Gravity Rush 2 |OT| Mewton's Law of Gravity


Junior Member
Lisa's trousers.




So so upset at Amazon, they don't have enough stock in Canada apparently.

I am so tempted to just go digital but I want this case in my collection :(

So lied to me about the status of my order for 2 days, and somehow managed to not have enough on hand for preorders.

Now what am I going to do, I had good Prime discounts+promotional credit there and I don't want to pay full price if I don't have to...

Yeah I had a chat with CS about my preorder from November that went unfulfilled as well, making me question my Amazon Prime membership. Ended up cancelling it. As they could only offer me "priority shipping" once they find me a copy whenever that would be.

I'll try to buy it in store after work today but, if no copies are found I don't mind buying digital. Just amazingly bad on Amazon Canadas part.
Ch. 1: Glad it didn't take long to
reunite with Dusty!

I know the mining thing isn't something I look forward to replaying on future playthroughs, but at least it was short and simply set up the drama.


is responsible for the well-being of this island.
Y'all should remap O/R2 in the PS4 settings. Shooting objects is actually fun this way.
Yeah I had a chat with CS about my preorder from November that went unfulfilled as well, making me question my Amazon Prime membership. Ended up cancelling it. As they could only offer me "priority shipping" once they find me a copy whenever that would be.

I'll try to buy it in store after work today but, if no copies are found I don't mind buying digital. Just amazingly bad on Amazon Canadas part.

Get it elevated to a supervisor - they offered me quite a bit to stay once I mentioned my significant decrease of faith in Amazon Prime preorders due to the issue.

May not work for everyone, but it worked out for me at least. I just picked up my copy from Best Buy and only really "lost" less than $10 on the whole ordeal, and that's assuming I'm not able to return the extra copy later.


Yeah I had a chat with CS about my preorder from November that went unfulfilled as well, making me question my Amazon Prime membership. Ended up cancelling it. As they could only offer me "priority shipping" once they find me a copy whenever that would be.

I'll try to buy it in store after work today but, if no copies are found I don't mind buying digital. Just amazingly bad on Amazon Canadas part.

I've had my order in since June and I'm an Amazon Prime member. No idea if I'll even get it next week....ugh drives me crazy.


I played the first one on vita and it was okay. Combat was a bit empty and I couldn't get over how muddy it was at the time.

This however looks gorgeous, but has the combat gotten any more exciting? If it has I'll pick it up.
I played the first one on vita and it was okay. Combat was a bit empty and I couldn't get over how muddy it was at the time.

This however looks gorgeous, but has the combat gotten any more exciting? If it has I'll pick it up.
Give the demo a try. Keep in mind, it is an old build (from E3). Also, play the experienced course.


I played the first one on vita and it was okay. Combat was a bit empty and I couldn't get over how muddy it was at the time.

This however looks gorgeous, but has the combat gotten any more exciting? If it has I'll pick it up.

From the impressions on this thread, the two new combat modes make things a lot more fun, namely Lunar mode.


From the impressions on this thread, the two new combat modes make things a lot more fun, namely Lunar mode.

Nice avatar haha.
Interesting commonality between both people to respond to me. :p

Yeah. I'm leaning towards getting it, but I'll know for sure after the demo... probably. lol


Nice avatar haha.
Interesting commonality between both people to respond to me. :p

Yeah. I'm leaning towards getting it, but I'll know for sure after the demo... probably. lol

Haha thanks. Be warned, I may use it against you if you decide not to buy the game lol
The guy at GameStop didn't even know it was releasing today and he said the only copies they got were preordered ones :/

Sometimes I hear that when I walk into Gamestops other than the one I usually go to, and I can't help think they are full of shit and just trying to teach people a lesson about pre-ordering.
Did you guys who didn't get the game try buying it on the psn store? Sometimes if you get it the day of then they give you the pre order bonus.


Tears in the rain
Why does Kat smell bad all the time? lol

I'm really loving the running gag of everybody finding Kat smelly and ugly haha. Great throwback to the first game. In any case...

I need Dusty Tokens! I need tank top and short shorts Kat in my life. 3 a piece for a treasure hunt every 2 hours...It's just not possible. How the hell are people getting thousands?!


I promised I would stop but JB Hi-Fi just cut the price on Gravity Rush 2 by ten bucks (it's now $79). Nice as I can finally pick up a copy without reservations, but that just sucks for those who paid $5-10 more for it on launch.

Currently I've been playing the remaster. It's pretty cool and a little rough. Judging by the racing times the only gravity manoeuvre I'm not garbage at is sliding, though.
They called it the conclusion to Kat's story, right?

I dunno, I'd be fine with Gravity Rush being two really good games. It's okay for things to end.
Yeah, the end of Kat's story but not necessarily the end of Gravity Rush. Toyama said he would be interested in doing another one if the circumstances were right.


Got this in the morning and so far it's pretty great, in chapter 3. It controls much better and holy shit it looks amazing on the pro on a 1080 display. Just got the gravity slide and it's still my favorite thing.


Yeah, the end of Kat's story but not necessarily the end of Gravity Rush. Toyama said he would be interested in doing another one if the circumstances were right.

It seems unlikely, but if a director can continue his passion project, then by all means.

Also the fight against Fi is more than a little bullshit.


Impressions 2 hours in:

This Uhh. Yeah. Not too sure I'm digging the tutorial-laden introduction, especially when I chose hard mode. And everything looks so bleh. And you have to constantly mine ore and do fetch quests and what the fuck... this is not how you sell your game.

I know it's gonna get better but wow, what an abysmal start.

Also, why can't I upgrade my Gravity powers? Like, falling speed and whatnot??


I'm really loving the running gag of everybody finding Kat smelly and ugly haha. Great throwback to the first game. In any case...

I need Dusty Tokens! I need tank top and short shorts Kat in my life. 3 a piece for a treasure hunt every 2 hours...It's just not possible. How the hell are people getting thousands?!

Yeah I think it's really refreshing on this kind of game to have the female MC not considered pretty for everyone.


Got this in the morning and so far it's pretty great, in chapter 3. It controls much better and holy shit it looks amazing on the pro on a 1080 display. Just got the gravity slide and it's still my favorite thing.

Yeah it does look noticeably better on the pro on a 1080p screen. Which is a bit surprising considering it uses a method less effective than checkerboard rendering.


I'm really loving the running gag of everybody finding Kat smelly and ugly haha. Great throwback to the first game. In any case...

I need Dusty Tokens! I need tank top and short shorts Kat in my life. 3 a piece for a treasure hunt every 2 hours...It's just not possible. How the hell are people getting thousands?!

That's just weird considering how pretty she looks...


Impressions 2 hours in:

This Uhh. Yeah. Not too sure I'm digging the tutorial-laden introduction, especially when I chose hard mode. And everything looks so bleh. And you have to constantly mine ore and do fetch quests and what the fuck... this is not how you sell your game.

I know it's gonna get better but wow, what an abysmal start.

Also, why can't I upgrade my Gravity powers? Like, falling speed and whatnot??

I haven't reached the city yet, but so far the colour scheme is a lot more muted than Hekseville. The dimensions you travel to in sidequests are really vibrant and interesting looking, though.

EDIT: Okay yeah, once you get to Lhao the real GR train starts rolling.
As much as I like the presentation and graphics, I just can't seem to really get the controls. I only played the demo but it's a shame I couldn't get into it because of the controls.
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