Feel Like I'm On 42
Just because you are moving fast doesn't mean the overal graphics and fidelity can be lower. Sure draw distance and pop in are also part of the graphics but in this case Driveclub benefits even more (draw distance is shorter). And in racing games there are apex and turns where you are almost stopping so you see lots more details close up. in gifs even Forza Motorsport 5 (which is a Xbox One launch game that runs 1080p60 locked) looks photorealistic because you now why? the low res textures, 2d trees, low texture filtering and hard shadows are all masked in those gifs.
While it looks like this during direct feed gameplay
Now tell me, which one is better to judge the overall graphics.
Both gifs and still images mask a games true visuals when viewed on our phones. The small image
Looks like DF scored an interview with the Immortals dev team. deep dive into UE5 and the game.
It will be a written article but Alex goes into a bit here.
Game started off as a UE4 title and they were able to migrate it to UE5 while taking advantage of Lumen, Nanite and Niagara systems WHILE shipping the game at 60 fps. Shocking.
Game isnt using TSR, and they actually managed to make their own customizations to the engine's shader system and they were able to save a lot of rendering time which allows them to push for 60 fps.
Full article will be very interesting.
Now that's a passionate and motivated developer. Reminds me of how devs used to be back in the ps3/360/ps4 days