Here are my impressions of the GRAPHICS and ATMOSPHERE so far, not gameplay:
The draw distance on vehicles is incredible. This is THE FIRST GAME EVER where I actually FEEL like I am going down a real highway. 30-40 cars on screen, easily, all going very fast, very crowded.
The lighting is mind blowing. Shadows are crisp (mostly). Reflections are top notch.
* Soda Machines - the the lights and colors will reflect off of the floor.
* Walls - The color of the wall will bounce similarly colored light off of other surfaces in the same way that "ray tracing" would. I'm sure they are faking this effect but it is awesome.
* Fog is used in conjunction to the overall sunlight to increase depth and give real distance to the world.
* Floors actually reflect almost ALL objects resting atop them.
* Rain puddles reflect the world around them.
The clothing and cloth physics.
I have never seen one of these in a game before (might have been done before though) and it is amazing. Its very cool and you can actually jump into this thing and it will move realistically. Also, when your character is walking, the fabric of their clothing actually shifts and moves.
The water, my lord, the water. Its amazing that so many types of water are represented and look so good. The water in the pool looks and is behaving noticeably different from the ocean water and lake water. They also, all look extremely good. Large waves, reflections, pure bliss.
Euphoria character physics are fantastic. I got on top of the car with the tarp on it next to Franklins house and tried to jump on the roof, Franklins head nailed the gutter and his legs shot forward sending me slamming down onto the hood for minor damage. I also tried jumping down the stairs once and basically "Spiderman Splatted" against the wall and proceeded to fall hilariously down the stairs.
These are my thoughts and reactions so far. Amazing game.