 and R2 have been pretty standard with those buttons for a while...
It's a bit of a pain but the face buttons ARE analog, they even used this in GTAIII-SA.Driving usually requires more than a binary, 'on or off' button. You can treat R2 like a pedal, and go full throttle, or let up on it.
I definitely prefer it to any other button.
Visuals look fine to me so far. This R2 gas/ L2 break is killing me though.
Oh ok, good.
Too bad that "alternative" control scheme still keeps L2/R2 for driving. Seems kinda weird and I don't like it at all.
Driving usually requires more than a binary, 'on or off' button. You can treat R2 like a pedal, and go full throttle, or let up on it.
I definitely prefer it to any other button.
I doubt the rest of the control scheme accommodated this, but this actually makes a lot more sense for driving... so long as you could still aim and shoot with L1/R1 while driving. I get the impression that probably didn't happen however.Oh don't misunderstand me, I can get used to it.
But swapping from L1/R1 for fighting and shooting then popping back to L2/R2 spins me up in my little ole' head.
Cars turn super fast though. Gotta get used to this.
I wonder how likely it is that many of us went with 360 for GTAIV but went (back to?) Playstation for GTAV. I know I'm in that camp, got GTAIV and its DLC for 360, but am getting this on PS3 much like GTAIII-SA were PS2 games for me.I'm not getting the complaints about driving with L2/R2. Didnt GTAIV have the exact same controls?
It's because those triggers are crap and the only reason they make any kind of sense is that they're a quick and dirty way to change the back buttons into triggers without otherwise overhauling the controller.
So I take it there's no X/O options? I'll deal, but it IS mildly disappointing.
It's a bit of a pain but the face buttons ARE analog, they even used this in GTAIII-SA.
Granted that won't be an option on PS4 and presumably going forward, but that has supposedly good triggers so it's not a big deal.
Only thing that bugs me is the lack of people present in the world. Not as bad as San Andreas but it feels ghostish when I'm driving
Welcome to LA!
Driving usually requires more than a binary, 'on or off' button. You can treat R2 like a pedal, and go full throttle, or let up on it.
I definitely prefer it to any other button.
Game sucks...
For not being on PC yet, anyway. I can't double-dip so I gotta wait for a PC release.I hope it's good enough to wait for!
Is there an L1/R1 shooting setting in the game? I can't find it for shit.
I'm still not understanding these complaints...
You're driving a car in a video game, gas and break on L2 and R2 have been pretty standard with those buttons for a while...
Driving with L2/R2 is a problem now? WTF?
Have you never played a racing game before? This is odd to me. If it were anything other than L2/R2, I'd be the one complaining.
Really wow I love driving games with controls like that.
I'm not getting the complaints about driving with L2/R2. Didnt GTAIV have the exact same controls?
I meant for why the triggers were designed the way they were on DS3. Concave really just doesn't make sense for triggers and I think the DS3 is the only place you'll ever find them like that.What? No idea what kind of point you are trying to make here.
nice port beg.
I doubt the rest of the control scheme accommodated this, but this actually makes a lot more sense for driving... so long as you could still aim and shoot with L1/R1 while driving. I get the impression that probably didn't happen however.
I wonder how likely it is that many of us went with 360 for GTAIV but went (back to?) Playstation for GTAV. I know I'm in that camp, got GTAIV and its DLC for 360, but am getting this on PS3 much like GTAIII-SA were PS2 games for me.
Try Pacific Time.
So, is it running pretty good on Ps3?
Is it even remotely true or was it the typical PR-crap, that almost every mission has that awesome "feel" as Three Leaf Clover from GTAIV?
From everything I've seen I'd say it's in between the two GTA eras.Alright so I haven't followed GTAV at all really, have had almost zero hype for it.
Is it more like III, Vice City and SA or more like IV?
I couldn't stand IV. it was one of my biggest disappointments ever, I actually hated that game.
Gay Tony was the only thing I thought IV did right
Is any of the "silliness" and just over the top stuff from 3-SA back?
Haven't had any issues whatsoever yet.
This game is damn purdy.