Gravity Rush 2 |OT| Mewton's Law of Gravity


Same, I'm loving the new people.

It's really weird walking around the city and not seeing gems everywhere. How am I supposed to earn money?

oh boy, just wait....

And yeah, I liked the game since minute 1 so far. I'm so friggin early though, 7 hours and I still haven't meet Raven. Just finished
that poor town
, awesome music there.
Just hit Mission 11 and 12, and holy sheeeeeit! Spoilers:

WE WONDERFUL 101 NOW, SON! Diplomacy has failed, and now we're straight up fighting a goddamn city. And then going inside it to get the sick-ass Jupiter style, doing rad teamup attacks with our BFF Raven, and oh by the way how 'bout a little Hekseville?

So I'm now rocketing around my old haunts, getting the feel of the Jupiter moves and going after a whole new city full of pink gems, and I'm in love with this game. Jupiter basically turns Kat into a wrecking ball, with the tradeoff being that she can be pretty difficult to control. You have to be very precise when you begin Gravity Shifting, because it seems like you have almost no left analogue stick control while you're doing it. On the plus side, Kat will just plough through anything that happens to be in her way, and her damage output with big charged attacks goes through the roof. Gravity Sliding is super fast, too, and even though the game says you're less manoeuvrable it actually seems more usable because you don't accidentally slide up walls any more; Kat just bounces off them instead.

This game is feeling like an Uncharted 1 -> Uncharted 2 kind of sequel.
I think i've missed out on having the GR1 costumes cuz i bought the remaster off the HK store and got GR2 off the UK one. Oh well, i probably won't be changing from the white one anyway 👌

Just got to the city off the demo and i've enjoyed it so far, the online components are surprisingly fun. I've uploaded about 5 photos already and found a new gesture thanks to someones hint.
This tutorial is one of the most boring introductions to a game I've played in recent memory. I'm really hoping I dig the main game because right now I'm regretting buying this thing. My own fault I guess considering I never got into the Vita one past the first level or so but good god.

I get the feeling, the pacing is all over the place, but if you force you to keep going after the first hours the game gets better.

For me, Lunar Style is a game changer and later episodes have some really cool moments.


I think i've missed out on having the GR1 costumes cuz i bought the remaster off the HK store and got GR2 off the UK one. Oh well, i probably won't be changing from the white one anyway 👌

Just got to the city off the demo and i've enjoyed it so far, the online components are surprisingly fun. I've uploaded about 5 photos already and found a new gesture thanks to someones hint.

I wonder if the pic sharing is busted right now.

Have only seen 2 photos (blue ghosts) since I started playing. That's seems really low (also, have only been voted once :()

Treasure hunting works fine, getting a lot of those.


my jaw when I started the game, only been playing the GR1 Vita, I'm smiling because the game is so good, it's looking very good too

yup, just like someone said, it's like UC1 -> UC2


I was gonna wait for sale but I was looking through my collection and saw a couple Wii u games with good trade in value at GameStop that I doubt I will ever play again. think I'm gonna head over today and get this.


is responsible for the well-being of this island.

Just 3 hours in and I'm already in love with this game. My God is it gorgeous. Aesthetically I think this game is my favorite, period.


This tutorial is one of the most boring introductions to a game I've played in recent memory. I'm really hoping I dig the main game because right now I'm regretting buying this thing. My own fault I guess considering I never got into the Vita one past the first level or so but good god.

As a huge fan of the first game and I'm really not liking the game so far either. I don't need to spend 2-3 hours relearning mechanics I already know from the first game. I just got to the city and I'm really hoping the story picks up here.
I wonder if the pic sharing is busted right now.

Have only seen 2 photos (blue ghosts) since I started playing. That's seems really low (also, have only been voted once :()

Treasure hunting works fine, getting a lot of those.

Yeah maybe, i've not seen a single photo yet outside of the treasure hint i got. I did receive a challenge from somebody though.

Saying that they were both as soon as i arrived pretty much, haven't had anything since.
I mean, it is a tutorial. Just get through it and judge from that point forward....

Need to have a save from Remastered to get that and two other costumes.
And does the game automatically recognize your save or is there something you have to do to unlock the costumes? Like in the menu or something?

Draikin 2

Gravity Rush 2 is indeed a beautiful game, like in Hekseville in the first game, every area has a really distinct feel to it. There are moments like in the first image below that you can skip (during the mining sections, when you're heading back to port), but I usually just take the time to look around instead. The ship design as well as the floating buildings in the city look remarkable as well, it's a joy just flying around the city and watching all the detail that went into it.

I have to say I'm surprised about all the negative comments on the stealth missions. I've completed all the ones in the main story and several in the side stories, and never encountered any major difficulty (with that I mean I only needed a couple of retries per mission). It's true that the game doesn't always tell you what route to take, but even when it doesn't it usually gives you a hint at how to proceed.

I agree on the lack of photo reviews, treasure hints and challenges. I only received one photo review and one challenge so far (EU version). I'd expect a lot more, and looking at the amount of Dusty Points needed for some unlocks, we'll need a lot more as well.
I have to say I'm surprised about all the negative comments on the stealth missions. I've completed all the ones in the main story and several in the side stories, and never encountered any major difficulty (with that I mean I only needed a couple of retries per mission). It's true that the game doesn't always tell you what route to take, but even when it doesn't it usually gives you a hint at how to proceed.

The only one I've been really frustrated on so far is an early side mission where you're getting pictures of a deal going down at the docks for a reporter. I kept failing the second objective, which was to find a way down to the lower area, and I didn't know what I was doing wrong. Eventually I just took a breath, and I realised that the whole time the game had been telling me where to go by pointing the camera for me, and I'd just been too impatient to let it do its thing. The moment I noticed that I got through it easily.

I do think the game can be kind of vague with its tooltips at times, though. Occasionally it'll want you to do something pretty specific, but it won't give you a waypoint and the tooltip won't be especially helpful, so it can take a couple of tries to work out exactly what it means. Nothing really enraging, though; the game is always lighthearted and never especially challenging (outside of some of the actual challenge missions), so there's not much to get worked up over.


I think i've missed out on having the GR1 costumes cuz i bought the remaster off the HK store and got GR2 off the UK one. Oh well, i probably won't be changing from the white one anyway 👌

Just got to the city off the demo and i've enjoyed it so far, the online components are surprisingly fun. I've uploaded about 5 photos already and found a new gesture thanks to someones hint.
Odd, I got the hk gr remaster but I'm playing the US gr2. Are you using the same account?
Lhao City is the most awesome thing ever! It's huge!
I'm having a blast just going around collecting gems. They are adding up surprisingly quick.

Traversal never felt so good! Having full gravity gauge from the get go is awesome too.
Played for a few hours last night. Initial impressions: the tutorial is wayyy too long. That said, I'm glad it's out of the way now and I can get to the meat of the game.


my jaw when I started the game, only been playing the GR1 Vita, I'm smiling because the game is so good, it's looking very good too

yup, just like someone said, it's like UC1 -> UC2
Wow if it's that big I can't wait to pick it up later today!
Playing the original on Vita, I cannot believe the scale of this game ...

Something about it really feels like it's straight out of the 90s too. Going around gem collecting is probably part of this.

Can't wait to finish it and start GD2.


Does anyone know where I redeem my pre order bonus DLC? I pre ordered from Amazon and I don't seem to have a code anywhere...
Gravity Rush 2 is indeed a beautiful game, like in Hekseville in the first game, every area has a really distinct feel to it. There are moments like in the first image below that you can skip (during the mining sections, when you're heading back to port), but I usually just take the time to look around instead. The ship design as well as the floating buildings in the city look remarkable as well, it's a joy just flying around the city and watching all the detail that went into it.

The different architectures are wonderful to see. One moment you're in a Brazilian favela, then running up a brutalist concrete high rise and then some Versailles like palace garden.
It instantly makes you aware of your location and that location's position in society.
I could have sworn one review was saying one floating city is just like any other floating city. I think it was Jim's review.

Good to hear that doesn't seem to be the case.

Why was this game put out today and not Tuesday or next week on Tuesday?
So we can enjoy our time with the Gravity Queen on a weekend! Friday is much better than Tuesday for me given my schedule.


make sure the pudding isn't too soggy but that just ruins everything
Omg... all my Gravity Rush Remastered saves are corrupted. Wtf!?
Odd, I got the hk gr remaster but I'm playing the US gr2. Are you using the same account?

I haven't got 1 installed atm but I've got a save..on the hk account. Im gonna download it again when I get in from work and make sure I activate it on my primary account.


is responsible for the well-being of this island.
Remapped O with R2 using the accessibility settings, shooting feels so much better now that I can shoot without letting go of the right analog!
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