Anyone down for some free roam GTA IV fun tonight around 9ish pm EST? Add me on 360 - cubsiah
Watch out for modders, yall.
Anyone down for some free roam GTA IV fun tonight around 9ish pm EST? Add me on 360 - cubsiah
I've been to one midnight release, the borderlands 2 midnight release at gamestop, I happened to be up and figured why not? It's the one time in my entire life I've been embarrassed to be a gamer. My wife and I went and I've never smelled such a terrible place in my entire life or seen so many ungroomed people. I doubt walmart is worse.
game stores across the country having midnight launches
Man I tried playing The Lost and the Damned after The Ballad of Gay Tony and I could not get into it, let me know how you like it
time stands still
no leaks?
Same for me, except it was for Super Smash Bros. Brawl. The entire Gamestop stank. My true video game disillusionment moment.
During the pre-release "tournament," one person had to fight a computer-controlled opponent. Someone asked "What level is the CPU?" Someone answered "It's over 9000!"
No one even laughed; some just clapped. It was completely awful.
time stands still
no leaks?
I'm about to boot up LaD right now. Can't wait.
I know this, the tesco is like a 5 minute drive away though!![]()
If R* and Take Two are viewing this thread, they have to be laughing their asses off...
time stands still
no leaks?
worth a try right, just drive down and if not head over to game, should be open for half hour at least
I haven't played The Last of US but boy oh boy do I think Uncharted 2 was overrated and nowhere near a 10. It was enjoyable, had great production values, good pacing and ok gameplay. But it was very much a hit it and quit it game and one that I've neither had the desire to ever play again nor are my memories of it all that great. Much like the recent Tomb Raider reboot.IMO, I've only played a two true 10/10 games in my short gaming career
Uncharted 2
The Last of Us
For me, a game is a ten when the experience is more than just the sum of its parts. Uncharted 2 was my first PS3 game and it defined my standards for what an action adventure game should be. The Last of Us was the first game to ever get me emotionally invested in the story and characters.
Those are games that resonated with me and the experiences held weight beyond just the visuals or gameplay. When a game does that, it's earned a 10/10. A perfect score shouldn't be reliant on just technical prowness or length.
Next weekend, I'll tell you if GTA V achieves that
More like stressing over every little thing possible from launch to online lanch. They probably won't even read this thread until a few weeks after release. They got bigger shit to handle.
Man I tried playing The Lost and the Damned after The Ballad of Gay Tony and I could not get into it, let me know how you like it
I haven't played The Last of US but boy oh boy do I think Uncharted 2 was overrated and nowhere near a 10. It was enjoyable, had great production values, good pacing and ok gameplay. But it was very much a hit it and quit it game and one that I've neither had the desire to ever play again nor are my memories of it all that great. Much like the recent Tomb Raider reboot.
Haha, same thing here. Been to a local midnight release for the last 3 WoW expansions (Burning Crusade, Wrath of the Lich King, and Mists of Pandaria). All three were great. Went with my cousin, little brother and a few friends. They were official Blizzard launches here in San Francisco too. So lots of swag to go around and Blizzard devs on hand to sign copies and whatnot.The best midnight launch oddly enough was for World of Warcraft: Burning Crusade. Everyone there was extremely friendly but i have just had so many shitty experiences.
Damn makes me think some of the main characters are going to die or something.
End of story spoilers:Why are you reading this? Have some self control
End of story spoilers:Why are you reading this? Have some self control
End of story spoilers:Why are you reading this? Have some self control
Holy shit! Well I for one didn't expect that, has put me off the story now knowing that will happen.End of story spoilers:Why are you reading this? Have some self control
Anyone that has finished Max Payne 3, I got to the first, but wasnt digging the game at all.flashback mission where Max is in his Trenchcoat in the bar
Should I bother to revisit, does it get any better?
Got to have my shooting skills prime and ready for Tuesday.
I would play GTAIV but im trying to lose my muscle memory of the car handling. lol
I would play GTAIV but im trying to lose my muscle memory of the car handling. lol
I am genuinely surprised this hasn't leaked yet. Bravo Rockstar.
Honestly i just want to see some PS3 footage.Hell no. I want my 1 week early gameplay.
It's Max Payne. You shoot enemies in between unskippable cutscenes for 10 hours. If you don't like it at minute 1, you won't like it at hour 10.
I had a dream about playing GTA V last night. This is getting bad.
Anyone that has finished Max Payne 3, I got to the first, but wasnt digging the game at all.flashback mission where Max is in his Trenchcoat in the bar
Should I bother to revisit, does it get any better?
Got to have my shooting skills prime and ready for Tuesday.
Almost all activities from the campaign are available in GTA online: "heists, missions, robberies, assaulting gang hideouts, hijacking armored vehicles, races" as well as "tennis, golf and base jumping"
According to Rockstar North president Leslie Benzies threre's over 500 missions. Some can be completed solo, but others are complicated and require a team.
GTA Online takes place after the main story, familiar faces will make appearances
Rockstar uses a "dynamic" system to populate GTA Online, starting with your friends and crew members, then similarly skilled players in the same part of the world.
The game analyses your playing style as you play and surfaces missions that appeal more to your style.
Now, I didn't read them...but how exactly are those end game spoilers known to be true?