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Graphical Fidelity I Expect This Gen

Just because you are moving fast doesn't mean the overal graphics and fidelity can be lower. Sure draw distance and pop in are also part of the graphics but in this case Driveclub benefits even more (draw distance is shorter). And in racing games there are apex and turns where you are almost stopping so you see lots more details close up. in gifs even Forza Motorsport 5 (which is a Xbox One launch game that runs 1080p60 locked) looks photorealistic because you now why? the low res textures, 2d trees, low texture filtering and hard shadows are all masked in those gifs.


While it looks like this during direct feed gameplay

Now tell me, which one is better to judge the overall graphics.

Both gifs and still images mask a games true visuals when viewed on our phones. The small image
Looks like DF scored an interview with the Immortals dev team. deep dive into UE5 and the game.

It will be a written article but Alex goes into a bit here.

Game started off as a UE4 title and they were able to migrate it to UE5 while taking advantage of Lumen, Nanite and Niagara systems WHILE shipping the game at 60 fps. Shocking.


Game isnt using TSR, and they actually managed to make their own customizations to the engine's shader system and they were able to save a lot of rendering time which allows them to push for 60 fps.

Full article will be very interesting.

Now that's a passionate and motivated developer. Reminds me of how devs used to be back in the ps3/360/ps4 days


Immortals PS5 gameplay screenshots from era. What say you, next gen gaf?

Lighting is good. Image Quality not so much. No idea why they forced 60 fps on consoles. Maybe shouldve stuck with a 40 fps mode for performance. Should be better on monster PCs, but this is supposedly running at 720p internally on consoles so probably 1080p on my 3080. Also might be using software lumens on consoles so yeesh.




Looks fairly decent but nothing about it screams next gen. Maybe PS4.5. I do like the third screenshot with the water though, it looks nice.
So I just learned that the MGS collection including MGS1, is only 720p/30 fps on Switch .. .30 fucking fps!

This is why I hate these publishers with a passion. Oh, and 720p/60 on ps5/xs/ and PC. Not even 4k!

Konami hasn't given us a way to play MGS1 on console for the last 20 years and when they finally do there's no good way to play them. At least PC will get mods to fix them. The Switch would've been a good option at 720/60 on the small screen but apparently 60 fps in a 25 year old game with a total of 100 polygons is asking too much!

When long time fans and beloved games are disrespected this much I fucking lose my mind.


Gold Member
How do we feel about:

crimson desert downgrade
alan wake 2 trailer
phantom liberty trailer
that magic fps in ue5 looking like shit and being super hard to run
other stuff presented at the gamescom?

I'm pretty underwhelmed tbh, even phantom liberty, look it can have overdrive rtx and all the shit you want, it still look like an "old" game to me, there is something in the assets and animations, no matter how many cherry picked screen we can post here, i think pics look way better than "in motion" for this game...

(but then again, i still have to try the overdrive thing live on my pc so this expansion is gonna be the perfect chance)

Alan wake 2 seems the best of the bunch during cinematics but during gameplay, i don't know...
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How do we feel about:

crimson desert downgrade
alan wake 2 trailer
phantom liberty trailer
that magic fps in ue5 looking like shit and being super hard to run
other stuff presented at the gamescom?

I'm pretty underwhelmed tbh, even phantom liberty, look it can have overdrive rtx and all the shit you want, it still look like an "old" game to me, there is something in the assets and animations, no matter how many cherry picked screen we can post here, i think pics look way better than "in motion" for this game...

(but then again, i still have to try the overdrive thing live on my pc so this expansion is gonna be the perfect chance)

Alan wake 2 seems the best of the bunch during cinematics but during gameplay, i don't know...
Yeah Crimson Desert was downgraded for sure but also suprisingly kept alot of the physics and far shadowcasting LODs.

Still looks cool as hell....assuming its not a Grindfest designed to milk players. If so Im out. I have zero tolerance for that shit.


Gold Member
Am I the only one who doesn't think Cyberpunk looks that impressive?
I would have alot of games higher up the ladder than that.
If you don't care about rtx the game lose like 50% of its graphic charm imo.

Aw2 is less bombastic but it looks better to me.

Hard to judge with yt compression.
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Is Alan Wake 2 going to be the 2nd fully ray/path traced AAA game?

"“The new Ray Reconstruction feature in DLSS 3.5 renders our fully ray-traced world more beautifully than ever before, bringing you deeper into the story of Alan Wake 2” - Tatu Aalto, Lead Graphics Programmer Remedy Entertainment"



Is Alan Wake 2 going to be the 2nd fully ray/path traced AAA game?

"“The new Ray Reconstruction feature in DLSS 3.5 renders our fully ray-traced world more beautifully than ever before, bringing you deeper into the story of Alan Wake 2” - Tatu Aalto, Lead Graphics Programmer Remedy Entertainment"

Wow that comparsion is a BIG difference. Maybe just a best case scenario but still...wow.
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The city looks great, at a distance. And with RTX, lighting can look very good.
But the game does have a ton of low res textures. And character models are very plastic and facial animations are somewhat limited.
Yeah, it's the characters that look very average, and the cars as well.
I like playing the game, but it's not a stunning game. I remember DF saying how they were disappointed that CDPR was moving to UE5 over Redengine, because Cyberpunk looked so amazing.
I think UE5 games look alot better than Cyberpunk.
If you don't care about rtx the game lose like 50% of its graphic charm imo.

Aw2 is less bombastic but it looks better to me.

Hard to judge with yt compression.
Maybe if you are on a 4090 with DLSS and full RT it might look really good. On the XSX, it just looks like another normal game.


Is Alan Wake 2 going to be the 2nd fully ray/path traced AAA game?

"“The new Ray Reconstruction feature in DLSS 3.5 renders our fully ray-traced world more beautifully than ever before, bringing you deeper into the story of Alan Wake 2” - Tatu Aalto, Lead Graphics Programmer Remedy Entertainment"

Fuck man... Im playing this on PS5 and definitely going to pick the RT mode for this
Maybe if you are on a 4090 with DLSS and full RT it might look really good. On the XSX, it just looks like another normal game.
well, duh.
You´re comparing toaster budget hardware running 99% bog standard last gen rendering tech to high(est) end hardware running lighting tech consoles will take another gen to get to.
Would be a damn shame if those two didn`t differ vastly in their visual splendor despite sharing all the same assets.

Fuck man... Im playing this on PS5 and definitely going to pick the RT mode for this
I´d wait with that decision. Ofc we know no details yet, but much of what has been teased considering the RT tech here doesn`t seem within console capabilities.
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Am I the only one who doesn't think Cyberpunk looks that impressive?
I would have alot of games higher up the ladder than that.
The geometry and models are last gen with current gen textures and next gen lighting + reflections (when RTX is used).

It's a nice looking game to be sure but I think there's many other current gen games that look much more impressive in motion.


Immortals PS5 gameplay screenshots from era. What say you, next gen gaf?

Lighting is good. Image Quality not so much. No idea why they forced 60 fps on consoles. Maybe shouldve stuck with a 40 fps mode for performance. Should be better on monster PCs, but this is supposedly running at 720p internally on consoles so probably 1080p on my 3080. Also might be using software lumens on consoles so yeesh.

I'm really concerned that gaming is going to look iike a blurry mess for the rest of this generation - at least on consoles.


The Alan Wake 2 nvidia trailer came out before, shows some of the dlss quality improvements. The most interesting for me personally is the temporal accumulation lag on the GI is improved, they mention AI powering it so maybe it's another benefit of ray reconstruction. DLSS image quality improved aswell. No RT on/off comparisons unfortunately.

edit: kicking myself i missed my chance at world premier gags ;)
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How do we feel about:

crimson desert downgrade
alan wake 2 trailer
phantom liberty trailer
that magic fps in ue5 looking like shit and being super hard to run
other stuff presented at the gamescom?

I'm pretty underwhelmed tbh, even phantom liberty, look it can have overdrive rtx and all the shit you want, it still look like an "old" game to me, there is something in the assets and animations, no matter how many cherry picked screen we can post here, i think pics look way better than "in motion" for this game...

(but then again, i still have to try the overdrive thing live on my pc so this expansion is gonna be the perfect chance)

Alan wake 2 seems the best of the bunch during cinematics but during gameplay, i don't know...
Im dissapointed but its what Ive come to expect this gen, if anything looks like its actually pushing some aspect of visuals into next gen territory you can be sure they will nerf that shit to basically souped up current gen levels. Honestly I am pretty impressed with phantom liberty atleast they and nvidia are trying to push the envelope in lighting while so far everyone else has become super comfortable being stagnant. I mean look at crimson desert the thing that basically wowed was the insane draw distance, mixed with impressive outdoor lighting, the latest trailer basically took out the light bounce for outdoor lighting and basically pulled back on lod to the point it looks like a souped up ac valhalla.

Mind you the game still looks good and fun. This gen might just be like this till the end guys....something went very wrong here and we might have to basically giveup on expecting much.
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Flashless at the Golden Globes
Very disappointed by immortals. I can understand it looking like a ps2 game on the series s but series x? Pure dogshit iq and textures. What’s the point of nanite if you can’t display any textures or geometry on par with ps3 games. Let alone ps4.

Why even target 60 fps here if the iq is so bad. Just bizarre design choices.

Checked out some 4090 footage and it looks fine there. Nothing special but not completely awful like it does on consoles.


Flashless at the Golden Globes
Alan Wake 2 looks cool.

It also looks like it's going to inherit Control's effects and physics, which were already pretty impressive.
Doesnt look much of an upgrade from Control or Quantum Break. Expected a bigger leap from Remedy.

This game looks much better than people are giving it credit:

The lighting and animations arent doing anything for me. But the vista shots are very impressive. You can literally see the whole city. I would like to see this game at night.

I think the problem with baghdad is that the architecture just isnt as impressive as greek or roman architecture. That said, big upgrade over viking era england for sure lol.


GAFs #1 source for car graphic comparisons
Am I the only one who doesn't think Cyberpunk looks that impressive?
I would have alot of games higher up the ladder than that.
The city looks great, at a distance. And with RTX, lighting can look very good.
But the game does have a ton of low res textures. And character models are very plastic and facial animations are somewhat limited.
Yeah, it's the characters that look very average, and the cars as well.
I like playing the game, but it's not a stunning game. I remember DF saying how they were disappointed that CDPR was moving to UE5 over Redengine, because Cyberpunk looked so amazing.
I think UE5 games look alot better than Cyberpunk.
The geometry and models are last gen with current gen textures and next gen lighting + reflections (when RTX is used).

It's a nice looking game to be sure but I think there's many other current gen games that look much more impressive in motion.
How do we feel about:

crimson desert downgrade
alan wake 2 trailer
phantom liberty trailer
that magic fps in ue5 looking like shit and being super hard to run
other stuff presented at the gamescom?

I'm pretty underwhelmed tbh, even phantom liberty, look it can have overdrive rtx and all the shit you want, it still look like an "old" game to me, there is something in the assets and animations, no matter how many cherry picked screen we can post here, i think pics look way better than "in motion" for this game...

(but then again, i still have to try the overdrive thing live on my pc so this expansion is gonna be the perfect chance)

Alan wake 2 seems the best of the bunch during cinematics but during gameplay, i don't know...

SlimySnake SlimySnake this is for you my man, gifs to show how it looks in motion because they think it only looks good in pics lol


Doesnt look much of an upgrade from Control or Quantum Break. Expected a bigger leap from Remedy.

The lighting and animations arent doing anything for me. But the vista shots are very impressive. You can literally see the whole city. I would like to see this game at night.

I think the problem with baghdad is that the architecture just isnt as impressive as greek or roman architecture. That said, big upgrade over viking era england for sure lol.

Agreed, facial and body animations still look like they need some touching up, too robotic. Hopefully by the time it launches they can brush up on the facial details which also seem to be lacking a little.


GAFs #1 source for car graphic comparisons
Your gifs show some nice vistas and lighting, which is what people are saying are the positive aspects.
But just look at how bad the original textures look in CP2077. Some are so low res, they could be in a PS3 game.

I can show those textures in almost every game, all the games that you guys praised here over CP2077 have those. Its a big open world game ofcourse you are gonna see some lower res texture here and there, just like you see them in other games. Also that guy is fixing some lower res textures so he shows the worst examples to fix them. And you guys act like most textures look shit while its the opposite. Just look at the overall texture quality from ground to building to object to charachters. Overall they are very high quality.









winjer winjer So every game now has PS3 textures right?








PS3 first party games were designed to stream off the disc, you got with fixed camera or very linear game design.

Besides the average PS3 game couldn't even run at 720p/30fps but at 640p/20fps


GAFs #1 source for car graphic comparisons
Which version of TLOU is that and what exactly am I looking at?
PS5 fidelity mode. Some people in this thread where saying that CP2077 had PS3 quality textures and how it was not impressive and that. I told them that in every game you could find some low quality textures. So i took some of the most graphical impressive games and showed them that there are low res textures in almost every game and especially open world games. Nothing against those games, they all look really good obv.


Gold Member
Turk as per usual is destroying people in this thread.
Everything look pristine in small gif form, the trailer in 4k on an oled tv doesn't look like that in the slightest, you know better than me that the game is not gonna look like those gifs live.

Horizon 1 looks flawless in the famous sunhilegend gifs, but does it look like that live?




The gifs he posted are even smaller and it's hard to notice animations or close ups.

I'm gonna wait to play the game on my pc before having a final judgement but the trailer didn't tickled my balls at all.
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*Refreshes biennially
Everything look pristine in small gif form, the trailer in 4k on an oled tv doesn't look like that in the slightest, you know better than me that the game is not gonna look like those gifs live.

And in those gif is hard to notice animations or close ups.

I'm gonna wait to play the game on my pc before having a final judgement but the trailer didn't tickled my balls at all.

Cyberpunk in overdrive is the most impressive game I've ever played. It looks so good, it feels weird to control your character, it's like your brain is not processing that you're in the game (I'm playing on 4090, 4k, OLED). The only problem with it is the RT noise but it seems like DLSS 3.5 will fix that. I'm pumped for that and the new update.

I think people who are complaining about the way Cyberpunk looks are hoping for a more photo-realistic look. And art style used in Cyberpunk is definitely not aiming to be realistic.

I didn't even see that Turk posted some GIFs. I was referring to how he bodied other user trying to say that Cyberpunk has bad textures. It has amazing textures that hold up even in first person. And yeah, he's right when he says that you can find meh textures in every game if you come too close.
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GAFs #1 source for car graphic comparisons
Everything look pristine in small gif form, the trailer in 4k on an oled tv doesn't look like that in the slightest, you know better than me that the game is not gonna look like those gifs live.
Bruh i used those gifs because i had a little back and forth with Slimmy about posting gifs last page :messenger_tears_of_joy:. I have posted Screenshots also but hey apparently its not a good way to showcase a games graphics lol. And the game will look like that because the base game already looks roughly like that (without the improved DLSS3.5 RT obv. which will be in the base game also). And those gifs are from the DLC trailer so you can watch it at 4K which looks even better than those gifs



Gold Member
Bruh i used those gifs because i had a little back and forth with Slimmy about posting gifs last page :messenger_tears_of_joy:. I have posted Screenshots also but hey apparently its not a good way to showcase a games graphics lol. And the game will look like that because the base game already looks roughly like that (without the improved DLSS3.5 RT obv. which will be in the base game also). And those gifs are from the DLC trailer so you can watch it at 4K which looks even better than those gifs

I'm not faulting you for the use of gifs, we all use gifs in here.

I'm just saying that gifs can be misleading, they hide any graphical flaw, low res assets and the smaller they are, the worse it is, they downright make games looks better.

I already watched the trailer in 4k.
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