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Graphical Fidelity I Expect This Gen

Well when you have posters in this very thread making excuses for lazy devs who dont even bother to upgrade character models, let alone embrace next gen engines, you will continue to have complacent devs making mediocre trash. I find it hilarious that 80 people from Epic were able to get the entire matrix demo up and running in 8 months on an engine that is apparently unusable to big studios like Respawn and SE while B studios are able to make games like Remnant 2, Immortals and Lords of the Fallen just fine.

The problem is that the entire industry is rotten. From suits like Jimbo and Phil Spencer to lazy devs like Square Enix and Insomniac to complacent critics all the way down to gamers themselves. With Fortnite and cod f2p making $2 billion a year, why would anyone spend 6 years $200 million on a game that will limp to $500 million lifetime? Gamers have spoken. They want that f2p trash. They want remakes that look like PS4 games. They want safe as fuck sequels that dont push the envelope.

There is a great line in Batman Begins where Batman is told that gotham is so corrupt because everyone from top to bottom was corrupt and able to be bought. from politicians to cops and garbagemen. That is what this industry is like now. Everyone is responsible for the current state of the industry.
This is super accurate.


Flashless at the Golden Globes
UE5 was not "done" in March nor May 2020.
I never said UE5 was done, I said the demo was done.
Mid development? FF7 shipped in April 2020. PS5's UE5 demo was set to be revealed at GDC in March before covid pushed it back to May, but it was done.

I am absolutely certain UE5 tests were done to estimate the benefits, tradeoffs, and production timeline extension of migrating to UE5 (and maybe even at various stages of UE5's release states) for both Star Wars (Stig alluded to that) and the FF7 port-over. These types of things are rarely if ever "minimum effort", and although UE5 builds on the foundation of UE4, it is not some Super UE4 with 100% Backwards Compatibility.
How can you know what tests were done? You seem to be making a lot of assumptions for devs who didnt even bother changing the character models. They just wanted to do a quick and dirty remake from the sounds of things.

All we know is that they started development a year developing the PC version and intergrade. So the development started after June 10th, 2021.
Kitase: “As I mentioned in my developer message, the development speed is truly astonishing for a title of this scale. After “FFVII REMAKE” was created, we spent about a year developing the PC version and “FFVII REMAKE INTERGRADE,” and then started work on “FFVII REBIRTH,” so the actual development period was less than three years.

So they wasted a year on a PC version and DLC. There is just no way their engineering teams couldnt come to grips with UE5 in a year. It's obvious they didnt even bother.

And I watched the Stig interview with IGN and he said that they didnt do it because UE5 was in development at the time and they didnt want to work on an engine that wasnt fully done. Again, bizarre because he worked on GOW3 while they were updating their engine to work on the much more complicated PS3 architecture. And even more bizarre is that the lords of the fallen, remnant 2 and immortals devs had the same exact challenges and managed to get around whatever complications that arose from UE5 being in beta while they started development.

People have been doing this since the beginning of console development. This is NOT new. MGS2 wasnt made on a finished engine. Gears of War was made when UE3 wasnt released. Uncharted was made while ND was working on brand new engine from scratch.

What you are seeing are excuses. Dont defend laziness.
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Flashless at the Golden Globes
Love the game but play it now and see the difference in image quality.
Obviously everyone knows the IQ is better in Forza because its obviously a native 4k game. Something Sony has robbed DriveClub of every achieving.

But in terms of tech, there is no doubt that the weather in even next gen Forza 8 and GT7's PS5 version doesnt even come close to that. DC also has some of the best foliage ive seen. On close inspection it might look like shit. As that infamous now permabanned user 1010101 used to point out in every thread, but in motion, good god that game's track side detail looked way better than GT7.

Thanks to gamepass, I have played every Forza Horizon game since FM3 at native 4k and i gotta tell you, it does nothing for me because they lighting and the sense of speed is not there. When im flying through DC's tracks, the look incredible. I never get that feeling with Forza Horizon tracks.

I might start doing some comparisons because I concede that my mind might be playing tricks and its mostly just nostalgia. I do remember the bad IQ on my 4ktv so i understand some of the criticisms but i also went back and tried it on my 1080p tv and it looked gorgeous again.


Flashless at the Golden Globes
I looked up my favorite DriveClub gif to post here and a couple of GT and Forza gifs popped up looking just as good. So I went searching for other games under the same lighting conditions to see how Driveclub holds up to the latest racing games 8 years later, and i gotta say it is holding its own... at least under these driving conditions. I know it doesnt always look this good or clean.


GT Sports

Forza Horizon 4

Forza 8


GAFs #1 source for car graphic comparisons
I looked up my favorite DriveClub gif to post here and a couple of GT and Forza gifs popped up looking just as good. So I went searching for other games under the same lighting conditions to see how Driveclub holds up to the latest racing games 8 years later, and i gotta say it is holding its own... at least under these driving conditions. I know it doesnt always look this good or clean.


GT Sports

Forza Horizon 4

Forza 8

You guys really need to stop with those shitty driveclub gif comparisons every year. The game looked good when it launched but it gets absolutely destroyed in almost every way technically (outside the rain particle on the windshield).













Flashless at the Golden Globes

You guys really need to stop with those shitty driveclub gif comparisons every year. The game looked good when it launched but it gets absolutely destroyed in almost every way technically (outside the rain particle on the windshield).











The game was not designed to be a slow walking simulator. They put all their effects into making the game look as best as possible when moving. thats why it still has the best sense of speed compared to other 60 fps games.

Here are those same areas in motion. Look way better than those screenshots because thats how the game is meant to be played.





It's not my fault that other devs waste their rendering budget on detail and shit you wont notice while driving 150 mph. Just like how I dont really care if a game targets native 4k then fails to deliver a next gen leap. I expect devs to make smart decisions to prioritize visual features and Evolution did just that. Game looks phenomenal in motion and thats what matters most.

Besides, I havent even posted any rain gifs. And i literally conceded that it doesnt always look as good as that dusk time gif. Went out of my way to find similar time of day gifs from other games to make sure the comparison was fair.


GAFs #1 source for car graphic comparisons
The game was not designed to be a slow walking simulator. They put all their effects into making the game look as best as possible when moving. thats why it still has the best sense of speed compared to other 60 fps games.

Here are those same areas in motion. Look way better than those screenshots because thats how the game is meant to be played.





It's not my fault that other devs waste their rendering budget on detail and shit you wont notice while driving 150 mph. Just like how I dont really care if a game targets native 4k then fails to deliver a next gen leap. I expect devs to make smart decisions to prioritize visual features and Evolution did just that. Game looks phenomenal in motion and thats what matters most.

Besides, I havent even posted any rain gifs. And i literally conceded that it doesnt always look as good as that dusk time gif. Went out of my way to find similar time of day gifs from other games to make sure the comparison was fair.
So you are ok with devs making games with last gen assets and trash IQ as long as they look good in gifs right?

I mean we don't even need to have Driveclub graphics since PGR4 on Xbox 360 that launched in 2007 also looks comparable in gifs




Also who need to have that UE5 matrix demo quality when you can have PS4 Spiderman game that looks even better in gifs.



Flashless at the Golden Globes
So you are ok with devs making games with last gen assets and trash IQ as long as they look good in gifs right?

I mean we don't even need to have Driveclub graphics since PGR4 on Xbox 360 that launched in 2007 also looks comparable in gifs




Also who need to have that UE5 matrix demo quality when you can have PS4 Spiderman game that looks even better in gifs.

But it doesnt just look good in gifs. I said it looks good in motion. There is nothing last gen about DriveClub's foliage, draw distance, lighting systems, and car models. they are a massive generational improvement over every single racing game that came out in the PS360 era.

And if Drive Club 2 came out on PS5 looking exactly like DC1 like Spiderman 2 does then of course I will have an issue with it.


GAFs #1 source for car graphic comparisons
But it doesnt just look good in gifs. I said it looks good in motion. There is nothing last gen about DriveClub's foliage, draw distance, lighting systems, and car models. they are a massive generational improvement over every single racing game that came out in the PS360 era.

And if Drive Club 2 came out on PS5 looking exactly like DC1 like Spiderman 2 does then of course I will have an issue with it.

The way you are downplaying the advancements we made over DC when we where going from this to this. And this is from a cross gen game that you where not that impressed with, so not even an full current gen game (and open world with much more destruction and more advanced physics).







Eventually visuals will hit a peak. When photorealism is available in realtime and pre-rendered formats, visuals will look identical in realtime and pre-rendered formats, but we have along way to go at least another 10 to 20 years IMO…glimpses of perfection are seen in certain mediums today…
Nah, even modern movie CGI is struggling because CG Artists are overworked and underpaid. We have CGI scenes from 15-20 years ago that beat most modern movies.
2006 CGI

2005 CGI

The problem is obviously not the processing power, but the talent, time and budget. Artists simply don't get enough time to really polish their scenes these days because studio heads and directors are always behind schedule and can't settle on what they actually want until the last minute.
As for realtime and pre-rendered looking the same that will never happen, the machine can always do more when it's not limited to 33 ms to do everything. Not to mention that render farms at say Pixar are hundreds of times more poweful than game consoles and can render each frame for weeks.


Flashless at the Golden Globes

The way you are downplaying the advancements we made over DC when we where going from this to this. And this is from a cross gen game that you where not that impressed with, so not even an full current gen game (and open world with much more destruction and more advanced physics).





I suggest you read my posts again. I am not downplaying anything. Hell, I even posted flattering gifs of forza and gt after seeing them in my driveclub searches and gave due credit.

If anything, I have repeatedly conceded that it does not always look good. I have been rather mindful of its criticisms and drawbacks.
I know it doesnt always look this good or clean.
Obviously everyone knows the IQ is better in Forza because its obviously a native 4k game.
On close inspection it might look like shit.
i gotta say it is holding its own... at least under these driving conditions
I do remember the bad IQ on my 4ktv so i understand some of the criticisms
a couple of GT and Forza gifs popped up looking just as good.

Honestly, I couldnt be more reasonable.

The only downplaying done is by you who is constantly posting screenshots that we all know dont tell the whole story because we have all played the game and know exactly how good it looks in motion.


Can’t Git Gud

The way you are downplaying the advancements we made over DC when we where going from this to this. And this is from a cross gen game that you where not that impressed with, so not even an full current gen game (and open world with much more destruction and more advanced physics).





I have some driveclub gameplay IN MOTION shots.
Aside from bad AA and resolution, it looks great. Photomode obviosuly fixes both issues
Every new game destroys it in image quality and resolution. Of course.
but it still wins in smaller format viewing and motion. That has to say something.
I got some vids but sadly YT destroys the bitrate






Under the hood Driveclub has some tech that is more advanced than the current crop of racers. It's volumetric cloud system is more impressive than GT7/Forza 8, car materials and shaders are only beaten by GT, Forza is not even remotely close in this area, liberal use of SSR on all surfaces that GT/Forza don't have, obviously the rain system and windshield effects that other games are not even beginning to approach in quality.


So you are ok with devs making games with last gen assets and trash IQ as long as they look good in gifs right?

I mean we don't even need to have Driveclub graphics since PGR4 on Xbox 360 that launched in 2007 also looks comparable in gifs




Also who need to have that UE5 matrix demo quality when you can have PS4 Spiderman game that looks even better in gifs.

Honestly gifs are more representative of how a game looks like while playing than static screenshots. Photomode can make even crappy looking games look great.


Good god all the artifacts in motion in that are horrible, the tiger fight it's so bad you would still notice them after a bottle of scotch.
I am with you that tiger fight looks bad but I think geometry looks very good and some areas in the demo looks good


Under the hood Driveclub has some tech that is more advanced than the current crop of racers. It's volumetric cloud system is more impressive than GT7/Forza 8, car materials and shaders are only beaten by GT, Forza is not even remotely close in this area, liberal use of SSR on all surfaces that GT/Forza don't have, obviously the rain system and windshield effects that other games are not even beginning to approach in quality.
30 frames per second?


GAFs #1 source for car graphic comparisons
Honestly gifs are more representative of how a game looks like while playing than static screenshots. Photomode can make even crappy looking games look great.
How man, gifs are literally small super compressed heavily motion blurred animated images vs high quality direct feed png that shows everything properly. And i didn't use photomode it was all direct gameplay footage. We are comparing graphics like , how you gonna compare textures, reflections, shadows, iq, environments, detail and shaders if everything in that small window is filled with blur and compression.
I suggest you read my posts again. I am not downplaying anything. Hell, I even posted flattering gifs of forza and gt after seeing them in my driveclub searches and gave due credit.

If anything, I have repeatedly conceded that it does not always look good. I have been rather mindful of its criticisms and drawbacks.

Honestly, I couldnt be more reasonable.
You're right, sorry for the misunderstanding.

The only downplaying done is by you who is constantly posting screenshots that we all know dont tell the whole story because we have all played the game and know exactly how good it looks in motion.

But with this i don't agree, small compressed gifs with heavy motion blur is not a better way to showcase graphics and compare the improvements. If we are comparing graphics, ofcourse gifs are usefull to showcase dynamic lighting and effects. But comparing and showcasing the full graphical features like textures, reflections, shadows, iq, environments, detail and shaders you need to have a full quality image. Gifs can hide all those flaws which will make it look like its close while its not even remotely close. Also while playing DC in motion the games iq gets even worse and everything is smeared in blur which again you can't see that in those tiny gifs





I have some driveclub gameplay IN MOTION shots.
Aside from bad AA and resolution, it looks great. Photomode obviosuly fixes both issues
Every new game destroys it in image quality and resolution. Of course.
but it still wins in smaller format viewing and motion. That has to say something.
I got some vids but sadly YT destroys the bitrate





Im not saying that its a bad looking game, but newer games absolutely destroy it graphically. Newer games look better and its not because they run at higher resolution. Its because textures, shaders, shadows, reflections, draw distance, environmental detail, foliage, lighting, effects, particles and the iq on top. Ofcourse it they patched it it would look closer to the newer games because of improved iq, reflections, shadows and draw distance but it would still be lacking in many other areas. But i praised this game alot back in the day and played it over 100h so im 100% not syaing that it looks bad. It has its moments even in gameplay where it looks really good, fucking Sony should patched it already.




How man, gifs are literally small super compressed heavily motion blurred animated images vs high quality direct feed png that shows everything properly. And i didn't use photomode it was all direct gameplay footage. We are comparing graphics like , how you gonna compare textures, reflections, shadows, iq, environments, detail and shaders if everything in that small window is filled with blur and compression.
Screenshots don't how static noise and flickering a game might have in motion. Take the original performance mode of Horizon: Forbidden West for example. In screenshots the game looked great, but it motion the tall grass and trees were a flicking mess and really distracting.

Maybe one isn't better than the other, but I definitely don't agree that static screenshots represent how a game looks more than half of the time.
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GAFs #1 source for car graphic comparisons
Screenshots don't how static noise and flickering a game might have in motion. Take the original performance mode of Horizon: Forbidden West for example. In screenshots the game looked great, but it motion the tall grass and trees were a flicking mess and really distracting.
Gifs also don't show it and hides all of that, its literally worse in gifs.
Maybe one isn't better than the other, but I definitely don't agree that static screenshots represent how a game looks more than half of the time.
Screenshots are 99% better to showcase the graphics and tech than gifs. Sure iq in motion is different and video's and the game actually running is the best way to showcase that. But even that you can showcase it with screenshots like i did to a extend.


Flashless at the Golden Globes
Screenshots are 99% better to showcase the graphics and tech than gifs. Sure iq in motion is different and video's and the game actually running is the best way to showcase that. But even that you can showcase it with screenshots like i did to a extend.
99% better in all but one genre, the racing genre where you are literally always moving.

Just last month we were discussing the poor draw distance and pop-in in HFW which goes from looking stunning to what am i even watching when you go up in the sky and see LOD pop-in all around you. Racing games are that only 100x faster.


I need Drive CLUB 2.
DC was far ahead of its time. We need more of these ambitious titles.
Had they scraped the randomized nature of time of day and presented every track in its best light /setting more people would understand.

It was very dependent on the right time of day in the right part of the track, sometimes it looked really magical.

Played it once in a massive theater screen, pitch black night, headlights of the car being the only illumination, with heavy snowfall.

You could barley see the the road… ahh the immersion.


Flashless at the Golden Globes
I need Drive CLUB 2.
DC was far ahead of its time. We need more of these ambitious titles.
Had they scraped the randomized nature of time of day and presented every track in its best light /setting more people would understand.

It was very dependent on the right time of day in the right part of the track, sometimes it looked really magical.

Played it once in a massive theater screen, pitch black night, headlights of the car being the only illumination, with heavy snowfall.

You could barley see the the road… ahh the immersion.
Their night time races in the snow, rain and lighting were absolutely incredible. Driving 200 mph in pitch dark tracks. Just thrilling stuff.

Dirt 5 looked like shit most of the time, but during those night races with snow, you got to see that old Evolution magic. It's a shame they didnt bring that tech to Need For Speed Unbound after merging with EA and helping Criterion ship the game.

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I never said UE5 was done, I said the demo was done.

How can you know what tests were done? You seem to be making a lot of assumptions for devs who didnt even bother changing the character models. They just wanted to do a quick and dirty remake from the sounds of things.

All we know is that they started development a year developing the PC version and intergrade. So the development started after June 10th, 2021.

So they wasted a year on a PC version and DLC. There is just no way their engineering teams couldnt come to grips with UE5 in a year. It's obvious they didnt even bother.

And I watched the Stig interview with IGN and he said that they didnt do it because UE5 was in development at the time and they didnt want to work on an engine that wasnt fully done. Again, bizarre because he worked on GOW3 while they were updating their engine to work on the much more complicated PS3 architecture. And even more bizarre is that the lords of the fallen, remnant 2 and immortals devs had the same exact challenges and managed to get around whatever complications that arose from UE5 being in beta while they started development.

People have been doing this since the beginning of console development. This is NOT new. MGS2 wasnt made on a finished engine. Gears of War was made when UE3 wasnt released. Uncharted was made while ND was working on brand new engine from scratch.

What you are seeing are excuses. Dont defend laziness.

It's "laziness" (i use quotes because any time that word is used people get all defensive for the devs) and it's what all the big publishers are doing all gen long. They took a good look around and realized their games are going to sell in droves no matter what, so they're taking the easy approach towards development. MS, Sony, Activision, and everyone else whose been on the Cross Gen train. No wonder it's the AA studios who are taking a "risk" on UE5 before the complacent major pubs like Sony, Activision, MS etc
Their night time races in the snow, rain and lighting were absolutely incredible. Driving 200 mph in pitch dark tracks. Just thrilling stuff.

Dirt 5 looked like shit most of the time, but during those night races with snow, you got to see that old Evolution magic. It's a shame they didnt bring that tech to Need For Speed Unbound after merging with EA and helping Criterion ship the game.


The problem with Driveclub now (and those gifs which look amazing on our phones) is that the image quality is HORRIFIC on a 4k tv. Seriously, the graphical prowess of that game is destroyed in motion on my Oled. Unless you totally block out the blurry, smeared, and aliased image the game is fugly now and that's really sad because if it was 4k/60 ALL that bad iq disappears and yes, it would probably still be the best looking racer TODAY.

Another reason why I can't stand Sony and MS this gen. They should've patched ALL their PS4 excluaives. MS has Forza Horizon 3 languishing at 30 fps too.
Very impressive geometry and good fidelity but its all neutered by that terrible iq, we literally can't see the detail due to the artifacts and blur. Looks like its running at 720p-900p upscaled via frs2.

Sorry but im not seeing this terrible iq .. u want to talk bad iq lets talk bloodborne, driveclub, ryse son of rome
Obviously everyone knows the IQ is better in Forza because its obviously a native 4k game. Something Sony has robbed DriveClub of every achieving.

But in terms of tech, there is no doubt that the weather in even next gen Forza 8 and GT7's PS5 version doesnt even come close to that. DC also has some of the best foliage ive seen. On close inspection it might look like shit. As that infamous now permabanned user 1010101 used to point out in every thread, but in motion, good god that game's track side detail looked way better than GT7.

Thanks to gamepass, I have played every Forza Horizon game since FM3 at native 4k and i gotta tell you, it does nothing for me because they lighting and the sense of speed is not there. When im flying through DC's tracks, the look incredible. I never get that feeling with Forza Horizon tracks.

I might start doing some comparisons because I concede that my mind might be playing tricks and its mostly just nostalgia. I do remember the bad IQ on my 4ktv so i understand some of the criticisms but i also went back and tried it on my 1080p tv and it looked gorgeous again.

On a 1080p tv it still looks amazing yes


Sorry but im not seeing this terrible iq .. u want to talk bad iq lets talk bloodborne, driveclub, ryse son of rome
It literally looks like someone smeared vaseline/blur filter on the screen, none of the details on the high poly assets can really be appreciated because of this, the tiger fight is full of artefacts. Bloodborne was a special case where the chromatic aberration worked for the games artstyle and actually hid some of the low detail assets meanwhile this games only high point is nanite and the high quality textures which cant be appreciated due to the iq.

Ryse did not have terrible image quality what are you talking about, it was pretty great for its time especially as a launch title and with the weak hardware...drive club definitely its just bad and its terrible aa only works in motion.
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GAFs #1 source for car graphic comparisons
99% better in all but one genre, the racing genre where you are literally always moving.

Just last month we were discussing the poor draw distance and pop-in in HFW which goes from looking stunning to what am i even watching when you go up in the sky and see LOD pop-in all around you. Racing games are that only 100x faster.
Just because you are moving fast doesn't mean the overal graphics and fidelity can be lower. Sure draw distance and pop in are also part of the graphics but in this case Driveclub benefits even more (draw distance is shorter). And in racing games there are apex and turns where you are almost stopping so you see lots more details close up. in gifs even Forza Motorsport 5 (which is a Xbox One launch game that runs 1080p60 locked) looks photorealistic because you now why? the low res textures, 2d trees, low texture filtering and hard shadows are all masked in those gifs.


While it looks like this during direct feed gameplay

Now tell me, which one is better to judge the overall graphics.
It literally looks like someone smeared vaseline/blur filter on the screen, none of the details on the high poly assets can really be appreciated because of this, the tiger fight is full of artefacts. Bloodborne was a special case where the chromatic aberration worked for the games artstyle and actually hid some of the low detail assets meanwhile this games only high point is nanite and the high quality textures which cant be appreciated due to the iq.

Ryse did not have terrible image quality what are you talking about, it was pretty great for its time especially as a launch title and with the weak hardware...drive club definitely its just bad and its terrible aa only works in motion.

I was clearly referring to console with Driveclub, BB, Ryse comparisons for what is bad iq.

Thats probably explains our differences in perspective since you obvs played Ryse on PC. It looks terrible on console.

I'd be really happy playing WuKong with that iq on a ps5. Lately, iq of recent ps5 releases sucks! FF16 (worse motion blur than this and at 30 fps), Jedi Survivor, modern warfare 2, remnant 2- they all have worse iq. FSR in every case except ff16 i think. I hate FSR man. MW 2019 on Xb1x had pristine iq. Then MW2 comes out on Ps5 with fsr boosting it from 1080p amd it looks so bad. Artifacts, pixel crawl, aliased to hell. How does a dev manage to go from xb1x to Series X and allow that to happen? FSR2 i guess ..wonder if MW3 will suffer the same fate ...i bet it does!


Flashless at the Golden Globes
Just because you are moving fast doesn't mean the overal graphics and fidelity can be lower. Sure draw distance and pop in are also part of the graphics but in this case Driveclub benefits even more (draw distance is shorter). And in racing games there are apex and turns where you are almost stopping so you see lots more details close up. in gifs even Forza Motorsport 5 (which is a Xbox One launch game that runs 1080p60 locked) looks photorealistic because you now why? the low res textures, 2d trees, low texture filtering and hard shadows are all masked in those gifs.


While it looks like this during direct feed gameplay

Now tell me, which one is better to judge the overall graphics.
I wouldnt judge it on the last screen lol. I think the next gen racing thread has turned racing game discussion into a joke anyway with people posting fancy photo mode and replay shots that we all know look nothing like the game. If forza looks that good in motion then im good with it.

Anyway, as promised, i did go back and reinstall Driveclub to do some comparisons. Couldnt find my Gt Sports copy so no comparisons, but I did upload a video of that same track on sunset. Looked almost as good as that gif save for some poor aliasing. I dont have gamepass anymore so if you still have FH5 installed and dont mind capturing a sunset run, id love to see a comparison. The lighting here just looks godly and hides all the ugly detail you see present in other levels during midday lighting. Also. turned on the rain in some of the forest areas in Canada and scotland and omg, next gen. Way better reflections than anything ive seen in recent games.

That said, I tried several other tracks during day time with no clouds or rain, and yes, the trackside detail and mountains in the distance dont have the level of detail ive come to expect from modern day games, especially the forza horizon entries starting from 4 onwards. DC still feels like a launch window game in that respect so I see where you're coming from.

I did fall in love with the game all over again because there is just something incredible about the sense of speed and track design/layout in that game that forza horizon simply cant capture but thats a personal preference. In terms of tech, aside from lighting, weather and dynamic time of day system, the game has definitely been surpassed by GT and Forza. I do believe that had Sony not shut them down, DC would be in its 4th iteration and would look better than everything else as they wouldve sorted out their trackside level of detail and asset quality along with car models which are the two biggest things holding back DC compared to modern titles.

Y'all need to take the nostalgia shades off your face every once in a while to judge last gen visuals correctly. Infamous Second Son looks like a very good PS4 game. It does not compare to most cross gen games let alone look better than them lol.

I certainly wasn't saying that I thought Infamous Second Son looked current gen but my point was that first 3 years of PS4 exclusives (and some third party games like Arkham Knight, The Witcher 3 and AC Origins) was the golden era of videogame visuals imo because of the massive leap in IQ/framerate going from 600p/25fps on PS3 to 1080p/30fps while using much more realistic character models with SSR in cut scenes and using PBR for the first time in game which made clothing, bricks, streets and steel all look phenomenal compared to the PS3 gen. The particle systems and SSR also made a huge difference. As did tricks to keep framerate stable like dynamic resolution scaling.

I was always of the opinion that there would never be another leap like we saw going from PS1/N64 to PS2/Gamecube but I think PS3-PS4 betters it after thinking on it. All AAA current gen games have been so far is last gen games with some of the limitations taken off so they could add more geometry to the world, more foliage to forests, further draw distances and of course ray tracing to help with mainly shadows and on PC with GI and reflections.

As I've said before I think it will take PS6 for another big leap in visuals and even then developers are going to be hamstrung by the time thus money it takes to create these crazy high asset filled Worlds and more importantly interesting stuff to do in them. I expect the same density in Worlds but with RT doing all the heavy lifting by using it for GI, shadows and reflections. Hopefully that along with UE4 and AI content creation can speed up development aswell as giving the visual leap we'd expect by 2028.


DC has one major issue, time of day/weather condicion/track select has huge impact on look, which is used by trolls to make shitty comparisons.

Same track/same camera angle/ diffirent day time+ weather:



And another one, similiar weather/time conditions, but differents tracks. Looks like generation leap, while its still same game.


All screens captured ingame, zero photomode.
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Flashless at the Golden Globes
DC has one major issue, time of day/weather condicion/track select has huge impact on look, which is used by trolls to make shitty comparisons.

Same track/same camera angle/ diffirent day time+ weather:



And another one, similiar weather/time conditions, but differents tracks. Looks like generation leap, while its still same game.


All screens captured ingame, zero photomode.
Yeah, definitely something i noticed. Some tracks are great, others not so much. Also the lighting conditions being dynamic doesnt help. What might look great at 12:00 PM, might look like shit at 7PM and vice versa.


GAFs #1 source for car graphic comparisons
I wouldnt judge it on the last screen lol. I think the next gen racing thread has turned racing game discussion into a joke anyway with people posting fancy photo mode and replay shots that we all know look nothing like the game.
If you followed that thread you would know that i am the one that was constantly comparing gameplay to gameplay and as fair as possible.
If forza looks that good in motion then im good with it.
Yes those are from gameplay.

Anyway, as promised, i did go back and reinstall Driveclub to do some comparisons. Couldnt find my Gt Sports copy so no comparisons, but I did upload a video of that same track on sunset. Looked almost as good as that gif save for some poor aliasing. I dont have gamepass anymore so if you still have FH5 installed and dont mind capturing a sunset run, id love to see a comparison. The lighting here just looks godly and hides all the ugly detail you see present in other levels during midday lighting. Also. turned on the rain in some of the forest areas in Canada and scotland and omg, next gen. Way better reflections than anything ive seen in recent games.

That said, I tried several other tracks during day time with no clouds or rain, and yes, the trackside detail and mountains in the distance dont have the level of detail ive come to expect from modern day games, especially the forza horizon entries starting from 4 onwards. DC still feels like a launch window game in that respect so I see where you're coming from.
Yeah, definitely something i noticed. Some tracks are great, others not so much. Also the lighting conditions being dynamic doesnt help. What might look great at 12:00 PM, might look like shit at 7PM and vice versa.

This guy has a amazing montage of 1H gameplay loop in Forza Horizon 5 with 100+ different weather/tod conditions and different seasons. This was before the RT reflections and longer render distance update so its not even the best it can look right now. The game has soo many different conditions while constantly looking this good that no other game can match. And this is without HDR which makes it look even better and everything looks more natural.

I did fall in love with the game all over again because there is just something incredible about the sense of speed and track design/layout in that game that forza horizon simply cant capture but thats a personal preference. In terms of tech, aside from lighting, weather and dynamic time of day system, the game has definitely been surpassed by GT and Forza. I do believe that had Sony not shut them down, DC would be in its 4th iteration and would look better than everything else as they wouldve sorted out their trackside level of detail and asset quality along with car models which are the two biggest things holding back DC compared to modern titles.

I said it earlier in this thread also while we where talking about The Order. DC, The Order and Ryse would blow the competition if they had a second chance. What they achieved with early launch titles on those weak ass toasters is just incredible. And the crazy part was that most developers didn't know that the PS4 was gonna get 8gb ram. So they developed with that 4gb limit which is crazy if you think about it.
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Flashless at the Golden Globes
Looks like DF scored an interview with the Immortals dev team. deep dive into UE5 and the game.

It will be a written article but Alex goes into a bit here.

Game started off as a UE4 title and they were able to migrate it to UE5 while taking advantage of Lumen, Nanite and Niagara systems WHILE shipping the game at 60 fps. Shocking.


Game isnt using TSR, and they actually managed to make their own customizations to the engine's shader system and they were able to save a lot of rendering time which allows them to push for 60 fps.

Full article will be very interesting.


Flashless at the Golden Globes
Immortals PS5 gameplay screenshots from era. What say you, next gen gaf?

Lighting is good. Image Quality not so much. No idea why they forced 60 fps on consoles. Maybe shouldve stuck with a 40 fps mode for performance. Should be better on monster PCs, but this is supposedly running at 720p internally on consoles so probably 1080p on my 3080. Also might be using software lumens on consoles so yeesh.






GAFs #1 source for car graphic comparisons
Immortals PS5 gameplay screenshots from era. What say you, next gen gaf?

Lighting is good. Image Quality not so much. No idea why they forced 60 fps on consoles. Maybe shouldve stuck with a 40 fps mode for performance. Should be better on monster PCs, but this is supposedly running at 720p internally on consoles so probably 1080p on my 3080. Also might be using software lumens on consoles so yeesh.




Looks good for a 60fps console game (if its stable ofcourse), nothing mind blowing but still some really good. IQ is a little rough tho, can't wait to see the pc version maxed out with better iq and settings.
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