Is anybody playing this on an og PS3 60gb? The framerate is terrible when driving and is giving me a headache. It's to the point where I'm questioning if my old ass system is causing it or if it's just how the game is...?
Man, thank god you can change the vehicle camera height and the aiming reticle, which really helps when having to drive and shoot. I could barely even see the dot until I changed it to 'complex' in settings.
He hosts Blaine County Talk Radio.I heard danny mcbride on a radio station but passed through it fast couldnt see which one it was. Anyone know?
my bad if posted
Is anybody playing this on an og PS3 60gb? The framerate is terrible when driving and is giving me a headache. Random hitches. It's to the point where I'm questioning if my old ass system is causing it or if it's just how the game is...?
Omg, I was stalking some guy for a bit and he ended up pulling into a parking spot in an apartment complex and got out of his car and walked upstairs.
Holy shit at HQ
Let me guess. you haven't seen Trevor yet? because this guy steals everyones little show.
Time for a stupid question - I'm real early in the game where you have to follow Lamar in separate cars (red and white) to some place and i'm trying to figure out how to save in this game?
There is no rain in the game? I ve player 5 hours in Los Santos dowtown and nothing...
There is no rain in the game? I ve player 5 hours in Los Santos dowtown and nothing...
There is no rain in the game? I ve player 5 hours in Los Santos dowtown and nothing...
I understand that's why you have the posting to a server option, hell the whole point of taking pictures in something like this to me would be either to share with other people or to preserve memories, and the former is self explanatory. I just wish I could have a local cache that'll upload when it can reconnect, rather than being completely unable to take a picture until the servers are up. In THAT regard I don't see why they need to require Social Club to be up, even if you couldn't just copy off of the PS3/360 manually.Social. And all images get posted on their main snapmatic page. I posted a ctotch picture too fml
The game does seem to control smoother, and in the case of PS3 GTAIV versus PS3 GTAV, well, the PS3 GTAIV was a kind of crappy version. Not DIRE bad, but more the one you'd get if you lacked a 360 or sufficiently powerful PC, or really wanted free console online play anyway.Is it me, or is the framerate better in this than it was in 4? Maybe I'm misremembering, but it seems like this runs a lot smoother than I remember GTA4. I'm playing on PS3 btw.
1st page. It's so close now. I'm ready to let it consume my life.
PS: Great OT btw.
Wooot amazing ot
my bad if posted
Welcome to LA.
There is. I got some after a few hours.There is no rain in the game? I ve player 5 hours in Los Santos dowtown and nothing...
Holy shit at HQ
Just spent 30 of my first 45 minutes watching TV. So good. Hahahahaha!
Stranger missions and random events are a great. Makes the world feel so much more active than past games.
i wish the gun sounds were boomier
Just spent 30 of my first 45 minutes watching TV. So good. Hahahahaha!