OK I CAVED, just bought the damn game. I really liked san andreas so hopefully ill have fun.
How do you turn off your headlights?
And is there anyway to quick select weapons without using the weapon wheel??
Watched my roommate play the 360 version for a bit. This game looks like shit. Any word on if the PS3 version is any better?
How do you turn off your headlights??
Nope, only installed the Install disc.
This is what my GTA V file on 360 looks like, does this look right?
Meeting Trevor is the turning point from decent to awesome.
I have the 360 version but popped round my friends house this evening and he has the PS3 version it's OK but I think the 360 controller feels tighter for this game.
The driving being looser means the DS3 stick placement also doesn't feel as nice for me.
Completely agree. And it was all new to me as I've not played MP3 yet.Oh my god I didn't even mention how much I love the MP3 syle cutscene to gameplay transitions. Love it.
Has anybody been able to transcribe what is on the back of the blueprint that comes with the special edition of the game?
Its not the swearing, its terrible dialogue. Every other word is "fuck" or "n-word." It wears on you because it sounds so forced.
So this game is pretty damn godly. I was hyping this game to the moon and somehow it's still better than I expected. Here's a tip for people. Change to free aim straight away. The game uses the same gunplay as Max Payne 3 minus the bullet time. In other words it has the best tps gunplay around. You just won't be able to see that if you don't switch to free aim. It's really puzzling why Rockstar still insist on using the dated lock on system as the default when they've clearly nailed the shooting mechanics.
Nope, not at all. I also posted asking the same thing. I souped up my car, did my license plate, and also trained Chop yesterday on iFruit, and now nothing.Can anyone actually login into the ifruit/rockstar social club?
So, I am super happy with the game.
Runs amazing on 360 with almost no issues. The graphics are amazing, the views always blow me away and the skyboxes are incredible.
The draw distance is impressive as is the physics. I REALLY like the driving. I love the arcadey feel, it's a good change from serious driving like Forza 4.
The missions are great and the yacht one made me smile all the way through. The teamwork between characters and the impressive animations.
This was worth the wait.
Only issue is, I suck at flying, but the views from the air never cease to amaze.
I'll post some pros and cons so far
+ Beautiful world
+ Great graphics (I have low standards I guess because this game is the most visually impressive open world game I have seen)
+ Driving is good
+ Characters are great (I haven't unlocked Trevor)
+ Writing is better than GTA IV, not amazing but a big step up.
+ A lot of customization
- Some pop-in
- Gunplay is not as good as Max Payne 3
- The shooting during driving is terrible
- I don't like the GPS system or the mini map. I get distracted from trying to look at where to go and not on the road.
It seems to me that they have hardened the flight controls. Even Trevor with his high level of piloting has troubles maintaining stability sometimes.
Am I missing something on how to use the Blimp? I got it as part of the special edition, and in the map it says directional pad for the Blimp, but all it does is let me easily pick items on the map. Is that all it does?
Am I missing something on how to use the Blimp? I got it as part of the special edition, and in the map it says directional pad for the Blimp, but all it does is let me easily pick items on the map. Is that all it does?
:lol I boot up the game and hear "One! Two! Three! Four! Whoo, I got a pelvic flow like a sumo wrestler!!" and it's Franklins' Aunt in the other room exercising in front of the TV.
Essentially what it is. But turning off the auto-aim and increasing the sensitivity is basically essential I think. The default is too sluggish.
I am really shock in how good this game looks so colorful.I got to say the ps3 version looks great! The ground textures are nice and crisp too except maybe the sand at the beach. Cut scenes are definitely not 30fps though.
I'm in the mountains hunting lions with a smg.
how the fuck, i mean waaat? i'm blown away by this game.
One tip: don't just do story missions each of the characters has a ton of side stuff to do.
Also, did you know that when you press the left move thing ... don't know the english word now it's late ... but not the analog stick near pedestrians then you can interact with them.