Can someone answer one of my questions?
- How does saving cars work exactly? Let's say I have a tuned car, can I save it 'forever'?
Put it in a garage, and it won't go anywhere. Drive it off a cliff, and it's gone.
Can someone answer one of my questions?
- How does saving cars work exactly? Let's say I have a tuned car, can I save it 'forever'?
Can someone answer one of my questions?
- How does saving cars work exactly? Let's say I have a tuned car, can I save it 'forever'?
- What are exactly the differences between the tennis smashes (A, B, X and Y)?
people have accepted this as acceptable sacrifice on current gen it seems. lowered expectations . gif
Put it in a garage, and it won't go anywhere. Drive it off a cliff, and it's gone.
Still not feeling the reticule even when I change it to complex. It needs to be a bit more bold. Not bigger, just bolder. I can barely see it.
Guys, I've been thinking. I've been trying to think of a better game. I can't. This is my favorite game of all time.
Yeah, I just got back to Franklin after playing as Michael for a while, and I was pretty bummed to see Franklin's clothes changed. I dressed him up all cool and stuff. :-\So every time you switch guys your clothes change? Not sure I like that.
Guys, I've been thinking. I've been trying to think of a better game. I can't. This is my favorite game of all time. I'm about 7 hours in and I can already tell.
Back to the game
That's just stupid. If that is the case, they should have made car parts and upgrades considerably cheaper.
I feel the same way. In-fact the entire menu is a bit weak in design with notifications, the mobile phone etc quite illegible at times.
I immediately shaved Michaels hair and gave him a beard. He looks like Max Payne from MP3 now.
So nothing wrong with my hardware ?
How are the story missions? Are they more interesting than the "drive here, shoot that, watch 10 minute cutscene with banter that goes nowhere" fest of vanilla GTA IV?
How do I loot an armored car?
I stole one but can't do anything with it.
I'm having fun with them, but they don't feel any better than any past GTA game to me. But it's been yeaaaaars since I last played GTA.How are the story missions? Are they more interesting than the "drive here, shoot that, watch 10 minute cutscene with banter that goes nowhere" fest of vanilla GTA IV?
I shot at the back of it and rammed it with a car, and it opened up.How do I loot an armored car?
I stole one but can't do anything with it.
Amazing detail for an open world game. Damn
C'mon mang.
At least wait until the honeymoon period and hype high washes over.
Its kind of hilarious cruising around in a convertible with Trevor listening to Rhianna lol.
How do you land a plane? I been stuff at this for like half an hour now.
Could you take a few more pics like that please ?what version is that ? Lighting looks good
How are the story missions? Are they more interesting than the "drive here, shoot that, watch 10 minute cutscene with banter that goes nowhere" fest of vanilla GTA IV?
I immediately shaved Michaels hair and gave him a beard. He looks like Max Payne from MP3 now.
HOW?? Ever barber shop I've gone into only has 3-4 slightly different hairstyles (including his normal style) and 2-3 facial hair styles (including his original shaved style). I gave him a beard but there's such little choice for hair
Franklin's choices are a lot more diverse. I shaved his head and gave him the Full Spartan beard. He wears sunglasses and a white jacket. So badass.
I wish I had the same level of customizability with Michael. :/
That's just stupid. If that is the case, they should have made car parts and upgrades considerably cheaper.