Me to Spider-Man 2 during my second play through and free roam during sunset and sunrise
Alright I do think this is a generational leap over SM1 at least in fidelity mode that I play in exclusively. I don’t know why I was so harsh on this earlier. I was going through a 3 year relationship ending so maybe I was in a bad mood and had other things on my mind besides Spider-Man but goddamn, did they improve the graphics for this patch? I seriously don’t remember it being this impressive most of the time
It has the vaguely pre rendered soft smooth demon souls esque fidelity I want in next Gen games. In fact, it might be my second favorite to demon souls right now. I swear, set it to sunset and slingshot in east Manhattan with all the skyscrapers and it flirts with the matrix demo almost when you’re going that fast. Obviously matrix beats it if you stop and examine it up close but it passes the glance test