If you loan me money so I can pay the minimum payment on my mortgage then you've given me a month of breathing room at the end of which I owe you AND the bank just as much. If your condition for this is also that I give away my car for peanuts then I'm even worse off than before because now I can't drive to my job to make money to pay you and the rest of my mortgage in another month. Then next month you go Oh HMM.. I'll lend you some more money so you can stumble on for another month but you've got to stop with these fancy veggies and just eat cheap ramen. Now I'm malnourished and have no car but hey aren't you great for 'helping' me.
That's nice Azih but Greece knew all of this, I'm sure they were aware of what the loan sharks(IMF) has been doing to 3rd world countries for decades. They've been pretty relaxed with the Greeks so far and some of their debt would probably be forgiving if they change their victim attitude and come up with proposals reasonable to all involved.