Why are you attempting to hand me back someone else's opinion and then address it as if its mine or that I share it? Once again you're just advertising how "unacquainted" you are with the concept of "opinions". You really, really need to work on that.... If you think picking Marvel's Avengers as a game "that go the extra mile to get really good shaders that stand out among all the other games with much less complexity" over any Naughty Dog title (let's say ICE Team titles) delivered in this generation isn't "more than a little silly", i really don't know what to tell you.
The simple fact this matter appears so outrageous to you already shows how unacquainted you truly are on this topic.
My technical expertise in real time rendering or PBR in general is largely irrelevant to any answers I'd give to questions around "which games implement [visual feature] the best". I'd just pick the ones that I like the end result of the most. If someone from Bethesda told me Fallout 4's visuals are actually impressive because it has the best technical implementation of PBR in the industry, I'd just shrug: game isn't all that appealing to me visually, so I don't care how impressive its implementation is or isn't, I only care about the end result. You'll find similar sentiment everywhere; opinions vary quite a bit, even within industries... almost as if industries are comprised of individuals and aren't hive minds of identical "objective" opinions.
Instead of telling people they're opinions are wrong, might I suggest just accepting that opinions are always going to vary, and learn to enjoy exploring differing view points.