No i know that gow is not perfect, but there is a clear difference in gameplay between kronos and a berserker, if you can't notice it, then good for you.Okay I’m noticing a pattern. You have this presupposition that GOWR contains the apotheosis of gameplay mechanics and combat even against normal grunts and this is not true.
I can press light attack over and over, dodge when they go red, block break for the few enemies that require it when they go blue. And just spam runic attacks to win literally every single fight. The game can easily be mash mash mash, spam runic attacks to the end credits. Exactly like FF16 actually. So not exactly a hierarchy of gameplay mechanics.
The rest of what you’re saying seems to a repetitive assertion of “hey here’s this awesome jaw dropping boss fight everyone and their mother loved when it came out and was really exciting to play through in real time” then, “yeeeeeeah well I say the mechanics were shitty QTE simplistic garbage. Bad mechanics. Mechanics weren’t good. So uhh yeah that’s just neutralized now” then praising the GOWR mechanics for some reason.
Even though the big lizard, Thor, Odin, the Valkyries, and I think even hemindall and fenrir but I can’t recall completely all used literal QTEs
And it is like that in most games that have both humanoids boss and large creatures, nobody is gonna pic the gaping dragon (or any dragon fight) over artorias or ghael unless you like pussies with fangs
Honestly, the only game that does big creature fighting right is monster hunter imo.
Let's just cut it here since we are making spoilers and the topic is about graphic not gameplay.
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