...said the World's Hippest Hipster.
Well, I suppose I am pretty cool.
Wonderful 101.
I'm pretty sure it's still in. Switch through the camera modes with your left stick.
How's the manual? Is it a nice color manual??
My friend and I just keep hoping that he gets wasted by some gangster in every Franklyn mission. I hope that's what happens.Yeah. I hope there's a forthcoming reasonable explanation for why Franklin hangs out with him.
How's the manual? Is it a nice color manual??
Played about 3 hours and on the first lester mission.
The introduction and first hour was perhaps one of the greatest tutorials abd openings to a game I have ever witnessed. Really blew me away. Just perfectly paced, and incredibly well structured and planned.
The manual from the game box? It's only like 2 pages
Map is gorgeous as always though
Well, that's underwhelming. I remember the PS2 GTA games all had some pretty great manuals, all thick and in full colour.
Yep, of course it is. It's like a paint on the outside of the tyres. I've seen it at car shows going blue and green
Both versions have almost the exact same framerate issues, check Digital Foundry for the tiny differences present.
INSTALLING!!! OMG it's finally here!!!!! The best open world game in this world. HNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNG.
So L1/R1 shooting or L2/R2 shooting?
I prefer the second one.
The good old days of game manuals are gone I'm afraid. Honestly I don't really care but it was nice to see a GTA manual cos it was full of fake ads for places in the game
It's a shame there is next to no point in exploring los Santos on foot because that's by far the most interesting, varied, believable, immersive game environment since yokosuka and yoiu'll completely miss the atmosphere driving through it.
They need to think of ways to reward players taking their time to explore the surroundings, and ways to make driving feel less detached from the scenery.
Yeah I was surprised with how much improved the graphics are from GTA IV. So much sharper and cleaner. GTA IV looked like it was smothered in Vaseline. Even the textures are great. Also the draw distance is phenomenal and very little pop-up. Only the aliasing lets it down a bit.Mine just got here in the mail thanks to Amazon! I only got to play 30 minutes because I have out-plans for the night but I've got mostly positive/semi mixed impressions.
- Playing on PS3, holy crap these graphics are mindblowing, especially for a console game! Honestly better looking and better performing than vanilla GTA4 on PC! Really stable 30 fps and clearly full 720p. Reflections on buildings have some pop-in but that's the only thing I've noticed so far.
- Shooting feels too easy... I actually like GTA4 where it was still easy (just LT aim to auto-center-of-mass then ~3/4ths the left stick up, instant headshot with RT) but this is like I don't even have to fine tune aim. I basically was 1-2 shotting guys at a rate of ~2/sec by pretty much pressing LT then tapping RT over and over at a rapid pace.
- Driving in the opening sequence felt fine... When I got to Franklin though... it was weird, turning was like I was pivoting on ice then taking off in that direction after I stopped turning. I can see how this is easier/more arcadey but it just doesn't feel right/momentum based at all, I hope this is something that doesn't persist/happen for everyone when their driving skill goes up or I'm REALLY going to miss the "boat" physics.
The manual from the game box? It's only like 2 pages
Yep, I hate how the Ups guy doesn't come till like 7pm here. My package has been out for delivery for 12 hours now.
Any idea if more haircuts unlock as the game goes on?
It's imperative that I have Michael looking like this:
I was trying to figure it out. Someone please tell me it's in.Shoulder switching... Why the hell not Rockstar?
Franklin is a G. I love him.
Hell yeah.Franklin is really the highlight of the game so far. Him and Lamar could have been the only two main characters as far as I'm concerned.
- I still struggle with the controls, not intuitive at all. I somehow keep pressing the wrong buttons. Maybe that's just me though.
So...at the end of the day is the shooting as good as in Max Payne 3?
Yeah, you can't see them in the pics, but they're there. Also, cool that you're still social with your ex. Not easy to do.
da fuq? Paid $100 for a hooker and beat her up but only got 58 back