One mildly disappointing thing that's not actually to do with the game is for the first time since GTA III at least there's no tourist guide acting as the manual. Instead the manual is just a thin pamphlet detailing the controls and warranty info. At least there's still a map.
RIP awesome Rockstar manuals.
Also my Atomic Blimp PS3 code doesn't work.
Pffft, I dressed Franklin and right after the first time I control Michael he shows up in a different outfit. That's BS Franklin. Wear the shit I want you to wear please![]()
Holy shit!
So i wanted to know what happens if i have a wanted level and swim away .... they have now POLICE BOATS and chase you in the water :O
\Also, the in-game brightness calibration makes no sense! Just how visible should the Rockstar logo be?
Amazon release day delivery came through for me. Just arrived in my hands moments ago.
Even better, the tracking page on the Amazon website still shows tomorrow as the estimated delivery date.
Okay, I've never ever played a GTA before. Like, ever. I'm really interested in this one, though, because it looks really good. I just had a few questions though, if you guys don't mind.
Do you need to play/know anything about the previous games in order to understand what's going on in this one?
Which version runs better for the most part, 360 or PS3? I have Gamefly so I could get the 360 version, but a Redbox by my house has the PS3 version in stock.
Its a wash ps3 in gameplay but 360 in cinematics iirc
What can I expect from the overall game? It's been getting 10/10s and 5/5s all over the place, so it's apparently very good, but I'd like to hear some other opinions.
its an adult playground. Best way to sum it up tbh
Thanks, guys.
Wanted level at 3 stars. In a police chase. I use Franklin ability to make a sharp turn in some alley, I park my car in an empty garage and turn off the lights. 3 police cars pass right in front of the garage, not one saw me. My brain went booooooooom! Dat game.
Okay, I've never ever played a GTA before. Like, ever.
Okay, I've never ever played a GTA before.
I don't think I've ever hated a character as much as Lamar.
I don't think I've ever hated a character as much as Lamar.
This is amazing. I'm quite jealous. Hope GTAV is your first, as it feels like a good jumping-in point.
This is so great.
One of the first things I did was drive out of the city towards Blaine County (as Franklin). I saw a gas station off the freeway and decided to pull in to see if there was anything interesting there. There were at least 3 choppers parked outside, and I could see a small group gathered under the veranda outside, arguing. As it turned out, it was a group of three male bikers and a blonde girl, who they were arguing over. As soon as I got over there, the blonde turns around and says, "Excuse me, did you just look at me?". I had read on GAF that pressing the right directional button responds to NPCs, so I tried it out here for the first time. "Lame-ass bitch", snarls Franklin. Before I could react, all four of them (including the girl) whipped out pistols, and killed me on the spot.
What a game.
They've removed the cinematic camera mode from taxi ridesYet it still exists when you are driving when it is useless. It was one of my favourite things about GTA IV.
I promised myself I'd be a stone cold bad ass in this game (eg. never taking the 'good' option in random events), well last night I witnessed a woman having her handbag snatched in one of the posh areas. I picked up the handbag after taking out the perp and there was only $12 in it. I decided, what the hell, it's only $12, I'll return it to see what happens. The victim gave me a reward of $2,000! So I shot her and took the $12 too. $2,012 baby!
Worst game I've ever played. Too many features that take away from the core gameplay. Matt Fowler is a god and I want him inside me. Jack me off all day
Here's some direct screenshots I took
No spoilers, just some of the high end cars you can buy and the garage.
1. Where are the clothing stores? They're not marked on my map, do I need to progress the story a bit first?
2. Where are the tattoo parlours?
3. Is switching characters supposed to change characters' outfits? I got my Franklin and Michael set up the way I like but the game just changes their clothes automatically.
This is amazing. I'm quite jealous. Hope GTAV is your first, as it feels like a good jumping-in point.
As far as I know, yes, yes I am from this planet. I was just restricted from any game like GTA or Saints Row while growing up, thought I may as well give this one a shot.I didn't know this was possible. Are you from this planet?
1. Where are the clothing stores? They're not marked on my map, do I need to progress the story a bit first?
2. Where are the tattoo parlours?
3. Is switching characters supposed to change characters' outfits? I got my Franklin and Michael set up the way I like but the game just changes their clothes automatically.
Hey, there's that colored tire smoke Lazlow mentioned in an interview recently. So is that an actual thing, IRL?
Here's some direct screenshots I took
No spoilers, just some of the high end cars you can buy and the garage.
Thanks! I think I may just go for the PS3 version for now, and if it runs too shit on my Phat I'll just wait for the 360 copy.